Here's a handy list of common business abbreviations (2024)

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Here's a handy list of common business abbreviations (1)

English as a Second Language

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    Kenneth Beare

    Kenneth Beare

    English as a Second Language (ESL) Expert

    • TESOL Diploma, Trinity College London
    • M.A., Music Performance, Cologne University of Music
    • B.A., Vocal Performance, Eastman School of Music

    Kenneth Beare is an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher and course developer with over three decades of teaching experience.

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    Updated on August 20, 2019

    It's common in banking and business to use abbreviations for a wide range of specific business expressions. You'll find each expression followed by the appropriate abbreviations below. Remember that abbreviations and acronyms are used differently in English. Abbreviations are used to replace words or expressions while acronyms simply take the first letter of each word. It's true that some abbreviations are acronyms, but not all.

    Against All Risks to Book Value

    • Against all risks = a.a.r.
    • Account = a/c
    • Account current = A/C
    • Accommodation = ACC/ACCOM
    • Account = acct.
    • Actual cash value = a.c.v.
    • After date = a.d.
    • Addition/Additional = add.
    • Advise = adv.
    • Air freight bill = a.f.b.
    • Agency = agcy.
    • Agent = agt.
    • Air mail transfer = a.m.t.
    • Account of = a/o
    • Accounts payable = A.P.
    • Authority to pay = A/P
    • Accounts receivable = A.R.
    • All risks = a/r
    • Arrive/Arriving = arr.
    • Arrange/Arrangement/Arranging = arr/arrng.
    • Approximate/Approximately = approx.
    • Account sales = A/S, A.S.
    • At sight = a/s
    • As soon as possible = asap
    • Attention = attn.
    • Atomic weight = at. wt.
    • Average = av.
    • Actual weight = a/w
    • Air waybill = a.w.b.
    • Balance = bal.
    • Barrel = bar.
    • Barrel = bbl.
    • Brought down = b/d
    • Bill of exchange = B/E, b/e
    • Brought forward = b/f
    • Before = bfor.
    • Bill of health = B.H.
    • Bank = bk.
    • Brokerage = bkge.
    • Bill of lading = B/L
    • Brought over = b/o
    • Bills payable = B.P.
    • By procuration = b.p.
    • Bills receivable = B.R.
    • Balance sheet = B/S
    • Berth terms = b.t.
    • Bushel = bu.
    • Book value = B/V

    Circa to CWT

    • Circa: centaire = ca.
    • Chartered accountant = C.A.
    • Current account = c.a.
    • Cash against documents = C.A.D.
    • Cash book = C.B.
    • Cash before delivery = C.B.D.
    • Carbon copy = c.c.
    • Carried down = c/d
    • Cum dividend = c.d.
    • Carried forward = c/f
    • Compare = cf
    • Cost and freight = c & f
    • Clearing house = C/H
    • Custom house = C.H.
    • Charges forward = ch. fwd.
    • Charges paid = ch. pd.
    • Charges prepaid = ch. ppd.
    • Cheque, check = chq.
    • Cost, insurance, freight = c. i. f.
    • Cost, insurance, freight and commission = c.i.f. & c.
    • Cost, insurance, freight, and interest = c.i.f. & i.
    • Car load = c.l.
    • Call of more = C/m
    • Credit note = C/N
    • Care of = c/o
    • Company = co.
    • Cash on delivery = C.O.D.
    • Commission = comm.
    • Corporation = corp.
    • Cash on shipment = C.O.S.
    • Carriage paid = C.P.
    • Charter party = C/P
    • Charters pay duties = c.p.d.
    • Corporation = cpn.
    • Credit; creditor = cr.
    • Cable transfer = C/T
    • Constructive total loss = c.t.l.
    • Constructive total loss only = c.t.l.o.
    • Cumulative = cum.
    • Cum dividend = cum div.
    • Cumulative preference = cum. pref.
    • Commercial weight = c/w
    • Cash with order = C.W.O.
    • Hundredweight = cwt.

    Documents to Ex Wharf

    • Documents against acceptance; deposit account = D/A
    • Documents against payment = DAP
    • Debenture = db.
    • Deferred = def.
    • Department = dept.
    • Dead freight = d.f.
    • Draft = dft.
    • Draft attached = dtf/a.
    • Clean draft = dft/c.
    • Discount = disc.
    • Dividend = div.
    • Dayletter = DL
    • Daily letter telegram = DLT
    • Debit note = D/N
    • Delivery order = D/O
    • Ditto = do.
    • Dozen = doz.
    • Documents against payment = D/P
    • Debtor = dr.
    • Doctor = Dr.
    • Days after sight = d/s, d.s.
    • Deadweight = d.w.
    • Dock warrant = D/W
    • Pennyweight = dwt.
    • Dozen = dz.
    • European Currency Unit = ECU
    • East European Time = E.E.T.
    • For example = e.g.
    • Enclosure = encl.
    • Endorsem*nt = end.
    • Errors and omissions excepted = E. & O.E.
    • End of month = e.o.m.
    • Except otherwise herein provided = e.o.h.p.
    • Especially = esp.
    • Esquire = Esq.
    • Established = est.
    • Out = ex
    • ex coupon = ex cp.
    • Ex dividend = ex div.
    • ex interest = ex. int.
    • ex new (shares) = ex h.
    • ex store = ex stre.
    • ex wharf = ex whf.

    Free of All Average to Foreign Exchange

    • Free of all average = f.a.a.
    • Fast as can = f.a.c.
    • Freight all kinds = f.a.k.
    • Fair average quality; free alongside quay = f.a.q.
    • Frequently asked questions = F.a.q.
    • Free alongside ship = f.a.s.
    • For cash = f/c
    • Free of capture and seizure = f.c. & s.
    • Free of capture, seizure, riots, and civil commotion = f.c.s.r. & c.c.
    • Free delivery to dock = F.D.
    • Free discharge = f.d.
    • Following; folios = ff.
    • Free of general average = f.g.a.
    • Free in bunker = f.i.b.
    • Free in and out = f.i.o.
    • Free in truck = f.i.t.
    • Free on board = f.o.b.
    • Free of charge = f.o.c.
    • Free of damage = f.o.d.
    • Following; folio = fol.
    • Free on quay = f.o.q.
    • Free on rail = f.o.r.
    • Free on streamer = f.o.s.
    • Free on truck(s) = f.o.t.
    • Free on wagons; free on wharf = f.o.w.
    • Floating policy = F.P.
    • Fully paid = f.p.
    • Free of particular average = f.p.a.
    • Freight = frt.
    • Freight paid = frt. pd.
    • Freight prepaid = frt. ppd.
    • Freight forward = frt. fwd.
    • Foot = ft.
    • Forward = fwd.
    • Foreign exchange = f.x.

    General Average to I Owe You

    • General average = g.a.
    • Goods in bad order = g.b.o.
    • Good merchantable brand = g.m.b.
    • Good merchantable quality = g.m.q.
    • Greenwich Mean Time = G.M.T.
    • Gross national product = GNP
    • Good ordinary brand = g.o.b.
    • Gross = gr.
    • Gross register ton = GRT
    • Gross weight = gr. wt.
    • Gross tonnage = GT
    • Home consumption = h.c.
    • Height = hgt.
    • Hogshead = hhd.
    • Head office = H.O.
    • Hire purchase = H.P.
    • Horsepower = HP
    • Height = ht.
    • Integrated data processing = IDP
    • That is = i.e.
    • Insufficient funds = I/F
    • Indicated horsepower = i.h.p.
    • Import = imp.
    • Incorporated = Inc.
    • Inclusive = incl.
    • Interest = int.
    • Invoice = inv.
    • I owe you = I.O.U.

    Joint Account to Making-Up Price

    • Joint account = J/A, j.a.
    • Junior = Jr.
    • Kilovolt = KV
    • Kilowat = KW
    • Kilowatt hour = KWh
    • Letter of credit = L/C, l.c.
    • Telegram in the language of the country of destination = LCD
    • Telegram in the language of the country of origin = LCO
    • Landing; loading = ldg.
    • Long ton = l.t.
    • Limited = Ltd.
    • Long ton = l. tn.
    • Month = m.
    • My account = m/a
    • Maximum = max.
    • Memorandum of deposit = M.D.
    • Months after date = M/D, m.d.
    • Memorandum = memo.
    • Plural of Mr. = Messrs.
    • Manufacturer = mfr.
    • Minimum = min.
    • Minimum lending rate = MLR
    • Money order = M.O.
    • My order = m.o.
    • Mortgage = mortg.
    • Months after payment = M/P, m.p.
    • Mate's receipt = M/R
    • Months' sight = M/S, m.s.
    • Mail transfer = M.T.
    • Making-up price = M/U

    Name to Overtime

    • Name; noiminal = n.
    • No account = n/a
    • No advice = N/A
    • No commercial value = n.c.v.
    • No date = n.d.
    • Not elsewhere specified = n.e.s.
    • No funds = N/F
    • Night letter = NL
    • No noting = N/N
    • No orders = N/O
    • Number = no.
    • Not otherwise enumerated = n.o.e.
    • Numbers = nos.
    • No par value = NPV
    • Number = nr.
    • Net register ton = n.r.t.
    • Not sufficient funds = N/S
    • Not sufficient funds = NSF
    • Net weight = n. wt.
    • On account = o/a
    • Overseas common point = OCP
    • On demand; overdraft = O/D, o/d
    • Omissions excepted = o.e.
    • Overhead = o/h
    • Or nearest offer = ono.
    • Order of = O/o
    • Open policy = O.P.
    • Out of print; overproof = o.p.
    • Owner's risk = O/R, o.r.
    • Order, ordinary = ord.
    • Out of stock = O.S., o/s
    • Overtime = OT

    Page to Par Value

    • Page; per: premium = p.
    • Particular average: per annum = P.A., p.a.
    • Power of attorney; private account = P/A
    • Phase alternation line = PAL
    • Patent-pending = pat. pend.
    • Pay as you earn = PAYE
    • Petty cash = p/c
    • Pecent; price current = p.c.
    • Parcel = pcl.
    • Paid = pd.
    • Preferred = pf.
    • Package = pkg.
    • Profit and loss = P/L
    • Partial loss = p.l.
    • Promissory note = P/N
    • Post office; postal order = P.O.
    • Post office box = P.O.B.
    • Post office order = P.O.O.
    • Pay on return = p.o.r.
    • Pages = pp.
    • Postage and packing = p & p
    • Per procuration = p. pro
    • Prepaid = ppd.
    • Prompt = ppt.
    • Preference = pref.
    • Proximo = prox.
    • Postscript = P.S.
    • Payment = pt.
    • Please turn over = P.T.O., p.t.o.
    • Partly paid = ptly. pd.
    • Par value = p.v.

    Quality to Sight Draft

    • Quality = qulty.
    • Quantity = qty.
    • Riot and civil commotions = r. & c.c.
    • Refer to drawer = R/D
    • Running down clause = R.D.C.
    • In regard to= re
    • Received; receipt = rec.
    • Received = recd.
    • Redeemable = red.
    • Reference = ref.
    • Registered = reg.
    • Returned = retd.
    • Revenue = rev.
    • Refused on delivery= R.O.D.
    • Reply paid = R.P.
    • Revolutions per second = r.p.s.
    • Please reply = RSVP
    • Right side up with care = R.S.W.C.
    • Railway = Ry
    • Stamped addressed envelope = s.a.e.
    • Stock at valuation = S.A.V.
    • Sea damaged = S/D
    • Sight draft = S/D, s.d.

    Without Date to Telex

    • Without date = s.d.
    • Special drawing rights = SDR
    • Signed = sgd.
    • Sundays and holidays excepted = s. & h. ex
    • Shipment = shipt.
    • Signature = sig.
    • Sue and labor clause = S/LC, s & l.c.
    • Shiping note = S/N
    • Seller's option = s.o.
    • Standard operating procedure = s.o.p.
    • Spot = spt.
    • Senior = Sr.
    • Steamship = S.S., s.s.
    • Short ton = s.t.
    • Sterling = ster.
    • Stock exchange = St. Ex.
    • Sterling = stg.
    • Sub voce = s.v.
    • Telegraphic address = T.A.
    • Trial balance = T.B.
    • Telephone = tel.
    • Temporary secretary = temp.
    • Total loss = T.L., t.l.
    • Total loss only = T.L.O.
    • Multiple telegram = TM
    • Turn over = T.O.
    • Transfer = tr.
    • Telegram to be called for = TR
    • Trust receipt = TR, T/R
    • Telegraphic transfer (cable) = TT, T.T.
    • Telex = TX

    Urgent to Yearly

    • Urgent = UGT
    • Under separate cover = u.s.c.
    • Underwriters = U/ws
    • Volt = v.
    • Value = val.
    • Value-added tax = v.a.t.
    • Very good = vg.
    • Very high frequency = VHF
    • Very highly recommended = v.h.r.
    • Wat = w.
    • With average = WA
    • Waybill = W.B.
    • Without charge = w.c.
    • West European Time = W.E.T.
    • Weight guaranteed = wg.
    • Warehouse = whse.
    • With other goods = w.o.g.
    • Weather permitting; without prejudice = W.P.
    • With particular average = w.p.a.
    • War risk = W.R.
    • Warehouse receipt = W/R, wr.
    • Weather working day = W.W.D.
    • Weight = wt.
    • ex coupon = x.c.
    • ex dividend = x.d.
    • ex interest = x.i.
    • ex new shares = x.n.
    • Year = y.
    • Yard = yd.
    • Year = yr.
    • Yearly = yrly.



    Your Citation

    Beare, Kenneth. "Banking and Business Abbreviations for English Learners." ThoughtCo, Mar. 14, 2021,, Kenneth. (2021, March 14). Banking and Business Abbreviations for English Learners. Retrieved from, Kenneth. "Banking and Business Abbreviations for English Learners." ThoughtCo. (accessed August 5, 2024).

    Here's a handy list of common business abbreviations (2024)


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    Summary: Business Abbreviation. There are two common abbreviations of business: bus. and biz.

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    Give some examples of commonly used acronyms in daily communication.
    • LOL – Laugh out loud.
    • YOLO – You only live once.
    • ASAP – As soon as possible.
    • WIP – Work in progress.
    • FOMO – Fear of missing out.
    • PIN – Personal Identification Number.
    • CAPTCHA – Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.

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    Top common English abbreviations
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    ATMAutomatic teller machineau-toe-ma-teec te-lur ma-sheen
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    Feb 15, 2023

    What is the business acronym COP? ›

    COB is a sales acronym that refers to the end of the business day, usually 5 PM. Also known as end of day (EOD) and close of play (COP).

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    MOST is short for Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Tactics. MOST analysis is used to improve internal processes and company culture by analysing the organisation's internal environment. MOST analysis is extremely powerful – and often empowers businesses with a new sense of capability and purpose.

    What are the abbreviations for LLC? ›

    LLC stands for Limited Liability Company and is a term that you may see often after the names of companies. Other names and abbreviations that indicate a limited liability company are: L.L.C., limited company, LC, L.C., Ltd.

    How to do a list of abbreviations? ›

    The distinguishing feature of the List of Abbreviations is that information is arranged in two columns with the abbreviations or acronyms aligned along the left margin and the terms or names aligned under the word "LIST" in the title "LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS." If a List of Abbreviations is used, it should follow the List ...

    Is KFC an acronym? ›

    KFC (abbreviation of Kentucky Fried Chicken) is an American chain of fast food restaurants known for their fried chicken. It was started by Colonel Sanders in Corbin, Kentucky in 1952. They are now all over the world. They not only sell chicken, but also other food like salads and french fries.

    What is the abbreviation for I love you? ›

    "ILY" stands for "I love you." The text slang is used in a more informal way than the full phrase. You can use "ily" while messaging friends, family or other loved ones, such as a significant other. You can also choose to modify the abbreviation.

    What does cob mean in business? ›

    What does COB mean? COB stands for “close of business.” It refers to the end of a business day and the close of the financial markets in New York City, which define U.S. business hours. It's used in business communications to set a deadline for a task to be completed by 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST).

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    BAU (business as usual) COP (close of play) POC (point of contact)

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    Managed Detection and Response (MDR) is a comprehensive managed security operations solution that protects organizations against threats by using security experts, advanced tools, and threat intelligence.

    What is the abbreviation for business as usual? ›

    BAU is an acronym that stands for Business As Usual. The term refers to the usual operations of a business.

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    SMB is an abbreviation for a small and medium-sized business, sometimes called a small and midsize business. The terms are often used to refer to companies that are smaller in size and revenue than large corporations, but larger than microbusinesses or those run by an individual proprietor.

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    abbreviation for

    doing business as: DBA often precedes the name under which a business operates that is not the legal name of the business.

    What does business stand for? ›

    The term business refers to an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. The purpose of a business is to organize some sort of economic production of goods or services.

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    Name: Terence Hammes MD

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