Calorie counts: What’s the real impact on diners and restaurants? (2024)

Calorie counts: What’s the real impact on diners and restaurants? (1)

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You’ve booked the table, organised your friends and finally found a date that works for everyone, after rearranging three times. You’re shown to your table, the water is poured and you’re handed a menu. Every dish has the calorie counts listed on it. Right there in black and white staring right back at you. But, what if we don’t want to see it?

Well, there’s no choice now. From 6 April 2022, it’s compulsory for all restaurants, cafes, and takeaways in England that employ more than 250 people to include calorie counts on menus.

The aim of this initiative? It’s a bid to help reduce the amount of people diagnosed as obese in this country. But is publicly shaming people who are potentially vulnerable really the right way to go about it?


  • Why have calorie labels been introduced on menus?
  • Calorie-labelled menus: Here’s how people with eating disorders can cope
  • Calorie counts on menus: What’s the real impact on diners and restaurants?
  • What the calorie counts that now appear on menus actually mean

On the face of it, it sounds like useful information, but critics have condemned the move as dangerous and fear mongering, and expressed concern that it could plunge thousands more people into an eating disorder.

The government has completely blindsided the estimated 1.25 million people who are reported to have an eating disorder, according to charity Beat Eating Disorders. Public shaming could push these figures even higher.

The government has completely blindsided the estimated 1.25 million people who have an eating disorder

Eating out is supposed to be a pleasure. It is not our everyday. We’re not like the Italians or the French who survive on the cafe culture of dining out for any and almost every meal. Remember, this is dreary England. Most people’s everyday is eating most meals at home.

Those who oppose calorie labelling say that eating out isn’t to blame for obesity levels in the UK. According to data from Statista, from 2019, 40 per cent of people asked only dined out just once a month. For the rest of the month, on average 29 days, they eat at home. Only 8.5 per cent said they eat out more than once a week.

For those recovering from an eating disorder, or currently living with one, eating out is already difficult, and likely to be made even harder with this new law. For many, refuge is found in high street chains, where they know the menu and it doesn’t change too often.

Campaigners, including Beat, did manage to ensure that customers are allowed to ask for a menu without calories on it, but say this still singles people out. Along with this, the legislation would not apply in schools, which could have been enormously damaging for young people.

Beat also says there’s "little evidence to suggest that the legislation will be effective”, explaining: “A 2018 Cochrane review called Nutritional labelling for healthier food or non‐alcoholic drink purchasing and consumption found that there is only a small body of low-quality evidence supporting the idea that calorie counts on menus lead to a reduction in calories purchased. Although a more recent study found that calorie labelling in US fast food restaurants was associated with a 4 per cent reduction in calories per order, this reduction diminished over one year of follow-up, suggesting any small differences that may occur are not maintained."

Those who are worried about the labelling worry that only providing calories as the sole, fixed measure of health is also inaccurate. The amount of calories someone needs is dependent on many variables and isn’t a one size fits all approach.

Priya Tew, an eating order dietician says these new rules are “highly worrying”. “Putting calories on menus is not going to solve the obesity crisis. Usually people with an eating disorder have a fixation on tracking, weighing and measuring. People will likely choose low calorie meals, and won’t provide what they need, and will enforce this notion of having to track and count. Our bodies are not designed in this way. The body has to digest, absorb, and excrete. Just because you eat 100 calories, that doesn’t mean that’s what it takes in,” she says.

In my research, I struggled to really understand who the initiative is targeting. A restaurant, cafe or takeaway must have more than 250 employees to qualify, as if suggesting 249 or 158 or 17 employees makes the food any healthier.

To employ 250 staff is a lot. That excludes practically all small businesses. That only really leaves well known high street chain restaurants, such as PizzaExpress, Wahaca, Franco Manca and Wagamamas. It also includes fast food takeaways, such as Subway and Burger King. McDonald’s and KFC already include calorie counts on their menus, and have done since 2011. McDonald’s now only needs to amend this to include calorie counts for all the customisable aspects of its burgers.

McDonald’s and KFC already supplies the calorie counts of its food, and has done so since 2011

Another household name that’s also been ahead of the game is Wetherspoon. The cheap pub chain has included calorie counts on its food menus for five years, and its drink menus for three. Wetherspoon said the reason behind this was to give the customer an informed choice.

Elsewhere on the high street, Côte Brasserie is redesigning its space, bringing in a new head chef and a new menu. The new menu, which isn’t in reaction to the legislation, “will see 38 per cent of main dishes contain less than 700 calories to offer diners a real choice”, Côte said in an announcement, although it says it hasn’t swapped in lower-calorie ingredients or decreased portion sizes to reach this goal.

Part of the new menu will also see “a number of options to enable diners to choose a two-course meal for 1,000 calories, as well as being able to enjoy three-courses for 1,000 calories as well”. Courses are usually grouped together by price, rather than calories, so it’s a troubling thought. It feeds the “watching what you eat” mentality, suggesting you can only have these courses if they’re under the 1,000 calorie mark.

The concept of offering diners a less calorific meal is not a new one, though. A decade ago, PizzaExpress launched its Leggera pizza. You remember the one: it literally cut a hole in the middle of the pizza and replaced it with rocket leaves, and then claimed it had reduced the calories by a third. Well, yes, as you’re getting a third less pizza. The chain is back again with a new idea, launching a range of pizza wraps, which each has less than 600 calories.

There is an exception to the new calorie labelling rules to watch out for. Any meals deemed as “specials”, which are not on the menu for more than 30 days, do not have to show the calorie count.

While some restaurants were already sharing calorie counts or offering dishes marketed as lower-calorie, it’s now going to be rolled out across the board. Sure, you can ask for a menu without calorie counts, but what if that menu has been lost or damaged, or for whatever reason you don’t feel comfortable asking for it? What if it doesn’t exist?

One restaurant chain pointed out that being transparent about the calories is only “one part of the story”. Wahaca co-founder Mark Selby tells me that this focus on calories rather than nutrition, fibre and seasonality (to name just a few other important elements) can be “misleading”. Tew agrees:“We don’t want people to only look at calories. Instead, food should be about pleasure.”

Research from a survey Beat carried out last year of 1,118 people showed that a huge 93 per cent think the introduction of calorie labelling would be either “negative or very negative” for people with eating disorders, while 83 per cent of people did not support the new initiative.

This is not to say there isn’t an issue with obesity in this country. From the most recent government stats, in 2017 nearly two-thirds of adults (63 per cent) in England were classed as being overweight or obese. This is costing the country £6.1bn a year, which is estimated to rise to £9.7bn by 2050, but if we can prevent the problem, that number could be greatly reduced. Calories are only one part of the story. To only focus on calories means you forget about other thigns such as nutrition, fibre and seasonality

Calories are only one part of the story. To only focus on calories means you forget about other thigns such as nutrition, fibre and seasonality

Yet this government initiative is not likely to solve the crisis; 84 per cent of those surveyed by Beat agreed with that sentiment. They thought calorie labelling could be introduced in a way that doesn’t pose risks to people living with eating disorders.

So, what are these alternative ideas? Preventative healthcare and more education are both key. As most of our meals are eaten at home, teaching the next generation how to cook healthy meals with whole, fresh and seasonal ingredients couldn’t be more important. And with the rise in the cost of living, even fewer people are likely to be eating out. Instead, they’ll be looking for more affordable ways to feed themselves and their families.

According to research carried out by Ocado for its School of Magical Mealtimes campaign, more than half of children do not learn the basics of cooking at school. In 2015, food tech as a subject was dropped from the A level syllabus, which prevents any further education in food, and tells younger children at GCSE level or below that it’s not a useful skill or a career option. Despite that, the study also showed that eight out of 10 parents believe cooking from scratch with their child can encourage healthier eating habits.

Not all parents or guardians are confident in the kitchen, nor do all of them have the flexibility with work to be at home for evening meals. The rise in living costs will likely affect how people cook at home, too. Anti-poverty food campaigner Jack Monroe has written about how to a manage a healthy weekly food shop under £20.

Selby agrees that learning the basics when you’re young is important. “Tackling it at an early age is the best education and can help change habits for years. The new rules coming into restaurants feels a little bit tokenistic.”

Other areas that should be targeted are portion sizes, such as snacks like packets of crisps, suggests Tew. And we need to learn to listen to ourselves. It’s important to “really get people to tune into their body and fullness cues”. Besides when our bodies are actually telling us we need food, we can also feel hunger when we’re bored, stressed or lonely. It’s also about “encouraging people to move bodies in ways that feel good and are not punishing”, Tew adds.

Eating out is a joy, an occasion we look forward to, not having to wash the dishes or clear up, or to shop or even turn on the cooker, to socialise, to try new foods. It should not be a place to be shamed, to fear, especially not vulnerable people. Instead, through teaching young people cooking skills and about nutrition, we can make our own informed choices.

For anyone struggling with the issues raised in this article, eating disorder charity Beat’s helpline is available 365 days a year on 0808 801 0677.NCFED offers information, resources and counselling for those suffering from eating disorders, as well as their support networks. or call 0845 838 2040.

Calorie counts: What’s the real impact on diners and restaurants? (2024)


Calorie counts: What’s the real impact on diners and restaurants? ›

Although a more recent study found that calorie labelling in US fast food restaurants was associated with a 4 per cent reduction in calories per order, this reduction diminished over one year of follow-up, suggesting any small differences that may occur are not maintained."

How accurate are calorie counts at restaurants? ›

Bottom line. Nutrition numbers from chain restaurants were generally accurate in our tests. But watch out: The Cheesecake Factory's 36-ounce (more than 2 pounds) meatloaf dinner had up to 2,016 calories (the maximum number most people should have in a day) and up to 132 grams of fat (about twice as much).

Will calorie counts on restaurant menus lead to healthier customer choices? ›

A direct comparison between 474 menu-labeling restaurants and 474 non-menu-labeling restaurants revealed that, on average, consumers reduced their calories-per-transaction by 25% when provided with the nutritional value of their potential food purchases.

What is the impact of restaurant menu calorie labeling? ›

Calorie labelling might result in a reduction in obesity prevalence and cardiovascular disease mortality without widening health inequalities. However, our results emphasise the need for the government to be more ambitious by applying this policy to all out-of-home food businesses to maximise impact.

What effect results from including calorie counts on a restaurant menu? ›

The thinking is that if people are more aware of the calories they're consuming, then they may make healthier meal choices. However, research indicates that menu labeling has little to no effect on weight loss and health-related outcomes.

Should I trust restaurant calories? ›

'They primarily rely on standard values for ingredients, which do not account for variations in the quality, origin or freshness of the ingredients used. Consequently, the calculated nutritional content might not reflect the actual values accurately.

Are Chick-fil-A calorie counts accurate? ›

Ingredient and nutrition information on the website and the Chick-fil-A® App for each menu item is based on our standard recipes and may not include things such as customizations. There may be some variation in nutrition and ingredients. Calories on menu boards do not include toppings, sauces and dressings.

Do restaurants under report calories? ›

The calorie count on restaurant menus is no less and no more accurate than the calorie counts on charts that can be purchased or downloaded from the Internet. That is, they give a rough estimate, but they aren't accurate. There is far too much variation for it to be accurate in any of these counts.

What is the menu calories rule? ›

What are the calorie labelling requirements? From April 2022, certain large businesses will be required to display calorie information for all non-prepacked food and soft drink items. This is any food or soft drink that is sold without packaging, such as meals in a restaurant or cakes in a cafe.

Why are chefs plate meals so high in calories? ›

In addition, they claim “while not a diet or calorie-restrictive service, cooking with fresh ingredients helps you stay healthy”. Except, most of their recipes call for oil or include high salt, high fat additives such as mayonnaise, or things like sour cream. Not overly “healthy”.

Do food labels overestimate calories? ›

Nutrition labels can be inaccurate by up to 20% when it comes to listing calories, according to the FDA. This can be frustrating, but experts say it probably won't ruin an otherwise healthy diet. Sticking to whole, unprocessed foods can be a helpful strategy to avoid surprise calories in processed foods.

Why are restaurant calories so high? ›

Restaurants tend to use more oils and fats, more sugar, and more salt in their food preparation. The reason is simple: if the food is yummy, you'll come back! But that tends to add up to a lot of extra calories you weren't counting on.

Does having nutrition information on restaurant menus affect what people order? ›

Some studies have shown that there's not much of a difference in what people are ordering, or if there is, it's a slight difference, anywhere from like 25 to 100 fewer calories for the meal,” said Colleen Tewksbury, a senior research investigator at the University of Pennsylvania and a spokesperson for the Academy of ...

Do restaurants over or underestimate calories? ›

According to a recent investigation by BBC Morning Live's Briony May Williams, the calories restaurants list could be underreported by as much as 30 percent. The BBC recruited the help of Dr. Nazanin Zand, Professor in Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Greenwich, and her colleague, Dr. Elena Lopez.

Why should calories be included in restaurant menus? ›

Calorie labeling on menus can help you make informed and healthful decisions about meals and snacks.

Is calorie labelling effective? ›

A New York-based study which surveyed more than 15,000 adults found that on average, customers who viewed a calorie-labelled menu consumed 100 less calories than those who didn't. Researchers said that after adjusting for demographic and other factors, the average calorie reduction was 78 calories.

How do restaurants know how many calories are in food? ›

Also, other methods of reacting food can happen, such as with enzymes, or growing a culture and measuring it after, etc. The science of this is called Calorimetry. Restaurants obtain the calorie counts of the ingredients and calculate the calorie count of the food based off the amount of each ingredient used.

Are food calorie counters accurate? ›

Legally speaking, food manufacturers can be up to 20% out in their estimates, which could be significant. A "100-calorie" snack, for instance, might contain anything from 80–120 calories. Plus, portion sizes are impossible to control accurately, and restaurant estimates of calories can vary by more than 50%.

Are Applebee's calories accurate? ›

While we are committed to providing as accurate nutritional information as possible, there may be differences between the actual nutritional content of your freshly prepared menu item and the nutritional values provided in this document.

Are food calorie scales accurate? ›

The short answer to this is yes, regularly weighing out food items on a food scale will give a more accurate indication of your calorie intake. All food items come with calorie amounts printed on the packaging, but this can lead to guessing and therefore inaccurate results.

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