Bee Sting 1 x 500ml (2024)

are required`, WishListEmailMessage: `Check out my wish list at Lilley\'s Cider Ltd`, CancellationFormDate: `Date`, TopProductsItemsPerPageValue: `10`, ContactThankYouMessage: `Your message has been sent to`, ProductStockOutKeyTextNoNotify: `The item is out of stock & is not available to order.`, DeliveryMethodDisplayFormat: `DropDownList`, ProductThumbImageWidth: `300`, ProductImagesLineImageOptions: `IncludeSkuAndLine`, ProductStockInKeyTextQty: `There are X of this item in stock & available to order.`, CancellationFormConsumerName: `Name of Consumer(s)`, TitleCancellationForm: `Cancellation Form`, RequiredMarker: `*`, ProductPageExcludedFeatures: ``, RetailSagePayDirectPaymentButtonText: `Pay by PayPal`, TradeRegisterEmailSubject: `New Account Request`, DepartmentThumbNoImagePath: `~/templates/LilleysCider/Images/no-image-300x300.png`, PrintButtonText: `Print Page`, FooterContentDepartmentName: `Footer Content`, SearchResultsLoadingText: `Loading the next set of products...`, SearchResultsBar: ``, RegistrationContactDetails: `Contact Details`, BadCreditEmailBody: `Account \'{0}\' has placed an order and their account has gone over its credit limit.`, ProductGalleryImageWidth: `600`, RedirectAfterLoginPath: `~/retail/account/default.aspx`, ContactFormEmail: `Email`, NavigationMenuImageKey: `Menu`, ClearButtonText: `Clear Value`, CSVOrderUpload: `CSV Order Upload`, Register: `Register`, AccountLogoHeight: `200`, OrderCustomerReferenceMaxLength: `30`, V12MinDepositPercent: `0`, ContactFormRequired: `Required`, BooleanFeatureFalseText: `False`, CompanyEmail: ``, ProductGalleryImageHeight: `600`, ShippingItemFormat: `{0} {1}`, WishListButtonRemove: `Remove`, HomeWelcome: `Welcome to`, RecentlyViewedIcon: ``, ProductThumbNoImagePath: `~/templates/LilleysCider/Images/no-image-300x300.png`, TradeSagePayDirectPaymentButtonText: `Pay by PayPal`, OfflinePaymentMethodEmailOrderText: `Payment Method: Pending`, CancellationFormOrderedOn: `Ordered On`, EmailLogoImagePath: `~/templates/LilleysCider/Images/email-logo.png`, ProductStockInIcon: ``, ProductStockInText: `In Stock`, UniqueUser: `User must be unique:`, DefaultLogoImagePath: `~/templates/LilleysCider/Images/logo.png`, FooterLinkPoweredByUrlTitle: `Integrated b2b ecommerce for Wholesalers, Distributors and Manufacturers`, ContactFormErrorMessageSenderInvalid: `Sender is not a valid email address \'{0}\'`, BalancePaymentPaymentMethod: `Sage Pay`, AxisImageSwatchWidth: `40`, VoucherPaymentHeader: `Pay by Gift Voucher`, ProductImagesExcludeKeys: ``, Reviews: `Reviews`, TitleCompanyName: `Edit Password`, CSVTickIfContainsHeaderRow: `Tick if contains a header row`, ContactFormMessageRequired: `Message is required`, SiteDomain: ``, AxisImageSwatchPartialKey: ` Swatch`, RepeaterPageSizeOptions: `24, 48, 72, 96`, AccountSelectButtonURL: `~/trade/cart/default.aspx`, AccountOnHoldEmail: `Account on hold`, CSVInstructionsHeader: `CSV Order Upload Instructions`, V12RetailerId: ``, DefaultPaymentMethodEmailOrderText: ``, ProductStockOutKeyText: `The item is out of stock, \'notify when back in stock\' will send you an email notification once the item is available to order.`, ProductTabsExcludeKeys: `Page Title,Keywords,Short Description,BaseUnitName,Intro,Ribbon Text,Videos`, MinOrderValueError: `Your order does not meet our minimum order value`, ProductStockLowText: `In Stock`, ProductStockLowIcon: ``, USPsDepartmentName: `USPs`, AxisImageSwatchHeight: `40`, ContactFormNameRequired: `Name is required`, RootUrl: ``, AllRightsReserved: `All Rights Reserved`, CancellationFormPrint: `Print Cancellation Form`, FiltersLoadingMessage: `Loading filters for {0} products`, CancellationFormTo: `To`, ContactFormSendMessage: `Send Message`, CancellationFormHeader: `Cancellation Form`, TradeCheckoutAllowManualDeliveryAddress: `True`, FooterLinkShopfront: `Powered by GOb2b`, ConfirmEmailQuotedHeader: `Your Order has been quoted.`, V12ProductsAvailable: ``, V12MaxDepositPercent: `100`, V12EmailHeader: `Your Details have been passed to V12 for processing.`, RegistrationYourAccount: `Your Account`, NoStockMessage: `No stock available for {0}. Item removed from order.`, HeaderContactDepartmentName: `Header Contact`, FullLinkText: `Full Site`, RegistrationInvoiceAddress: `Invoice Address`, FlagImage: `~/images/flags/uk_sm.gif`, ProductStockBackKeyText: `This item is available to order but not currently in stock. You will be charged at the time of ordering.`, NavigationMobileLabel: `Categories`, BreadcrumbsExcludeRoot: `True`, }, Catalogue: { ProductSearchNoProducts: `No products found.`, ProductCodeLabel: `Code`, SearchMobileLabel: `Search`, ProductSelectorFeatureStepNote: `Please make a selction below.`, ProductStockNotifyConfirmHeader: `Thank You`, ProductQuantity: `Quantity`, ReviewConfirmationTitle: `Review Confirmation`, ReturnToProductLabel: `Return to Product`, ProductAddToBasket: `Add to Basket`, TellAFriendNameLabel: `Your Name`, ProductStockCodeLabel: `Stock Code`, ReviewLabel: `Review`, EnlargeImageLabel: `Click to enlarge`, QuoteRequestMessage: `Please fill in the form below to request a quote.`, TellAFriendConfirmHeader: `Thank You`, NoResultsFoundText: `No results found for`, MultiProductAddToBasket: `Add All To Basket`, TellAFriendTitle: `Tell A Friend`, ProductBuyOptionsTitle: `Buy Now`, CustomVoucherText: `Enter voucher value`, ClearSearchButtonText: `Clear Search`, ProductSearchNext: `Next page`, ProductFeatureTableTitle: `Specifications`, TellAFriendConfirmMessage: `Your message has been sent.`, ProductNameLabel: `Name`, NoResultsFoundLabel: `No Results Found`, CreateReviewHeader: `Create review for`, YourPrice: `Your Price`, NoShippingMethodTitle: `Shipping Price Not Available`, GoLabel: `Go`, ProductCurrentlyOutStock: `This item is currently out of stock`, NoShippingMethodMessagePart1: `There is no shipping method available for your order. Please`, NoShippingMethodMessagePart2: `with your requirements and we will send you a quote for delivery.`, FilterBrandsLabel: `Brands`, ProductAvailabilityKey: `Key to Availability`, ProductFeaturesTitle: `Product Features`, AttachmentText: `Click here to download`, CSVSubmitButtonText: `Submit`, ProductButtonTextLow: `Low`, ProductButtonTextBuy: `Buy`, ProductButtonTextOut: `Out`, EnlargedImageTitle: `Enlarged Image`, ProductStockLow: `Low Stock`, ProductStockOut: `Out Of Stock`, ProductStockMed: `Med Stock`, NoReviewsBeTheFirstText: `Be the first to write a review for this product`, SitemapHeader: `Sitemap`, CustomVoucherThumbPriceLabel: `Customizable`, ProductMinimumQuantity: `Minimum Quantity `, ViewSwitcherGridLabel: `Grid`, ProductChangeOptions: `Change Colour or Size`, ProductAvailabilityKeyBackOrder: `Out of stock (place a back order) `, ResetFilters: `Reset Filters`, TellAFriendEmailMessage: `sent you the following message from`, ProductReviewTitle: `Product Review`, SearchLabel: `Search`, ProductStockNotifyConfirmMessage: `You will be automatically informed when the product is back in stock.`, NavigationCatalogueTitle: `Products`, ToggleNavigationHeader: `Toggle navigation`, ProductSelectorPreviousButton: ` Back`, BackToOrderItemsText: `Back to order items`, TellAFriendEmailLabel: `Friend\'s Email`, ProductStockLabel: `Stock`, ProductStockLevel: `Stock Level`, ExplodedViewItemNumber: `Item No.`, SupplierPartNumberLabel: `Supplier Part Number`, ProductStockNotifyHeader: `Notify Me`, HeadlineLabel: `Name`, ProductSizeLabel: `Size`, ProductStockBackInKeyText: `The estimated date in which the item will be back in stock.`, ProductDimensionsWeightTitle: `Weight (kg)`, QuoteRequestConfrimMessage: `Your quote request has been sent to`, TellAFriendHeader: `Tell a friend about`, ViewSwitcherListLabel: `List`, BrandLabel: `Brand :`, ProductRRPLabel: `RRP`, ProductNext: `next`, ProductStockBackInLabel: `Due In`, LineNameLabel: `Product`, ModifyReviewMessage: `You can modify/approve this review in the admin secion.`, ProductSearchLabel: `Product Search`, ProductColour: `Options`, ProductDimensionsBreadthTitle: `Breadth (cm)`, ProductMoreInfo: `More`, ListPrice: `List Price`, RatingLabel: `Rating`, QuoteRequestEmailSubject: `Quote Requested for {0}`, ExplodedViewBuyBtn: `View Options`, ProductStockHigh: `High Stock`, ProductStockBack: `Back Order`, ProductButtonTextAddWishList: `Add to Wish List`, NoShippingQuoteButtonText: `Please Send Me a Shipping Quotation`, PanelsViewItemsLabel: `View items`, ProductPageSoldInMultiplesOf: `Sold in Multiples of:`, NoReviewsProductText: `There are currently no reviews for this product`, ProductStockIn: `In Stock`, NoShippingQuoteExplanation: `We do not have a standard price to ship this oder with this particular basket of goods to your requested delivery address. Please click the button if you want us to provide you with a quotation for shipping this order.`, ProductReviewsLabel: `Reviews`, AboutUsHeader: `About Us`, ReviewThisProduct: `Review this Product`, QuoteRequestBtnText: `Request a Quote`, ReviewCustomBooleanTrue: `True`, SuggestedProductsHeader: `Are you looking for this?`, SearchResultsButtonPreCount: `View All`, CustomerReviewsText: `Customer reviews for`, ProductSelectOptionGrid: `Select option from the grid below`, TellAFriendButtonText: `Submit`, AndText: `And`, SortByLabel: `Sort By`, NotAvailableLabel: `Not Available`, ViewCustomisations: `View Customisations`, RecommendConfirmationTitle: `Recommend Confirmation`, TellAFriendEmailClickHereText: `Click here to see`, ProductSelect: `Select Your Item`, ViewProductText: `View Product`, QuoteRequestProductDetailsTitle: `Product Details`, ProductStockNotifyMessagePart1: `Please notify me when`, ProductStockNotifyMessagePart2: `is in stock.`, CSVUploadButtonText: `Browse`, FeatureFilterTitle: `Filter By`, ModalCloseBtnText: `Close`, ProductStockNotify: `Stock Notification`, SearchHeading: `Search our shop`, ProductEnlargeImage: `See larger image`, ProductDescriptionLabel: `Description`, SearchResultsLoginMessage: `Please Login to see results.`, SpecificationTitle: `Specification`, ProductMinimumQuantityLabel: `Minimum Quantity: `, ProductSearchResults: `Search Results`, Categories: `Categories`, VolumeText: `Volume`, RRPLabel: `RRP:`, BrandsPageTitle: `Our Brands`, ProductStockCodeBoldLabel: `Stock Code: `, ProductIncludingPostage: `Including 1st class UK postage`, ProductPrevious: `previous`, QuoteRequestTitle: `Quote Request Form`, RepeaterPosition: `Items {0} - {1}`, NoShippingQuoteText: `Currently there is no shipping available for your order. Please click Previous Step to change your delivery address, Send Me a Shipping Quotation or Empty Basket to continue.`, NoShippingQuoteSent: `We have recieved your request and will contact you shortly with a quotation. Your basket has been emptied for now but we have a record of what you require.`, MessageReceivedLabel: `Your message has been received and will be approved by a moderator shortly`, AppliedFiltersTitle: `Applied Filters`, NoShippingMethodHeading: `No Shipping Method`, CSVHelp: `CSV Order Upload Help`, ProductButtonTextAddToBasket: `Add to Basket`, ProductDimensionsWidthTitle: `Width (cm)`, ViewOptions: `View Options`, ProductSelectorNextButton: `Next `, AvailabilityLabel: `Availability`, BackOrderText: `Back order`, LineStockCodeLabel: `Item Number`, ProductSearchPrevious: `Previous page`, ProductDimensionsLengthTitle: `Length (cm)`, ProductSelectorStartButton: `Start `, TellAFriendMessageLabel: `Your Message`, ProductOtherRecommendations: `Other Recommendations`, CreateReviewTitle: `Create Review`, ProductStockNotifyConfirmReturnText: `« Return to product`, NewReviewMessage: `A new review has been submitted for`, ProductAvailabilityKeyLow: `Low stock (limited items)`, ProductAvailabilityKeyOut: `Out of stock`, SearchResultsButtonPostCount: `Results`, ProductPrice: `Price`, QuoteRequestProductLabel: `Product Name`, ProductAvailabilityKeyIn: `In stock (buy now)`, BarcodeLabel: `Barcode`, ExplodedViewItemDetails: `Item Details`, ProductFileTabTitle: `Downloads`, DimensionsText: `Dimensions (mm) W x D x H`, ReviewCustomBooleanFalse: `False`, NoShippingClearButtonText: `Empty Basket`, WeightText: `Weight`, ProductFilesLabel: `Product Files`, ProductPageMinimumQuantityLabel: `

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To added further details, click view list and edit the dealers individually.`, SavedOrder: `Saved Order`, DealerSearchAdminNoResults: `No dealers found.`, SavedOrders: `Saved Orders`, NoMoreStatementLinesText: `No more Statement Lines`, AccountBookmarks: `Wish List`, NewAccountTitle: `Add New Account`, PriceListHeading: `Download Price List`, PurchaserNameLabel: `Purchaser Name`, NameLabel: `name`, AccountTypeLabel: `Account Type`, InvoicePaymentAmountLabel: `Payment Amount`, FetchingProducts: `Fetching Products`, FavouritesRemove: ``, OrderHistoryReOrderTitle: `Re-Order`, OrderTrackingHeading: `Tracking Information`, FavouritesAdd: ``, FavouriteIcon: ``, OrderHistoryReOrderLabel: `Re-Order Qty`, AccountPaymentIcon: ``, AgentSelectAccountButtonText: `Change Account`, AccountOnHoldNote: `Please Note: your account is on hold, you cannot place any orders`, DiscountBandLabel: `Discount Band`, AccountSpindleStatement: `Download Statement`, CreditNotesLinkLabel: `View Outstanding Credit Notes`, UserEditHeading: `Change Password`, SavedOrderUnavailable: `Saved orders are not available.`, PleaseContact: `Please contact`, EditAddressButtonText: `Edit`, AgentSearchForLabel: `Search for`, AccountStatusClosed: `Closed`, AccountNotApprovedMessage: `Our product catalogue will be available once your account has been approved.`, DealerSearchSearchSelectName: `Name`, EditAccountTitle: `Edit Account`, DealerSearchSelectInStore: `In Store`, BalanceLabel: `Balance`, AccountStatusApproved: `Approved`, EditPurchaserDetails: `Edit User Details`, CreditNoteCopyHeading: `Copy Credit Note`, DealerSearchSellInStore: `Sell In Store`, ShippingQuoteRequiredLabel: `Shipping Quote Required`, SubscribeLabel: `Subscribe`, PurchaserListHeading: `Edit Purchasers`, ViewOrderDetailsButtonText: `View Details`, AddressListHeading: `Edit Address Book`, AccountStatusLabel: `Account Status`, DealerSearchAdminViewOnMap: `View on Map`, CreditNoteNothingToDisplayLabel: `No Credit Notes to Display`, DocumentNotFound: `Document Not Found`, AgentAccountSelectTitle: `Agent account select`, RootDepartmentLabel: `Root Department`, PurchaserEditLoggedInHeading: `Edit Your Contact Details`, EditOrderButtonText: `Edit Order`, PurchaserLegend: `Purchaser Details`, AccountSelectButtonText: `Select`, AccountRegistrationPinRequired: `Registration PIN is required`, AccountStatusOnHold: `On Hold`, DealerLabel: `Dealer`, ManagerText: `Manager`, FavouritesTradeOverviewIcon: ``, PurchaserNewHeading: `Add New Purchaser`, AccountTopProducts: `Your Top Products`, AccountPaymentLabel: `Account Payment`, DealerSearchEditDealerDetails: `Dealer Details`, AccountDetailsUnavailableMessage: `Unavailable`, EditAccountHeader: `Edit Account`, AccountLinkSelectAccountIcon: ``, AdminIcon: ``, UsernameLabel: `Username`, AccountAccountNameLabel: `Company Name`, AccountRequestSuccessMessage: `Your request has been submitted, a member of our staff will contact you shortly.`, InvoiceTotal: `Total Amount`, DealerSearchAdminAddressDetails: `Address Details`, DealerSearchAdminViewList: `View Dealers List`, AccountAccountCodeRequired: `Account Code is required`, DealerSearchAdminCreateNew: `Create New Dealer(s)`, PasswordLabel: `Password`, RegistrationDetailsText: `Registration Details`, AccountLinkSelectAccount: `Select Account`, RepeatOrderButtonText: `Repeat Order`, AccountNotApprovedHeading: `Account Awaiting Approval`, CreditNotesIcon: ``, NewAccountHeader: `Add New Account`, QuotedOrdersLabel: `Quoted Orders`, DisplayOrderHeader: `Display Order?`, AgentCartInterceptIcon: ``, AccountOverCreditLimitText: `Your order has been placed, but you are over your agreed credit limit. To avoid delays to your order, please contact us to make a payment on 01373 466 626.`, AddressListIcon: ``, FavouritesTitle: `Favourites`, DealerSearchAdminSelectAccount: `Select Account`, AccountTopProductsIcon: ``, DealerSearchPageHeading: `Find your Dealer`, DealerSearchAdminBrandTitle: `Dealer Brands`, EmailLabel: `email`, InvoiceEMailAddressLabel: `Invoice Email Address`, RequestAccountStatus: `Request Status`, DealerSearchAllBrands: `All Brands`, AddressEditMessage: `Please contact us to modify your invoice address.`, DownloadProductStockReportLink: `Download Product Levels`, DownloadProductStockReportIcon: ``, SectionHeading: `Your Account`, ViewInvoiceButtonText: `View Invoice`, InvoicePaymentAmount: `Amount to Pay`, AccountStatusNew: `New`, TrackYourOrderText: `Track Your Order`, DeliveryAddressLegend: `Delivery Address`, InvoiceNumberLabel: `Invoice Number`, BalanceHeading: `Pay Outstanding Balance by Credit Card`, AccountMenuTitle: `My Account`, PurchaserEditLoggedInIcon: ``, DealerSearchVisibleOnWeb: `Visible On Website`, OrderListIcon: ``, PurchaserEditHeading: `Edit Contact Details`, DealerSearchAdminDealerLogo: `Dealer Logo`, AccessPageIcon: ``, DeliveryPostcodeLabel: `Delivery Postcode`, TopProductsItemsPerPageLabel: `Items per page`, AccountBookmarkRemove: `Remove`, InvoiceOutstandingLabel: `Outstanding Amount`, DealerSearchModalTitle: `Details`, SavedOrdersIcon: ``, InvoiceDateLabel: `Invoice Date`, AccountDiscountPercentage: `Discount Percentage`, OrderListHeading: `Order History`, AgentCanOverridePricesText: `Agent Can Override Prices`, SelectAnAccountLabel: `Select an account`, CreateAnAccountHeader: `Create An Account`, SpecialDiscountBandLabel: `Special Discount Band`, RequestAnAccountTitle: `Request An Account`, ShippingQuotesText: `Shipping Quotes`, ShippingQuotesIcon: ``, SpindleInvoiceButtonText: `View Invoice`, InvoiceListIcon: ``, AccountRegistrationPinUnrecognised: `Incorrect Registration PIN`, UserDetailsText: `User Details:`, DealerSearchCurrentLocationTitle: `Use Current Location`, AccessPageLabel: `to access this page.`, AdminLinkText: `Site Admin`, OrderListBackButton: `Back to Order History`, AgentSelectAccountBarLabel: `Purchasing for:`, AccountVatRegistrationNumberLabel: `Vat Registration Number`, PriceListLabel: `PriceList`, OnlyAllowDefaultDeliveryAddress: `Only Allow Default Delivery Address`, CreditNoteViewPdfLabel: `Copy`, DocumentNotFoundPleaseContact: `Document Not Found please contact `, DealerSearchAdminEditDetails: `Edit Details`, DisplayOrderInformation: `Display Order Information`, YourFriendsDetailsHeader: `Your Friend\'s Details`, InvoiceAddressLegend: `Invoice Address`, DealerSearchEditTitle: `Edit Dealer`, DealerSearchAdminAddMore: `Add More Dealers`, UnsubscribeLabel: `Unsubscribe`, ManagerEmailText: `Manager Email`, EditDetailsText: `Edit Details`, OrderTrackingBackButton: `Back to Orders`, AccountFavourites: `Favourites`, DeliveryContactLabel: `Delivery Contact`, DealerSearchAdminNewCreated: `New dealer(s) created`, AddOrderToBasket: `Add Order To Basket`, DealerSearchModalOpenButton: `View Dealer`, OrderDeliveryAddressLabel: `Select Address`, AccountRequestSuccessTitle: `Account request successful`, DealerSearchLoadMoreButton: `Load More`, AccountSpindleStatementIcon: ``, AccountNameLabel: `Account Name`, DealerSearchWesbiteLabel: `Website`, SpecialPriceListLabel: `Special Price List`, DeliveryAddressCollectionLegend: `Delivery Addresses`, PurchasersEmptyMessage: `Account has no purchasers`, NoMoreOrders: `No more orders to display`, AccountRegistrationPinLabel: `Registration PIN`, TopProductsSortLabel: `Sort By`, DealerSearchDirectionsButton: `Get Directions`, DealerSearchIcon: ``, AccountAccountCodeLabel: `Account Code`, AgentCartInterceptLabel: `Agent Cart Intercept`, CreditNoteNotFoundMessage: `This Credit Note is not currently available to view online.`, InvoiceListHeading: `View Outstanding Invoices`, PurchaserDetailsLabel: `User Details`, SavedOrderAddOrderToBasket: `Add Order To Basket`, EmailNotificationAcceptedAgreements: ` accepted the following Agreements:`, RegisterCompleteButtonText: `Complete`, CancelOrderButtonText: `Cancel Order`, DealerSearchSellOnWeb: `Sell On Web`, CreditLabel: `Credit Limit`, RegisterHeading: `Register`, AccountRepresentativeEmail: `Account Representative Email`, DealerSearchAdminAddNew: `Add New Dealer`, NextOrderButtonText: `Next »`, RemoveAddressButtonText: `Remove`, NoMoreInvoices: `No invoices to display`, DealerSearchSelectOnline: `Online`, DealerSearchSelectPlaceholder: `Please Select a Dealer Type`, AccountAccountNameRequired: `Account Name is required`, CreditNoteTotalAmountLabel: `Total Amount`, CSVOrderUploadLink: `CSV Order Upload`, CSVOrderUploadIcon: ``, UserEditLoggedInHeading: `Change Your Password`, FavouriteAccountOverviewIcon: ``, DealerSearchAdminSelectAddresses: `Select Addresses`, ProfileText: `Profile`, SelectAccountLabel: `Select Account`, DealerSearchAdminTitle: `Dealer List`, AccountOverviewCustomBlockIcon: ``, QuotedShippingText: `Quote Shipping`, AccountContactNameLabel: `Contact Name`, AccountBalanceLabel: `Account Balance`, SettlementDiscoutLabel: `Early Settlement Discount`, AccountStatementHeading: `Account Statement`, DealerSearchSelectAll: `All (In Store or Online)`, CreditNoteNotFoundMessagePt2: `accounts for a copy Credit Note.`, CreditNoteBalanceLabel: `Balance`, EditCartLabel: `Edit Cart`, AccountRepresentative: `Account Representative`, PurchaserListIcon: ``, UserEditLoggedInIcon: ``, AccountCreatedLabel: `Account Created`, FindInvoiceButton: `Find Invoice`, PurchaserIsManagerYes: `Yes`, PriceListIcon: ``, PreviousOrderButtonText: `« Previous`, TrackTitle: `Track`, PurchaserIsManagerNo: `No`, }, Sales: { CheckoutTableName: `Name`, CheckoutTablePrice: `Price`, VoucherMessageRequiredMessage: `Please enter your message`, CheckoutPaymentDeclined: `Payment Declined`, CardNameRequired: `Card Holder Name is required`, DealerSearchBlurb: `Use the map below to find a dealer near you.`, CheckoutVATStepCheckBoxLabel: `I would like this order to be treated as a business to business sale within the European Community excluding VAT`, V12BDDeposit: `Deposit`, BasketMessageUpsellTitle: `You May Also Like`, InvoicePaymentErrorPaymentInvoiceListHeader: `Invoice Allocations`, OrderQuotedEmailHeader: `Your Order has been quoted. `, OrderSubmittedForQuotingMessagePart2: `for quoting. Once this has been done, you will be able to accept or reject the quote on the website by visiting \'the My Account\' section`, OrderSubmittedForQuotingMessagePart1: `Your Order has been sent to `, OrderPlacedText: `Placed`, QuoteThankYouMessage: `Your quote has been sent to the account manager. Following approval, the order will be placed with `, OrderDeleted: `Order Deleted`, BarcodeScannerModalReloadBtn: `Reload Basket`, AlternativeAddressLinkText: `Enter new delivery address`, ReceiptDelivery: `Delivery`, OrderInProgress: `In Progress`, SavedOrderTotalLabel: `Order Amount`, OrderOnAccountButtonText: `Place Order on Account`, ConfirmOrderMessage: `Your order total may have been updated to include VAT and delivery costs. Please check the order total below before proceeding with your order.`, BasketMessageTitle: `Added to Basket`, BundleItemName: `Product Name`, ProductAddedToBasketMessage: `Your Product have been added to Basket. View Basket?`, ThisAddressLinkText: `Deliver to this address`, V12SelectionLabel: `Click to select the finance product with the lowest monthly repayment`, NextCheckoutStepButtonText: `Next Step`, MiniBasketMenuTitle: `Your Basket`, VoucherNameRequiredMessage: `Please enter your name`, PurchaserToNotifyEmailLabel: `Notification Email`, CheckoutCardDetails: `Card Details`, CheckoutTableDiscount: `Discount`, CardNumberRequired: `Card Number is required`, CheckoutTableQuantity: `Quantity`, WishListEmailAddress: `Email Address`, OrderDispatchedText: `Dispatched`, CheckoutErrorHeading: `Transaction Error`, ViewQuotedShipping: `View & Confirm Your Shipping Quotes`, ComplaintsReturnsHeading: `Complaints & Returns`, OrderAllocatedText: `Allocated`, OrderHeld: `Order Held`, BundleItemQuantity: `Qty`, CheckoutSidebarConfirmOrder: `Confirm Order`, WebOrderNumberLabel: `Web Number`, AddressSearchLabel: `Search for an address`, EnterPostcodeText: `Enter your Postcode:`, QuickOrderInputText: `Enter Stock Code`, AccountOrderTrackingDetails: `Tracking Details`, CardIssueSmallPrint: `(if available)`, ShippingQuoteEmailAddQuoteText: `To Add a Shipping Quote to the order. Please click here: `, GiftVoucherBalanceTitle: `Gift Voucher Balance`, QuickOrderButtonText: `Add to Order`, AddToOrderButtonText: `Add to Order`, WishListPageTitle: `Wish List`, AccountViewOrderTracking: `Order Tracking`, VoucherEmailLabel: `Recepient E-Mail address`, V12BDCashPrice: `Cash Price`, ReturnItemLabel: `Return Item`, CartPromotionText: `If you have a promotional code, please enter it here:`, BarcodeScannerShowBtn: `Show Barcode Scanner`, GiftVoucherExpireText: `This gift voucher will expire on`, VoucherNameLabel: `Your name`, PriceExVATLabel: `ex VAT`, BundleOptionsLabel: `Options`, CheckoutReceiptMessage: `Your order has been placed. We have emailed you with confirmation of your order.`, PaymentAmountText: `Payment Amount :`, ViewDetailsLabel: `View Details`, CartHeading: `Your Shopping Basket`, RemoveAllButton: `Remove All`, CheckoutVATStepVATNumberLabel: `Please provide valid VAT No. here:`, CheckoutVATStepVATNumberError: `Your VAT number was not recognised`, CheckoutVATStepTitle: `EU VAT Number`, OrderCustomerReferenceLabel: `Your Order Reference`, CheckoutVATStepNotes: `


  • We can consider this order excluding VAT subject to validation.
  • For security reasons, we can only ship goods to the VAT Registered name and address.
  • Validation checks can only take place after receipt of order. If we are unable to validate the VAT Registered name and address for delivery, we will be unable to consider this order excluding VAT, and it will be cancelled automatically.
`, CardNumberSmallPrint: ``, CartSaveText: `If you wish to repeat your order in the future, then you can enter a memorable name for your order here:`, OrderItemsCountLabel: `Total Items`, CardExpiredLabel: `Expired`, OrderHistoryInvoiceLabel: `Invoice`, CartSmallPrint: ``, InvoiceCustomerReferenceLabel: `Invoice Reference`, CheckoutErrorMessage: `An error occurred while processing your order.`, VoucherAmountMessage: `Please enter the voucher amount`, CheckoutRegPasswordConfirm: `Confirm`, CartProductDiscount: `Discount`, V12BDMonthlyPayment: `Monthly Payments`, ProcessingOrderMessage: `Your order is being processed. 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Bee Sting 1 x 500ml (1)

    • 6.8% ABV
    • 500ml
    • Lightly Sparkling
    • Sweet Perry
    • Great Taste Award
    • Suitable for Vegans
    • Gluten Free
    • Contains Sweetener & Sulphites

Sweet but incredibly refreshing with a glorious fresh tasting pear flavour and a wonderful pear aroma.


Lilley's Choice

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Just the job, one of my favs

Very nice, surprisingly easy to drink, given the strength.

Delightful drop of perry

Tried this one evening and must say, one delightful beverage, plenty of flavour , on the sweet side with a kick! Definitely worth a try.

Kevin Evans

Very tasty will buy again.

neal cunningham

peach and mango are the best ,cherry is good rubrad is abit sharp and bee sting is nice and strawberry is good

Andy Paul Kemp

Amazing bottle of cider.

Colin Norwood



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Bee Sting 1 x 500ml (2024)


Does baking soda and water help with bee stings? ›

Baking soda

Many people also use it for bee stings: Mix 1 teaspoon water with enough baking soda to make a thick paste. Rub the paste over the affected area. Leave on for 10 minutes.

How many times can 1 bee sting you? ›

An individual bee can sting only once in her life and dies shortly afterward. Note: A dead bee's stinger can sting you, and the force of your weight on the bee's body can result in venom injection. So, don't step on, sit on, or play with dead bees. Discard dead bees.

What is the pain scale for a honey bee sting? ›

Schmidt set the sting of the Western honey bee at a pain level of 2 to be the anchoring value, basing his categorization of all other stings on it. He has categorized a variety of wasps, bees, and ants into pain level 2, including yellowjackets, the Asiatic honey bee, the trap-jaw ant, and the bald-faced hornet.

What is the fastest way to cure a bee sting? ›

Treatment for moderate reactions
  1. If you can, remove the stinger as soon as possible, such as by scraping it off with a fingernail. ...
  2. Wash the affected area with soap and water.
  3. Apply a cold compress.
  4. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever as needed. ...
  5. If the sting is on an arm or leg, elevate it.
Aug 18, 2022

What does vinegar do for a bee sting? ›

Like baking soda and toothpaste, apple cider vinegar has been known to help neutralize bee venom and ease the swelling and pain. Pour apple cider vinegar into a basin and soak the affected area for at least 15 minutes. You can also use a piece of cloth: soak it in the basin and then dab it onto the affected area.

What draws out bee venom? ›

Apply baking soda directly to the wound, covering it completely. Next, pour white vinegar over it and let the bubbles do the rest. As it bubbles, it draws the venom out and helps diffuse the pain. Let it stand for 5 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

How long does it take for bee venom to leave your body? ›

The majority of the time, the symptoms of bee sting serum sickness will improve on their own within 48 hours. As the chemical from the bee toxin is filtered out of your body, the sickness will begin to go away.

Should you take Benadryl for a bee sting? ›

Apply ice for 20 minutes once every hour as needed. Wrap the ice in a towel or keep a cloth between the ice and the skin to avoid freezing the skin. Taking an antihistamine such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or a nonsedating one such as loratadine (Claritin) will help with itching and swelling.

What happens if a sweat bee stings you? ›

Sweat bees can sting, but their sting is one of the mildest, and for most people will cause only minor, temporary irritation. Sweat bees have mild temperaments and will only sting if physically threatened.

What is the most painful bite in the world? ›

The bullet ant has the distinction of delivering the most painful sting in the insect world, as evidenced by the Schmidt Sting Pain Index. 4 Some even believe that a bullet ant sting might be the most painful sting, period.

When should a bee sting stop hurting? ›

Severe pain or burning at the site lasts 1 to 2 hours. Normal swelling from venom can increase for 48 hours after the sting. The redness can last 3 days. The swelling can last 7 days.

What neutralizes bee stings? ›

Mix 1/4 of a cup of aluminum-free baking soda with 1 to 2 teaspoons of water together, and then apply the paste to the area that was stung. Reapply every 15 minutes or so. It's believed that baking soda can help neutralize the acidity of the sting and mitigate inflammation.

Why do you put toothpaste on a bee sting? ›

While the use of toothpaste or apple cider vinegar isn't supported by science, many believe these ingredients individually can neutralize bee venom when applied to the sting site, drawing venom out of the wound and reducing pain.

How long does it take for a bee sting to cause anaphylaxis? ›

Anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting can start within two hours of the incident and rapidly progress. Hives will develop on the face and body, followed by other symptoms, such as headache, dizziness, fainting, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty breathing and swallowing.

How to draw out a stinger from a bee sting? ›

To remove a stinger, scrape the back of a knife or other straight-edged object across the stinger. Do not use tweezers since it may squeeze the venom sac and increase the amount of venom released into the wound.

What does baking soda do to a bite? ›

Treat insect bites and stings: While it isn't good for everyday use on your skin, it can soothe the redness, itching, and stinging that are signs of a mild reaction to an insect bite. Many over-the-counter creams contain baking soda. You can also make your own paste of one part baking soda to three parts water.

Does Vicks Vapor Rub help bee stings? ›

VICK VAPORUB works well.

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.