8 Foods That Are Bad for Your Liver (and Why) - GoodRx (2024)

Key takeaways:

  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) happens when too much fat builds up in the liver and damages it. Eating certain kinds of food can increase the risk of developing NAFLD.

  • Foods that are high in sugar, fat, and salt put extra stress on the liver. Fast food, packaged foods, and processed foods tend to contain a lot of these elements.

  • Other kinds of food can prevent or slow down liver damage. Sometimes a healthy diet can even reverse it.

Table of contents

Food and the liver

Bad foods

Reversing damage

Bottom line


8 Foods That Are Bad for Your Liver (and Why) - GoodRx (1)

Your liver works together with every organ and system in your body. A healthy liver is important for digestion. It stores needed vitamins and minerals. Your liver keeps cholesterol levels in check and filters toxins from the blood. It even supports a strong immune system.

It turns out that what you eat has a big effect on how well your liver works for you. So, if you’re concerned about your liver health, it helps to know the most important dietary do’s and don’ts.

Why are certain foods bad for your liver?

What you eat affects your liver health in two ways. First, consuming too many calories can lead to excess weight. And extra weight — especially around the middle — is a risk factor for conditions, like metabolic syndrome and Type 2 diabetes, which put extra stress on your liver.

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Second, eating too much of certain kinds of food stresses your liver even faster. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is when too much fat builds up in the liver. It’s sometimes also called metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD). That’s because it’s a form of liver disease that occurs with other conditions like:

  • High blood sugar (prediabetes and diabetes)

  • Metabolic syndrome

  • High blood pressure

  • High cholesterol

Some people have genes that make them more likely to have NAFLD or complications from it, such as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). That’s when fat builds up in the liver over time and leads to inflammation. When NASH gets worse, the liver can develop scar tissue, known as cirrhosis. Sometimes, cancer develops in the liver, too.

You can’t change your genes. But changes in your diet — even small ones — can help keep your liver healthy.

8 Foods That Are Bad for Your Liver (and Why) - GoodRx (6)

What foods are bad for your liver?

A nutritious diet is the best way to keep your liver in great shape. Even if you’ve already developed NAFLD or NASH, good nutrition can keep those conditions from getting worse. It can even reverse them.

Let’s start by taking a look at foods that stress the liver. When deciding what to eat, here are eight types of food to keep to a minimum.

1. Fast food

It’s quick, it’s cheap, and sometimes you really crave it. While fast food isn’t an absolute no-no, most people in the U.S. eat too much of it. And other restaurant food isn’t off the hook, either.

Restaurant food tends to contain more sugar, salt, and fat than your liver can handle. A 2023 study found that people who eat fast food for 20% or more of their meals collect too much fat in their liver. And the damage is worse for people who have diabetes or carry excess weight.

2. Ultra-processed foods

Ultra-processed foods have been preserved, changed, or refined well beyond their natural form. Foods are processed or ultra-processed for a number of reasons:

  • For taste or appearance

  • To make them easier to mass produce and transport

  • For a longer shelf life

  • So they are convenient to prepare or to eat on the go

To spot ultra-processed foods, check the list of ingredients. If there are a lot of chemical names that are hard to pronounce, it’s heavily processed. And that means the liver has to process these additives and preservatives on top of the sugar, salt, and fat that’s in the food. Eating too many ultra-processed foods is linked to fat buildup in the liver.

Common ultra-processed foods include:

  • Packaged cakes, cookies, and sweets

  • Chips and other snack foods

  • Packaged breakfast bars, rolls, and buns

  • Ready-to-eat, microwavable, and instant foods

3. Sweetened foods

Some people have more of a sweet tooth than others. Sweet foods are also a common craving, especially when feeling stressed or tired.

Even when you’re not specifically seeking a sweet treat, you might be eating more sweetened foods that you realize. Many foods have lots of added sugar. When the body has to work hard to process these extra sugars, it puts stress on the liver. It can also lead to weight gain, which is a risk factor for NAFLD.

It helps to know how to identify added sugars on a nutrition label. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that fewer than 10% of your daily calories come from added sugars — but many packaged and processed foods contain more than that in just one serving.

The names of added sugars you might see on a list of ingredients include:

  • Corn syrup

  • High-fructose corn syrup

  • Dextrose, fructose, sucrose, glucose, lactose, or maltose

  • Brown sugar or raw sugar

  • Fruit nectars

  • Honey, maple syrup, or molasses

  • Cane juice or malt syrup

4. Sugary drinks

Drinks with added sugar are bad for the liver for the same reason as sweetened foods. But sweetened drinks come with an extra risk: You won’t feel full as fast. So, it’s easy to drink a lot more sugar than your body needs.

Studies have shown that the more sugar-sweetened beverages you drink, the higher your risk for NAFLD. Popular drinks that often include a lot of added sugar include:

  • Regular soda (not diet or sugar-free)

  • Sports drinks

  • Sweetened coffee or tea drinks

  • Energy drinks

  • Fruit drinks

  • Sweetened water

5. Artificial sweeteners

If sweetened foods and drinks are too sugary, are diet or sugar-free items the solution? Unfortunately, the answer is more complicated.

Artificial sweeteners don’t provide extra calories. But studies on their risk for NAFLD have had mixed results so far. Some show that these sugar substitutes may not be good for your liver and may negatively affect the healthy bacteria that lives in your gut. That has consequences for your digestion and metabolism.

In 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended against the use of artificial sweeteners as a way to lose weight. The WHO also noted that there may be harmful effects when using them over time. Until more is known, it’s best to limit your intake.

Common artificial sweeteners include:

6. Refined grains

Refined grains are processed to change their texture, appearance, or taste. Foods made with refined grains also have a longer shelf life. But fiber and important vitamins and minerals are removed during the refining process. And when the fiber is removed, grains lose their benefit for gut bacteria, which is important for keeping your gut healthy.

When you eat refined grains, versus whole grains, your blood sugar goes up faster. You also might eat more because you don’t feel as full. These factors can increase the risk for fat deposits and inflammation in the liver.

Common foods made with refined grains include:

  • White bread

  • Cakes, muffins, and pastries

  • Corn grits

  • White rice

  • Flour tortillas

  • Foods made with white or all-purpose flour

7. Red meat and processed meats

Red meat and processed meats are high in saturated fat. Eating a lot of these foods is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and risk of fat in the liver. They’re also associated with some forms of cancer, especially colorectal cancer.

Foods in these categories include:

  • Beef, lamb, and pork

  • Organ meat

  • Hot dogs and sausages

  • Bacon

  • Lunch meats

8. Alcohol

Drinking excess alcohol can also cause liver damage. And drinking too much along with eating the foods mentioned above can speed up the damage.

You are at a higher risk for liver disease if you consume the following:

  • For men: more than 14 drinks per week, or more than 4 drinks at a time

  • For women: more than 7 drinks per week, or more than 3 drinks at a time

  • For people over 65: more than 7 drinks per week, or 3 drinks at a time

One alcoholic drink is:

  • Beer: 12 oz

  • Malt liquor: 8 oz

  • Wine: 5 oz

  • Liquor (whiskey, vodka, rum): about 1.5 oz

Can food help you reverse liver damage?

Now for some good news: Eating nutritious foods can decrease liver stress. And people who already have NAFLD or NASH can slow down the disease. You might even be able to reverse it.

The Mediterranean diet is a good place to start. Despite the name, this approach to eating can be applied to a wide variety of foods and preferences. Some of the liver-healthy elements of this way of eating include:

  • Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

  • Fish

  • Nuts

  • Olive oil

  • Whole grains

  • Legumes (beans, peas, lentils)

Drinking certain beverages — including coffee, green tea, and lemon juice — benefit the liver. And drinking plenty of water helps your body’s metabolism, which will cause less fat to settle in the liver.

Certain herbs, spices, and supplements may also help to slow or reverse liver disease. Some of these include:

  • Turmeric, especially when taken with black pepper

  • Ginseng

  • Licorice

  • Dandelion

  • Garlic

Even natural foods and supplements can interact with some medications, and some may not be right for people with certain health conditions. Talk to a healthcare professional before taking supplements or adding large amounts of herbs or spices to your diet.

The bottom line

Your liver is a hardworking organ that supports your entire body. Eating too much of certain kinds of food can lead to liver damage — and that has serious consequences for your health. But other foods support your liver. Some liver damage can even be reversed with a balanced diet. Eating foods that are good for your liver will benefit every other part of your body as well.


American Gastroenterological Association. (2023). Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).

Anania, C., et al. (2018). Mediterranean diet and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. World Journal of Gastroenterology.

View All References (24)


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Know your limit for added sugars.

Emamat, H., et al. (2020). Artificial sweeteners are related to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Microbiota dysbiosis as a novel potential mechanism. EXCLI Journal.

Gibney M. J. (2018). Ultra-processed foods: Definitions and policy issues. Current Developments in Nutrition.

Habibullah, M., et al. (2024). Metabolic-associated fatty liver disease: A selective review of pathogenesis, diagnostic approaches, and therapeutic strategies. Frontiers in Medicine.

Henney, A. E., et al (2023). Ultra-processed food intake is associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients.

Hydes, T., et al. (2021) The impact of macronutrient intake on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): Too much fat, too much carbohydrate, or just too many calories? Frontiers in Nutrition.

Keck Medicine of USC. (2023). Consumption of fast food linked to liver disease.

Kalra, A., et al. (2023). Physiology, liver. StatPearls.

Kim, M. N., et al. (2022). Red meat consumption, obesity, and the risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease among women: Evidence from mediation analysis. Clinical Nutrition.

Liu, J., et al. (2020). Quality of meals consumed by U.S. adults at full-service and fast-food restaurants, 2003-2016: Persistent low quality and widening disparities. The Journal of Nutrition.

Mansour-Ghanaei, F., et al. (2019). Efficacy of curcumin/turmeric on liver enzymes in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Integrative Medicine Research.

Mega, A., et al. (2021). Food and nutrition in the pathogenesis of liver damage. Nutrients.

Naomi, N. D., et al. (2023). Sugar-sweetened beverages, low/no-calorie beverages, fruit juice and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease defined by fatty liver index: The SWEET project. Nutrition & Diabetes.

National Cancer Institute. (2023). Red meat and processed meat consumption.

Patel, R., et al. (2023). Alcoholic liver disease. StatPearls.

Peng, H., et al. (2021). Association of meat consumption with NAFLD risk and liver-related biochemical indexes in older Chinese: A cross-sectional study. BMC Gastroenterology.

Rahimi-Sakak, F., et al. (2022). Red and processed meat intake in relation to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease risk: Results from a case-control study. Clinical Nutrition Research.

Ross, A. B., et al. (2013). Increasing whole grain intake as part of prevention and treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. International Journal of Endocrinology.

Shi, W., et al. (2023). Red meat consumption, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Heart Journal.

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World Health Organization. (2023). WHO advises not to use non-sugar sweeteners for weight control in newly released guideline.

GoodRx Health has strict sourcing policies and relies on primary sources such as medical organizations, governmental agencies, academic institutions, and peer-reviewed scientific journals. Learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate, thorough, and unbiased by reading our editorial guidelines.

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8 Foods That Are Bad for Your Liver (and Why) - GoodRx (2024)


What is the number one food that damages your liver? ›

Red meat and processed meats

Red meat and processed meats are high in saturated fat. Eating a lot of these foods is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and risk of fat in the liver. They're also associated with some forms of cancer, especially colorectal cancer.

What foods help repair a liver? ›

What food should I eat for healthy liver function?
  • Milk, yoghurt and cheese.
  • Meat and fish (fresh or tinned low salt) and/or eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds.
  • Fruits (fresh or tinned low sugar)
  • Vegetables, beans and legumes (fresh or tinned low salt)
  • Grains (like breads, cereals, rice and pasta)
  • And drinking lots of water.

What destroys the liver the most? ›

Excessive and chronic alcohol consumption is the most common cause of liver cirrhosis. Cirrhosis from drinking alcohol can develop over many years.

What is the super food for liver? ›

Many foods contain specific compounds or antioxidants that have been shown to support liver function. A few examples include grapefruit, blueberries, cranberries, fatty fish, olive oil, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli or Brussels sprouts.

Are eggs bad for your liver? ›

Egg yolks are high in cholesterol. If you eat a lot, it can cause incomplete digestion of fats, adversely affect the liver, and reduce liver function. People with cirrhosis should not eat egg yolks.

Is banana good for the liver? ›


Vitamins B6, C, and A are abundant in bananas. Additionally, it has a lot of resistant starch, which is excellent for the health of the liver. These nutrients guarantee that the liver operates properly.

How do I detox my liver asap? ›

How to Clean Your Liver?
  1. Consume More Water.
  2. Sweating Is The Way To Go.
  3. Say Goodbye To Toxic Foods.
  4. Raw Vegetable Juice To The Rescue.
  5. You Need Potassium-Rich Foods.
  6. Liver Support Supplements.

Which fruit is best for the liver? ›

Top foods and drinks for liver health
  • Berries. ...
  • Grapes. ...
  • Grapefruit. ...
  • Prickly pear. ...
  • Plant foods in general. ...
  • Fatty fish. ...
  • Nuts. Eating nuts may be another simple way to keep the liver healthy and protect against NAFLD. ...
  • Olive oil. Eating too much fat is not good for the liver, but some fats may help it.

What heals the liver the fastest? ›

Foods that support liver health tend to be high in fiber, antioxidants, or healthy fats. These include things like berries, cruciferous vegetables, beans, nuts, and fatty fish. Avoiding certain foods — like processed foods and alcohol — will also help with liver repair.

How to tell if your liver is struggling? ›

Liver problems
  • Yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, called jaundice. Yellowing of the skin might be harder to see on Black or brown skin.
  • Belly pain and swelling.
  • Swelling in the legs and ankles.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Dark urine.
  • Pale stool.
  • Constant tiredness.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
Feb 13, 2024

What is the best vitamin for the liver? ›

Vitamin B. Studies have shown that B vitamins can benefit liver function in several ways, including reversing liver inflammation. Many B vitamins, including vitamin B12 and folic acid, can improve liver health in people with fatty liver disease.

Which one is toxic for liver? ›

[3] The most common drug implicated in drug-induced liver injury is acetaminophen. [4] Antibiotics are the class of drugs most commonly causing liver toxicity,[5] and amoxicillin-clavulanate stands out as the most common drug in this class.

What irritates the liver? ›

Too much refined sugar and high-fructose corn syrup causes a fatty buildup that can lead to liver disease. Some studies show that sugar can be as damaging to the liver as alcohol, even if you're not overweight. It's one more reason to limit foods with added sugars, such as soda, pastries, and candy.

What is the best drink to repair your liver? ›

Read on for a list of them.
  • Coffee. Coffee lovers will be glad to know that coffee is perhaps one of the best drinks you can have to promote liver health, even if you already have liver problems. ...
  • Tea. ...
  • Beetroot juice. ...
  • Blueberries and cranberries. ...
  • Artichokes. ...
  • Nuts and seeds. ...
  • Grapefruit. ...
  • Brussels sprouts and broccoli sprouts.

What foods are toxic to the liver? ›

beer, wine, liquor, and other alcohol. foods with high levels of added sugar, such as candy, sodas, and fruit juices. fried or highly processed foods, such as bread, rice, and pasta made from white flour. red meat, especially beef and pork, and other sources of added sodium.

Which fruit is not good for the liver? ›

This may be hard to believe, but consuming large amounts of fructose-rich fruits like raisins, and dry fruits can result in inflammation and fatty liver. This is because the sugar present in fruits, known as fructose, can cause abnormal amounts of fat in the blood when consumed in large amounts.

What foods cleanse the liver? ›

What foods help detoxify the liver? Some great foods to help cleanse and support liver function include leafy greens like spinach and kale, avocados, broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, grapefruit, green tea, turmeric, apples, olive oil, citrus fruits, beets, and cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts and cabbage.

What is the fastest way to repair your liver? ›

Key points
  1. make sure you are a healthy weight.
  2. eat a balanced diet.
  3. cut down on highly processed foods and drinks (sweets, soft drinks, pizza and chips) and foods that have a lot of sugar.
  4. move more.
  5. look after high blood pressure and cholesterol.
  6. reduce further harm to your liver by not drinking alcohol.

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