25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (2024)

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25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (1)

A polo shirt comes to your rescue in summer when you feel too tired of your tees and too bored with your button-downs. A polo shirt, the iconic mashup of casual and formal style, is a little more sophisticated than a tee and much easier to style than a button-down shirt.

Polo shirts are wardrobe essentials, this goes without saying. At least 3 polos every man must own, this is a men’s fashion rule set in stone. You can have more than 3 Polos, there is no upper limit. Polo shirts can be used in a range of outfits, from an ultra-casual street look to a semi-formal look touching on the business casual end of the spectrum. Before moving on to our collection of 25 cool and classy polo shirt outfits for men, let’s have a quick rundown of how to wear and style a polo shirt for men.

How to wear a polo shirt?


First and foremost, your polo should have a fit that looks good on your body.

  • The length should be appropriate so that you could comfortably keep it tucked in or untucked. The length should stretch no further than the mid-fly, Ideally, it should end just below the belt.
  • The sleeves should end midway down your biceps, they should sit close to your arms.
  • A polo shirt is meant to be form-fitting, a boxy fit looks good on nobody. According to Peter Manning’s fashion blog, you should be able to pinch 1-2 inches of excess fabric on either side of your torso, anything more than that will make it look baggy. There should be no overhang at the shoulder seam.
  • The buttons should be closed for a refined look, they can be opened on casual occasions if your shirt is of good fit.

What goes with a Polo shirt?

Polos are a versatile piece, they go equally well with chinos, jeans, dress pants, and joggers. They are good as a layering piece as well and can be layered under a blazer or topcoat for a polished look.

Making your polo shirt look better:

Tucking it in will definitely make it look smarter and will dress it up. Wearing polos with trousers of complementary hues is a good idea. Solids like black and white are the easiest to style, color-coordinating your sneakers and boots with the polos will elevate your polo shirt style up a notch.

Taking care of a polo shirt:

Wash your polo regularly and air drying is better to prevent it from fading. Wrinkling can spoil your style, regular ironing is recommended, and doing so inside out when the shirt is slightly damp is a good practice. Washing or rinsing with cold water is better because hot water can shrink your polo shirt. To keep the collar stiff use spray starch.

25 polo shirt outfit ideas for men

Outfit 1. Black Polo shirt outfits for men.

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (2)

2. Outfit 2: How to wear a black polo?

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (3)

3. Polo shirt outfit 3, black polo shirt with grey cargo pants:

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (4)

4. Out # 4: How to wear a black polo shirt with chinos?

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (5)

5. Outfit #5, Black polo shirt with white skinny jeans:

6. Outfit # 6: Black polo shirt outfit ideas for men

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (7)

7. Outfit # 7: Black polo shirt outfits for men

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (8)

8. Outfit #8: How to wear a black polo shirt?

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (9)

9. Outfit 9, white polo shirt outfit ideas:

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (10)

10. Outfit # 10: How to wear a white polo shirt?

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (11)

11. Outfit # 11: white polo shirt with blue jeans

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (12)

12. Outfit # 12: White polo shirt with black chinos:

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (13)

13. Outfit # 13, White polo shirt outfits for men

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (14)

14. Outfit #14: White polo shirt with chinos.

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (15)

15. Outfit # 15: White polo shirt with chinos

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (16)

16. Outfit # 16: Polo shirts with jeans

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (17)

17. Outfit # 17: Polo shirts with chinos.

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (18)

18. Outfit # 18: Polo shirts with black chinos.

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (19)

19. Outfit # 19: Polo shirt with dress pants

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (20)

20. Outfit # 20: Polo shirts with shorts:

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (21)

21. Outfit # 21: Polo shirts with jeans

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (22)

22. Outfit # 22: A red polo shirt with ripped jeans.

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (23)

23. Outfit # 23: A blue polo shirt with black chinos.

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (24)

24. Outfit # 24: Pastel polo shirt with navy jeans.

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (25)

25. Outfit # 25: A polo shirt with white jeans.

25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (26)
25 cool and classy polo shirt outfit ideas for men - vogueymen.com (2024)
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