10 Most Unique Pumpkins - Unusual Types Of Pumpkins To Try (2024)

Autumn is pumpkin season. Whether you use this traditional fall crop for decoration or as a culinary delight, one thing is for sure. It's time to break out of the classic orange pumpkin mold and try something new. Here's our list of the 10 most unusual types of pumpkins to grow and use.

The 10 Most Interesting Pumpkin Varieties

1. Black Futsu – Like a color-changing chameleon, this rare Japanese variety is one of the most unique pumpkins you can grow. Starting out as a greenish-black wart covered fruit, 'Black Futsu' turns chestnut color when mature, but not before transitioning through a grayish-green, moldy-looking stage. Unparalleled for its spookiness, the flesh of this variety has a sweet, buttery flavor.

2. Cushaw Pumpkin – The green and white striped skin, coupled with a crook-necked shape, makes 'Cushaw' a variety of unique pumpkins to grow at home. Although not well-suited for carving, this old fashioned favorite has a mild, sweet, orange flesh. Use it for pies, soups, and smoothies.

3. Dill's Atlantic Giant – The biggest of the big pumpkin varieties, 'Dill's Atlantic Giant' is a heavyweight contender in any “Largest Pumpkin” contest. This variety does best with ample sunlight, fertile soil, and plenty of room to grow. Other giant contenders include 'Prize Winner' and 'Big Max.'

4. Jack-Be-Little – One of many miniature pumpkin varieties, 'Jack-Be-Little' resembles a tiny replica of the classic orange pumpkin. At only 2 inches (5 cm.) tall, these adorable minis make wonderful table displays. For contrast and color, mix with other miniature varieties such as the white 'Baby Boo' or the orange and white striped 'Tiger.'

5. Jarrahdale – One of the more unusual types of pumpkins, this deeply ribbed, orange-fleshed variety has a greenish to grayish blue skin. “Jarrahdale” contrasts nicely in decorative porch settings with classic orange varieties, but don't overlook this long-keeper's exception flavor when it comes to pie making. Alternate blue varieties include 'Blue Moon' and 'Blue Doll.'

6. Lakota – Sporting a pear-shape, Lakota is one of the most unique pumpkins to grow. Named for the American Indians who cultivated it, this brightly-colored reddish-orange pumpkin has dark green highlights along its ribs and bottom. Sweet and creamy enough to eat fresh, Lakota has a nutty flavor.

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7. Long Island Cheese – Looking like a wheel of pale yellow cheese, this heirloom variety from the 19th century is one of the more unusual types of pumpkins. Shaped like a flattened sphere with medium ribbing, “Long Island Cheese” has stringless flesh and a sweet, earthy flavor.

8. Lumina – The ghosty-white skin of these unusual Halloween pumpkins contrasts nicely with their bright orange interior. Use Lumina as a carving pumpkin, for painting and decorating or for eating. The fine-grain flesh has a mild, earthy flavor that's ideal for pumpkin soup. Additional white varieties include 'Casper' and 'Silver Moon'.

9. Porcelain Doll Pink Pumpkin – The peachy-pink colored skin isn't the only reason 'Porcelain Doll' is one of the most unique pumpkins on the market. A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of these pink pumpkins and seeds benefits breast cancer research and awareness. For the best color, allow “Porcelain Doll” to remain on the vine until fully ripe.

10. Warty Goblin – Named for the orange and green warts which arise in clusters from the bright orange skin, “Warty Goblin” is the quintessential holiday décor. Their sheer ugliness makes these unusual Halloween pumpkins ideal for carving spooky and spine-chilling Jack-o-lanterns. Adult supervision is recommended as the hard shell can be difficult to cut.

10 Most Unique Pumpkins - Unusual Types Of Pumpkins To Try (2024)


10 Most Unique Pumpkins - Unusual Types Of Pumpkins To Try? ›

Jarrahdale – One of the more unusual types of pumpkins, this deeply ribbed, orange-fleshed variety has a greenish to grayish blue skin. “Jarrahdale” contrasts nicely in decorative porch settings with classic orange varieties, but don't overlook this long-keeper's exception flavor when it comes to pie making.

What is the most unusual pumpkin? ›

Jarrahdale – One of the more unusual types of pumpkins, this deeply ribbed, orange-fleshed variety has a greenish to grayish blue skin. “Jarrahdale” contrasts nicely in decorative porch settings with classic orange varieties, but don't overlook this long-keeper's exception flavor when it comes to pie making.

What is the rarest color pumpkin? ›

If you want really a rare pumpkin, try growing a Blue Pumpkin. They are often referred to as Australian Blue Pumpkins, or Jaradale. More closely resembling a Turban squash than a true pumpkin, they are smaller and flatter than a Jack O'Lantern, with a bluish grey color.

What are the funny looking pumpkins called? ›

Turban Squash

These funny-looking pumpkins are a variety of winter squash that can grow up to 5 pounds. They're identifiable by their unusual shape—it almost looks like one squash bursting out of another one.

What are 3 types of pumpkins? ›

The four common types are Traditional Orange Pumpkins for carving and decorating, Pie Pumpkins for baking, Giant Pumpkins like the Atlantic Giant for competitions, and decorative varieties like the white Lumina or the small Baby Boo for ornamental use.

What is a ghost pumpkin? ›

Well, these grey pumpkins - spookily known as ghost pumpkins! - are a special variety of pumpkin which do not have the distinctive orange colour that we are used to seeing.

What is a Cinderella pumpkin? ›

Cinderella pumpkins are a type of winter squash with a mild, sweet flavor and moist texture that makes them great for soups, sauces, purees, and curries. They can be roasted, baked and steamed, and used for ornamental purposes.

What is a tiger pumpkin? ›

Mini Tiger Stripe pumpkins, botanically classified as Cucurbita pepo, are a hybrid variety that is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family along with squash and gourds. Mini Tiger pumpkins grow on compact vines and are a favorite of home gardeners because of the fruits small size and mottled colors.

What is a fairy pumpkin? ›

Fairytale pumpkins are a large, flat member of the squash family (Cucurbitaceae) with a sweet, edible flesh that is perfect for cooking and baking. A winter squash, it has large, deep ribs, turns from dark green to orange-brown when ripe, and commonly grows up to 20 pounds or more.

What are spooky pumpkins? ›

Spookie pumpkin is a delightful cross between sugar pie and jack-o-lantern pumpkins. Grow Spookie pumpkin for a splendid treat, without any tricks—great for decoration and seasonal baking!

What is the sweetest pumpkin? ›

Kabocha. A popular Japanese variety, the Kabocha has a rough but edible peel, and a round plump shape. It can be dark green or bright orange-red, and has firm, orange flesh. One of the sweetest varieties of pumpkin, its flavour has been compared to sweet potato, while its firm flesh holds together well in the oven.

What is a jap pumpkin? ›

Kent Pumpkins

Also known as Jap pumpkins, these sweet varieties are perfect for salads and baked dishes. They're not entirely orange, boasting more of a mottled grey and green exterior, with darker yellow flesh.

Are there female pumpkins? ›

New gardeners are often surprised to discover that squash and pumpkins have separate male and female flowers on the same plant. These flowers were taken from the same plant but the flower on the left is a male flower and the one on the right is female. Only female flowers will form fruit.

What is the oldest pumpkin? ›

History. The oldest evidence of Cucurbita pepo are pumpkin fragments found in Mexico that are dated between 7,000 and 5,500 BC.

Can you eat rare pumpkin? ›

Raw foods may contain harmful bacteria, but outbreaks of foodborne illness from eating raw pumpkin and pumpkin seeds are rare. While raw pumpkin and its seeds may have slightly more vitamins and minerals, their taste and texture are often considered less appetizing.

What is the most delicious pumpkin? ›

For cooking, you'll want to use sugar pumpkins (also called pie or sweet pumpkins), which are small and round. Long Island Cheese pumpkins, which are more oblong and can look like a wheel of cheese, are also good to eat. Field pumpkin types are larger, have watery, stringy flesh, and are best for decorating.

What is 100% pumpkin? ›

Libby's 100% Pure Pumpkin is made with only one ingredient⏤pumpkin. There are no sugars or spices in the can. Does this canned pumpkin contain milk ingredients? No.

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