Classic Pogi Kimchi (Whole Napa Cabbage Kimchi) | CBC Life (2024)


Everything you need to know to make authentic, better-than-store-bought kimchi at home.

Everything you need to know to make authentic, better-than-store-bought kimchi at home

Soo Kim · CBC Life


Classic Pogi Kimchi (Whole Napa Cabbage Kimchi) | CBC Life (1)

As a Korean Canadian growing up in the Toronto suburb of Mississauga, I ate homemade kimchi every day. In our house, we made so much kimchi the napa cabbage had to be brined in our bathtub; we’d organize our showers before the big kimchi-making was scheduled to allow my mother time to scrub the tub in advance. My older sister and I would peel a bushel of garlic (it's the same size as a bushel of apples), then we’d move to the kitchen floor, where we’d purée an armful of hot chilies in a red-stained blender dedicated to kimchi-making. It was a big production, and everyone in the family dug in deep, donning gloves and chopping vegetables. And there were lots of tears — my sister and I would forget to avoid touching our eyes after handling the peppers!

While there are hundreds of iterations, from mustard leaves to cucumbers, perilla and radishes, baechu kimchi, or napa cabbage kimchi, is the most traditional. Koreans make pogi kimchi (whole head kimchi) in super large quantities for kimjang, a collective family or neighbourhood kimchi-making event, which happens in late fall to prepare for the cold season. Some collectives use 100 to 200 cabbages — and with one head making enough kimchi to fill a two- or three-litre jar, that's enough kimchi for all to enjoy every day. UNESCO recognizes this ritual as an Intangible Cultural Heritage tradition. It's intertwined with our culture, and we think of kimchi with overwhelming pride. Fiery and effervescent, kimchi is Korea's national identity and beating heart. It's ubiquitous in the Korean menu — South Koreans consume 42 kg of kimchi every year — and there was never a time in my childhood when a jar of kimchi wasn't in my refrigerator. When my family immigrated to Canada, we had nothing and could afford little. A soda pop crate became our table, but we had rice and kimchi to fill our bellies, and it was enough.

With so many kimchi varieties, recipes are dictated by family tradition and regional flavours of the season. My mother favoured adding oysters and salted fermented shrimp to her baechu kimchi, and over the years, we swapped oysters for fish sauce, a popular substitute in Korean homes. These strong flavours help develop and round out the punchy spice. While I do provide instructions below on how to make mak kimchi (where the cabbage is cut into smaller pieces before fermenting), the pogi variety, in my opinion, is by far more delicious and worth the extra effort. The layering, spreading of the paste, and rolling technique allow for a slow fermentation. Make it, and you'll be an honorary Korean in my books.

Classic Pogi Kimchi (Whole Napa Cabbage Kimchi) | CBC Life (2)

Classic Pogi Kimchi (Whole Napa Cabbage Kimchi)

While kimchi is a staple of every Korean table, it’s more than a side dish or condiment. Older kimchi has the right amount of sourness to make the best Korean recipes, from kimchi soup and stew to kimchi fried rice, noodles and pancakes. It’s become a popular addition to non-Korean dishes — you may see it in grilled cheese sandwiches, and on burgers, pizza, tacos and more — with good reason. Might I suggest you use kimchi as a condiment on oysters and deviled eggs, in softened butter for fish, or in mayo as your new favourite sandwich spread.


  1. When buying gochugaru for this recipe, look for a bright red hue, and make sure to buy the mild version.

  2. Use a mandoline to quickly julienne vegetables; a Japanese mandoline is a workhorse in every Korean kitchen and makes precise cuts.

  3. To make mak kimchi (where the cabbage is cut up) instead of pogi kimchi, cut the cabbage into 1½- to 2-inch pieces, place in a large bowl, sprinkle with the kosher salt and add 2 cups of cold water, tossing to soften the leaves every 30 minutes for 1½ hours, before proceeding with the rest of the recipe.

  4. This recipe makes enough to fill a 2.5-litre to 3-litre glass canning jar. Don't fret about the volume; after salting and draining, the bulk softens and wilts during the fermentation.

  5. While you can eat kimchi right away, it's not fermented, and its flavour is not fully developed (nor are the healthy bacteria at their height). Deliciously fermented kimchi needs 1½ to 2 weeks in the fridge, after its 1 to 2 days of fermentation at room temperature, to fully develop its flavour. For a fun, scientific test, taste your fermenting kimchi every day, noticing the blooming flavours.

  6. Kimchi will last for months in the fridge and will slowly age for you to enjoy, even after it turns very sour. Aged, sour kimchi is preferred for cooking as it makes the best tasting kimchi stew, soup, fried rice, dumplings and pancakes.

Note: Cleanliness of ingredients, tools and hands at every stage is important for making fermented food that is safe to eat.


  • 1 large head napa cabbage (5 or 6 lbs)
  • ½ cup kosher salt or Korean sea salt

For the spicy porridge mixture:

  • 2 tbsp glutinous/sweet rice flour
  • 2 cups cold water
  • 2 tbsp packed brown sugar or granulated sugar

For the vegetable mixture:

  • ⅓ cup chopped garlic (from about 2 heads)
  • 1 tbsp chopped ginger
  • 2 red finger chilies, roughly chopped
  • 1-2 Thai chilies, chopped
  • ½ onion, chopped
  • 8 green onions, halved lengthwise and cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 bunch Chinese chives, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 2 cups peeled, julienned Korean radish
  • 1 cup peeled, julienned carrots
  • 1 peeled, cored, julienned Korean pear (optional)
  • ½ onion, thinly sliced
  • 1½ cups gochugaru (Korean coarse hot pepper flakes); see tip
  • ¼ cup fish sauce
  • ¼ cup salted, fermented shrimp, finely chopped
  • 2 tsp kosher salt (ideally, Diamond or smaller grain kosher salt) or Korean sea salt


Peel, trim and discard any old, bruised parts of the outer cabbage leaves. Using a sharp knife, trim and discard the base. Make a 2-inch cut to halve the base of the cabbage, then pull apart the head from there with your hands to create jagged leaves (this will help the spicy porridge mixture adhere). Cut each half in half again at the base, pulling apart to the top once more to make quarters. Dunk the quarters and any loose leaves in a large bowl of cold water.

Classic Pogi Kimchi (Whole Napa Cabbage Kimchi) | CBC Life (3)

Working with one quarter at a time, in a large wide bowl, sprinkle 2 tablespoons of salt over each layer of leaves, starting from the bottom layer and lifting the leaves back to cover all of the surfaces, paying close attention to the thick white parts. Repeat with the remaining quarters, and salt the loose leaves well too. Let stand at room temperature until the leaves are wilted, and the tougher white pieces are softened and pliable, about 2 hours, rotating every 30 minutes.

Drain the cabbage of the extracted liquid. Fill the same bowl with cold water and rinse the cabbage thoroughly 2 to 3 times, changing the water. Then drain the cabbage in a colander or on a cooling rack over a bowl or the sink for an hour.

Meanwhile, make the spicy porridge mixture. In a medium saucepan, stir together the rice flour and water, and place over medium heat. Bring to a low boil, stirring constantly until thickened, about 2 minutes. Transfer the porridge mixture to an extra-large bowl, then stir in the sugar and allow to cool completely.

Prepare and add the vegetable mixture. In a food processor, process the garlic, ginger, both types of chilies, and chopped onion until smooth, about 30 seconds. Scrape into the cooled porridge mixture. Add the green onions, chives, radish, carrots, Korean pear (if using), gochugaru, fish sauce, salted shrimp and salt to the porridge mixture. Stir until well combined.

Classic Pogi Kimchi (Whole Napa Cabbage Kimchi) | CBC Life (4)

Wearing rubber gloves, place one cabbage quarter on a baking sheet or in a large bowl. Lift each leaf and rub with some of the mixture, making sure to coat the tough white core well, and repeating until all of the layers are coated. Then roll up the cabbage quarter and rub the outer leaves with some of the mixture. Repeat with remaining quarters and any loose leaves. Place the seasoned cabbage rolls into a large, sterile glass jar (see note) or container with a fitted lid, placing a large plate or tray underneath to catch any bubbling juices. (Alternatively you can use a thick plastic food storage container with a fitted lid.)

Classic Pogi Kimchi (Whole Napa Cabbage Kimchi) | CBC Life (5)

Let the kimchi stand, covered, on a counter or in a cool dark area for 1 to 2 days to ferment. Check the state of the kimchi after one day, pushing the kimchi under the juices, and close again, loosening the lid if there is too much gaseous buildup. The warmer the environment, the faster the kimchi will ferment. Check for bubbling, and taste the leaves for an effervescent, slightly sour taste.

Refrigerate and store the kimchi to slowly continue the fermentation; the flavours will evolve to perfection.

Enjoy when the kimchi has fermented to taste, after 1½ to 2 weeks. To serve, remove a quarter of the cabbage, unroll, and cut into bite-sized pieces.

Yield: Makes about 12 cups or 3 litres

Soo Kim is a Toronto-based professional cook and baker, writer, stylist and recovering food editor. Hungry for more? Follow her delicious stories on Instagram@soocookie.

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Classic Pogi Kimchi (Whole Napa Cabbage Kimchi) | CBC Life (6)

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Classic Pogi Kimchi (Whole Napa Cabbage Kimchi) | CBC Life (2024)


What is the difference between mat kimchi and pogi kimchi? ›

Pogi is when you take the whole quarters of brined cabbage and then stuff the individual leaves. This is harder and more time consuming to make. Mak kimchi is when you cut the cabbage into smaller pieces first then mix together with all the different ingredients.

What is pogi kimchi? ›

Aside from barbecue, kimchi is probably the dish most synonymous with Korean cuisine. This fiery red, funky, fermented cabbage is on the table every meal – breakfast, lunch and dinner, 365 days a year.

Is napa cabbage kimchi good for you? ›

The fiber, antioxidants, and nutrients in kimchi can also help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, which can boost heart health. Early research suggests kimchi may strengthen your immune system. The bacteria in kimchi are linked to improved immune function and lower levels of inflammation triggered by diseases.

What is the number 1 Korean kimchi? ›

In 2019, Jongga by Daesang was the most sold Kimchi brand in South Korea, with a sales value of around 116.12 billion South Korean won. It was followed by two CJ brands, Bibigo and Haseongjeong.

What is the best fermented food in Korea? ›

Among them, kimchi is one of the most popular Korean traditional food. It is prepared by fermenting the baechu cabbage together with other vegetables and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with functional potential. Many types of ingredients are added to kimchi to enhance its taste, flavor, nutritional value, texture etc.

Is kimchi good or bad for you? ›

Because it's a fermented food, it boasts numerous probiotics. These healthy microorganisms may give kimchi several health benefits. It may help regulate your immune system, promote weight loss, fight inflammation, and even slow the aging process. If you enjoy cooking, you can even make kimchi at home.

How long does kimchi last in the fridge? ›

If you have store-bought kimchi that's been opened, it will be good for 3-4 days at room temperature and up to 6 months when refrigerated. Signs of your kimchi going bad include mold growth, an alcoholic smell, and an extremely sour taste.

Why does my stomach hurt after eating kimchi? ›

The most common reaction to fermented foods is a temporary increase in gas and bloating. This is the result of excess gas being produced after probiotics kill harmful gut bacteria and fungi. Probiotics secrete antimicrobial peptides that kill harmful pathogenic organisms like Salmonella and E. Coli.

Can I eat kimchi every day? ›

Kimchi is often served as a side dish alongside other healthful vegetables and proteins. Researchers noted in the study that consuming more than three servings of kimchi a day could have the opposite benefit. Participants who ate more than five servings of kimchi per day were more likely to be at a risk for obesity.

Should I refrigerate kimchi right after making it? ›

Kimchi ferments at room temperature in only 1-2 days or more slowly in the refrigerator. For safety, kimchi should be stored refrigerated and is best eaten within 1 week, as the quality of kimchi deteriorates with longer fermentation.

Can I open my kimchi while it's fermenting? ›

Kimchi is raw/unpasteurized to preserve the gut-health-boosting bacteria within, which continue to actively ferment inside the jar. Sometimes, you may open a jar of kimchi and no explosion will occur. Other times, the kimchi may pop and overflow similarly to a bottle of champagne.

What happens if you ferment kimchi for too long? ›

If you prefer a milder flavor or crunchier texture, you may want to discard your kimchi after 3 months. After this point, its taste may change significantly — and it may become mushy. Yet, kimchi may still be safe to eat for up to 3 more months, as long as there's no mold, which indicates spoilage.

Napa Cabbage Kimchi - Pogi Kimchi – Babs ...babsprojects.com ›

Napa Cabbage Kimchi, a Korean side dish that is spicy, tangy, pickled and fermented. This recipe is for a small batch of cabbage kimchi.
Apart from the chili, garlic, ginger and scallions are the most frequent ingredients of the most popular, fiery kimchi. It also always contains a fermentation “...
I buy my Kimchi at H Mart. There is a brand I really like there- 1000 year kimchi. Its on the sweeter/spicier side. So far I've only tried their "Slice...

What does mat kimchi mean? ›

The term literally means "taste," but is basically a marketing term that's been popularized to mean ready to eat kimchi that's been made with pre-sliced cabbage.

What is the difference between MAK and Poki kimchi? ›

Mak kimchi has a little sugar and ginger in the brine, which mellows its flavor somewhat. * Whole Spicy Cabbage Kimchi (Poki Kimchi) : More elegant than the mak kimchi, this is a whole cabbage layered in the same manner as the cabbage water kimchi described above, and it's served the same way too--but it's spicier.

What is the difference between kimchi jeongol and kimchi jjigae? ›

It is similar to the category of Korean stews called jjigae, with the main difference being that jjigae are generally made with only a single main ingredient, and named after that ingredient (such as kimchi jjigae or sundubu jjigae), while jeongol usually contain a variety of main ingredients.

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