5 Reasons you should include Feta in your diet - The Greek Delicatessen (2024)

Feta in Greece is almost like a “staple” food considering it is practically on our table on a daily basis. Having consumed feta since we were kids, it is difficult to simply focus on a few reasons of why feta is good for you but we will attempt to stop at 5 (five) for “blogging” purposes and to make sure we leave some mystery there for your next order.

As is well known. Greeks know their cheese. Several statistics and research place the Greeks as the highest consumers of cheese in the world with French coming in second. It is said that the average Greek consumes about 50-65 pounds (23-30 kg) of cheese a year and the majority of that tends to be feta.

Because this cheese is a brined-curdform ofwhite cheese, it is rich in variousprobioticsand other essentialnutrients, so it is generally considered healthy when consumed in moderation.[1]While some feta cheeses are made frompasteurizedgoat or sheep’s milk, if you can findunpasteurizedvarieties, there will be an even richer collection of nutrients. This variety of cheese does have significant amounts ofsodiumandsaturatedfat but is still considered one of the healthiest options.

5 Reasons you should include Feta in your diet - The Greek Delicatessen (1)

Feta cheese is a brined curd cheese made from Sheep’s milk. Originally hailing from Greece, Feta is Greek means “slice”, Feta is packaged and sold in blocks. The crumbly bright coloured cheese is also made with a mixture of sheep and goat’s milk. Origins of Feta could be traced back to 8th Century B.C Greece. Homer’s Odyssey, in the section of Polyphemus’s cave, speaks in length about churning cheese out of goats milk. Making cheese out of goat’s milk was a popular tradition in Greek villages, locals would employ various techniques and technologies to do so.

So let’s have a look at 5 good reasons you should order your next feta from the Greek Deli.

  1. Digestion: Feta is much easier to digest and is much less allergenic andanti-inflammatory, hence good for people who are slightly allergic to dairy.
  2. Vitamins: Feta can also be considered a valuable addition to your diet if you are seeking to increase your intake of vitamins from other sources than fruits as it is rich in Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, and Phosphorous.
  3. Low fat and High in protein: Feta could also be a valuable addition to your diet if you are looking to load up on vitamins from other sources than fruits. It also contains numerous probiotics such as Lactobacillus casei, L. paracasei, L. plantarum, L. rhamnosus, L. coryneformis, Lactobacillus curvatus, L. brevis, and the likes which are good for overall health too.
  4. Bone Density: You probably already know that calcium is good for your bones. It increases peak bone mass, especially in children and teens into those in their 20s. The greater your peak bone mass, the less risk you are at for osteoporosis and other conditions involving the loss of bone mass. High-calcium foods like feta can help strengthen your bones and core.
  5. Eye Disease: As a great source ofriboflavin, this cheese isable to stimulateeye healthand lower your risk forcataracts and mascular degeneration.
  6. Taste & Quality: The taste and quality of original Greek feta is just unparalleled to any other cheese in the world. Its rich texture and delicious taste will make you a fan and quickly prompt you to always have at the side of the table.

There are truly many many other benefits of feta we could add here such as it also being an excellent probiotic and good for your immune system overall.

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5 Reasons you should include Feta in your diet - The Greek Delicatessen (2024)


5 Reasons you should include Feta in your diet - The Greek Delicatessen? ›

Not only is feta low in calories and fat, but it's also high in protein and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. What's more, is that it's packed with probiotics; your digestive and immune systems will definitely thank you for that.

What are the benefits of eating Greek feta cheese? ›

Feta is a brined, white cheese with a soft and creamy texture. Compared to other cheeses, it's low in calories and fat. It also contains a high amount of B vitamins, phosphorus and calcium, which can benefit bone health. Additionally, feta contains beneficial bacteria and fatty acids.

Why is feta cheese so important in Greece? ›

Deeply rooted in Greek cuisine and culture, feta cheese has had an important place in Greece's cheesemaking history. The word “feta” actually means “slice” or “piece” in Greek, which refers to the way the cheese is cut and served. The origin of making this white cheesy deliciousness predates recorded history.

Is feta cheese good for diet? ›

While feta cheese provides you with an excellent source of nutrients like calcium and protein, it also contains high amounts of sodium and saturated fat. Feta is lower in fat than many other cheeses, however, and is considered a reasonable option to eat in moderation.

What is the importance of cheese in the Greek diet? ›

Cheese and yogurt are eaten regularly in the traditional Mediterranean diet, but in low to moderate amounts. The calcium in cheese and yogurt is important for bone and heart health. Low fat and nonfat dairy products ease concerns of adverse consequences of somewhat higher consumption of dairy products.

Why is feta cheese good for your heart? ›

Feta cheese also has low fat content, due to which it can help in managing cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart disease. It contains moderate amounts of saturated fat, which may be a more heart-friendly option than high-fat cheeses.

What are the effects of feta cheese? ›

Table of Contents
  • It Helps With Weight Management.
  • It Promotes Bone Health.
  • It's a Good Source of Protein.
  • It Lowers the Risk of Diabetes.
  • It's a Great Source of Fatty Acids.
  • It Enhances Immunity.
  • It's Lower in Calories Compared to Other Types of Cheese.
  • It Promotes Gut Health.
Feb 12, 2024

What are 2 facts about feta cheese? ›

Feta cheese can be made from sheep's milk or a combination of sheep and goat milks. Most cheese lovers say the best comes from sheep's milk. But keep in mind, true Feta cheese will contain, at most, 30% goat's milk. Feta is one of the world's oldest cheeses.

Do Greeks eat a lot of feta? ›

Greeks are among the highest consumers of cheese, thanks to feta cheese, which accompanies almost every dish. Traditional sweets include Greek spoon sweets (a type of fruit preserve), olive oil based cakes and cookies, as well as sweets with syrup and honey. Fruits were also consumed as a snack or after a meal.

What is feta used for in Greece? ›

You can crumble feta on warm and cold salads, make traditional Spanakopita or filo pastry pies, but it is equally wonderful when sizzled and baked giving dishes a very special touch. And of course, baked feta can be stirred through pasta for a delicious creamy dish, as we've all recently seen on TikTok!

Is feta good for your gut? ›

When it comes to cheese, feta is a healthy choice. Not only is it packed with protein and fat – both essential nutrients for helping you to feel full and energised – it's also good for your gut. Probiotic yeasts in feta may lower the PH in your stomach, which is key for a healthy gut.

Is feta good for the liver? ›

Choose lower-fat cheese such as cottage cheese, mozzarella or feta rather than cream cheese or cheddar as this will help reduce your saturated fat intake.

Why do people like feta? ›

Taste & Quality: The taste and quality of original Greek feta is just unparalleled to any other cheese in the world. Its rich texture and delicious taste will make you a fan and quickly prompt you to always have at the side of the table.

Is feta cheese inflammatory? ›

Feta cheese, which is made from sheeps' milk, contains a protein called histidine. When histidine is combined with vitamin B6, it undergoes a molecular process to become histamine, a compound that provides anti-inflammatory benefits.

Why is feta so popular in Greece? ›

Its unique history, tradition and geographic location distinguish Greek Feta from its cousins around the world. “The flora really sets this cheese apart from everywhere else in the Mediterranean,” Juhl adds. “There are more than 6,000 species of natural flora that are endemic—and they only exist in Greece.”

What is the healthiest Greek cheese? ›

Feta. Feta is a Greek cheese made from sheep's milk. Although feta is higher in sodium than other cheeses, it is lower in calories.

When not to eat feta cheese? ›

If you have high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, or diabetes, you may need to limit or even avoid eating feta cheese. Contains lactose: Feta cheese is unripened, meaning that it contains more lactose than matured cheese. As a result, you may need to avoid it if you are lactose intolerant or allergic.

Is feta cheese anti-inflammatory? ›

Feta cheese, which is made from sheeps' milk, contains a protein called histidine. When histidine is combined with vitamin B6, it undergoes a molecular process to become histamine, a compound that provides anti-inflammatory benefits.

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