Best Homemade Bread: Is Homemade Bread Healthier? (2024)

ByLucy Yanckello, Ph.D.

Wildgrainis the first bake-from-frozen subscription box for sourdough breads, fresh pastas, and artisanal pastries.

There is not much that beats the smell of homemade bread cooking in your oven or the taste of a fresh slice. Baking bread is a culinary experience that is sure worth the effort, but are there health benefits too? Read on to learn more about why the time and finesse it takes to make your own bread might just be worthwhile for your health.

Is it healthier to eat homemade bread? Is it healthier to make your own bread or buy it?

The biggest benefit of making your own bread is that you choose every ingredient that goes into the loaf – from the highest quality whole grain flours, to leavening agents, eggs, and dairy. Other important ingredients to be able to control are the sugar and salt content – both are often much higher than necessary in store-bought bread. Fat content can also be selected for. Opt for the addition of heart-healthy unsaturated fats such as olive oil or safflower oil. Lastly, commercially prepared breads often contain preservatives or other artificial ingredients to boost flavor and shelf life – these are not necessary in homemade breads.

Is it ok to eat homemade bread everyday?

It is important to remember that bread (and carbs) are not the enemy. Only those with a medical condition that precludes them from eating wheat-based products should limit their intake of bread (or those who just don’t like it!). Homemade bread has a lot of health benefits if prepared with high-fiber ingredients (e.g., whole grain flours, ground flaxseed, whole oats) which also increase the protein content. Fiber is important in regulating digestion and plays a role in lowering cholesterol. Higher protein and fiber content allows foods to keep you fuller for longer, ultimately reducing snacking and curbing cravings.

Is bread made in a bread maker healthy?

Bread baked in a bread maker is just as healthy as bread baked in an oven. The only cons of bread in a bread maker are logistical, not nutrition. For one, the paddles used to knead the dough leave a hole in the middle of the bread because they are left in during baking. Additionally, you can only bake one loaf at a time in a bread maker, whereas an oven can hold multiple. Just as with oven baked homemade bread: because you control the ingredients, you control the health benefits!

What is the healthiest type of homemade bread?

Any type of bread can fit into a healthy diet, however bread that includes whole grains or higher amounts of fiber has higher health benefits. Fiber is important in regulating digestion and plays a role in lowering cholesterol. Higher protein and fiber content allows foods to keep you fuller for longer, ultimately reducing snacking and curbing cravings.

What makes homemade bread better?

One of the biggest benefits of homemade bread is that you select all of the ingredients that go into the dough. This lets you be very picky regarding what you want in your bread, and more importantly what you don’t want. Although making bread is time intensive and sometimes taxing, there is nothing like eating a piece of warm homemade bread fresh from the oven.

What is the easiest way to make homemade bread? What is the secret to making homemade bread?

Most homemade bread requires kneading, which is a hard task. However, there are great recipes that don’t require this step. No knead breads, or breads made in a bread machine, may be a good step for beginners.

Another option is to buy bake-from-frozen homemade bread from a bakery like Wildgrain where there is ingredient transparency. This means you can see exactly what goes into your loaf – often a combination of just four things: flour, water, salt, and yeast. And you’ll still get the fresh bread scent in your home when you bake the loaf in the oven prior to eating!

What adds flavor to homemade bread?

There are a few simple ways to add flavor to homemade bread. The first is to be sure you are using a quality flour, which is often overlooked by beginner bakers. Because it is the main ingredient, it is important to keep flour in mind. Additionally, adding ingredients such as fats (e.g., olive oil, coconut oil) or sweeteners (e.g., malt, honey) will help ramp up the flavor of your loaf. There are also always add-ins such as nuts and berries, too!

What makes homemade bread more airy?

The texture of your bread is dependent mainly on how much gas is present in the dough. Carbon dioxide is responsible for the air bubbles present in bread and makes it lighter and fluffier. The gas is created as the yeast grows, meaning the more yeast grows, the more gas present – this will leave you with a light and airy loaf.

To get this result, controlling the temperature of the bread is important. You must give it ample time to rise, but not too much time. There is a sweet spot between when the bread has risen too much and not enough. Once you see blistering in your dough, it has gone too far - try to get it in the oven before the blistering starts. If it does blister, poke the blisters with a toothpick and get the bread in the oven as quickly as possible!

Where can I buy the best fresh bread to bake at home online?

At Wildgrain, we specialize in making high-quality, fresh baked goods that are delivered directly to your door. Wildgrain is the first bake-from-frozen delivery subscription service for breads, pastries, and fresh pastas. Some of our popular breads include sourdough whole wheat loaf, and everything sourdough bread. Plus we have fresh churned butter as a delicious complement. Learn more about Wildgrain and our artisanal baking and cooking methods.

About the Author

Lucy Yanckello received her Ph.D. in nutrition from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. She currently works as a medical writer and enjoys being able to help people better understand nutrition and science.

This content is for informational use only and does not replace professional nutrition and/or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is not a substitute for and should not be relied upon for specific nutrition and/or medical recommendations. Please talk with your doctor about any questions or concerns.

Best Homemade Bread: Is Homemade Bread Healthier? (2024)


Best Homemade Bread: Is Homemade Bread Healthier? ›


Is making homemade bread healthier? ›

Homemade bread has a lot of health benefits if prepared with high-fiber ingredients (e.g., whole grain flours, ground flaxseed, whole oats) which also increase the protein content. Fiber is important in regulating digestion and plays a role in lowering cholesterol.

Is bread from a bread maker healthier? ›

Healthier Options

Using a bread maker means you'll know exactly what you've put into your bread, unlike store-bought alternatives which can be pumped full of synthetic additives.

Is it OK to eat homemade bread everyday? ›

Unless you have a medical condition such as celiac disease, wheat allergy, or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, there is no need for you to avoid bread! In fact, bread can be included as part of a healthy, balanced diet every day – yes that is correct, every day!

Is homemade bread still considered processed? ›

Processed foods: These are foods that are made by combining foods from groups 1 and 2, which are altered in a way that home cooks could do themselves. They include foods such as jam, pickles, tinned fruit and vegetables, homemade breads and cheeses.

What is the healthiest flour to use to make bread? ›

The healthiest bread flour is 100% whole grain flour. Whole grain flour could be rye, barley, spelt, oat, or wheat flour - the key is that the flour is made from 100% whole grains. Whole grain breads provide essential nutrients that are lacking in bread made from white flour.

What is the most unhealthy type of bread? ›

When is bread not healthful? The highly processed flour and additives in white, packaged bread can make it unhealthful. Consuming too much white bread can contribute to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

Which bread is not ultra-processed? ›

Wholemeal or brown breads contain more fibre and the flour used is less processed than white alternatives.

What is one drawback of using a bread machine? ›

Bread Machine Drawbacks

Harder to make complicated breads (i.e. glazed breads). Harder to create different shaped breads (i.e. long baguettes). Upfront cost of a bread machine. Homemade bread usually goes stale faster than store packaged brands (because store breads often contain chemical preservatives).

Why are breadmakers no longer popular? ›

Some attribute the demise of the bread machine to the fact that cooks were just disappointed by their results. Lara Pizzorno, the author of Bread Machine Baking, chalked it up to food snobs who regarded the machine as “the electric equivalent of The Bridges of Madison County” in a 1996 article in The New York Times.

Is bakery bread healthier than store-bought? ›

Artisan bread is thought to be a healthier option than store-bought bread. While there haven't been clinical studies to clearly define the differences, artisan bread is made from wholesome fresh ingredients whereas store-bought bread contains processed ingredients and preservatives to stretch the shelf life.

Is rice better than bread? ›

Which is healthier: bread or rice? When looking at the nutritional content of a single serving of bread and rice, bread may be considered the healthier option. This is due to bread containing fewer calories and carbohydrates than rice. However, rice does contain more protein, vitamins, and minerals compared to bread.

Why is homemade bread so much better? ›


These are often used in store-bought bread to make them stay fresher for longer and enhance the taste. You don't have to worry about added sugars in the form of processed fructose corn syrup or dextrose, which are just empty calories.

Is home baking healthier than shop bought? ›

Similarly, homemade treats allow for the incorporation of healthier fats like olive oil or avocados instead of the hydrogenated oils and trans fats prevalent in many store-bought products. Moreover, when baking at home, you have the flexibility to adjust recipes to suit dietary preferences or restrictions.

What is the healthiest flour for bread? ›

The healthiest bread flour is 100% whole grain flour. Whole grain flour could be rye, barley, spelt, oat, or wheat flour - the key is that the flour is made from 100% whole grains. Whole grain breads provide essential nutrients that are lacking in bread made from white flour.

Is it good to bake your own bread? ›


According to the nutrition calculator atSparkPeople, a single slice of store-bought white bread has about 65 calories, 1.4 grams of sugar and less than a gram of fiber. Of course, not all store-bought breads are created equal.

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