How To Make Bone Broth Taste Better: Delicious Add ins to Satisfy Your Cravings (2024)

You've made bone broth (or bought some) but you're not sure how to make it taste delicious. Maybe you've tried a few things, but nothing seems to work.

Herbs, spices, healthy fats and unique flavors are the key to making bone broth taste better. With these simple add ins and the information below, you can learn how to make bone broth taste better... delicious in fact.

This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to transform your boring bone broth into something you truly crave.

Before we get started I want to make sure you are starting with a high quality bone broth. My favorite one for this is the chicken bone broth powder from Bluebird Provisions.

One quick note: this website is reader-supported. I spend a lot of time personally evaluating, testing and reviewing each product on this list. When you buy through links on our site, I may earn an affiliate commission.

How do you flavor your bone broth?

That is the number one question I have for you, my fellow bone broth enthusiast.

To make bone broth taste better, you add specific seasonings, spices, herbs, aromatics and healthy fats. But they must be in the correct amounts to reap the benefits and taste you seek.

Through reading this, you'll have a new love for bone broth as you learn surprising ways to transform a boring mug of broth into a an irresistibly delicious beverage.

In addition to bone broth add ins and seasoning tips, you’ll also get five tasty ideas for the ultimate beverage at the end of this article.

“Bone broth has collagen and fat in it, along with all kinds of vitamins and minerals, and I really think it helped me.”

-Netflix’s hit series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, lead actor Rachel Brosnahan

When you must be drinking bone broth

Bone broth can be sipped anytime. A warm cup on an empty stomach is a great way to start your morning. The amino acids prep your stomach for incoming food which helps digestion.

Now let’s get one thing straight, I will never ask you to sub your morning coffee or tea for broth.

I love my coffee as much as you. I drink coffee in the morning and bone broth in the afternoon.

It is great in the afternoon or evening and before bed as it settles your stomach and the glycine in the broth helps with sleep.

You can also do what I do anddrink bone broth before exercise. In this case it is sipped in combination with Vitamin C. This ensures that the collagen will get shuttled into your tendons and joints.

Read our stiff joints manifesto for a detailed strategy outlining why you might consider taking collagen or bone broth before exercise.

How to Make Bone Broth Taste Better 101

Salt.That's the whole article. I joke! Provided that you are starting with a quality product that you purchase or make yourself, your beverage will need a bit of salt.

Be sure to check your nutrition facts before adding salt. This is incredibly important because some brands are complete sodium bombs with upward of 700 mg of sodium per serving.

Any product with more than 300 mg per 250ml serving should be avoided.

The best bone broth brands not add much salt when making our bone broth. For example, Bluebird Provisions adds a tiny bit of Natural Pink Himalayan. The result is that most of our community says that you can’t taste it.

This brings the total sodium content to 180-210 mg per 250ml serving or one cup.

The best brands limit salt because it is best applied by you. Your palate is different from the next. High sodium products do so to make up for a bad tasting broth.

"We love sprinkling the pure seasalton just about everything."

-Bobby Flay

How to season bone broth

You can easily season your bone broth by adding a pinch of high quality salt. But before you add your salt be sure to taste your bone broth first.


What you find salty, others find bland. For this reasonI recommend adding a touch of salt whendrinking homemade or real bone broth.Try a bit first. Often you just need a pinch.

A pinch of salt works wonders for bringing out bone broth's flavor. Opt for a high quality version. The best on I like is a Pink Himalayan Salt.

Simply heat the broth, season with a pinch of salt and enjoy in your favourite mug.

Want to know which is better? Read about thedifference between beef and chicken bone broth.

Inspiration for How to Eat Bone Broth

There are countless other simple and complex add-ins for how to eat bone broth. Read them below by category.

Healthy Fats

Fats transform your cup of broth into a meal. They bring a richness and mouth feel that is hard to achieve without them.

Fats also make your bone broth more filling and give you stable energy throughout the day. Perfect for keto or thebone broth diet.

Fats should be warmed first then mixed in or warmed together with the broth. I recommend that you blend the fats with the broth in a blender to ensure it mixes properly.

You can also use a milk frother, electric whisk or just an old fashioned hand whisk. The key is the mix well so that the fats emulsify into the broth as opposed to sitting on top of it.

For adding healthy fats I would recommend starting with 1 tsp first. Then adding more if you like it.

Healthy Fats of Choice for Sipping Bone Broth

Coconut oil

Goes great with beef broth in particular.Look for an organic coconut oil that is sourced from sustainable coconuts.

MCT oil

Medium-chain triglycerides. These are fats derived from coconuts that are said to be easier to digest than other types of fats.You can find a really good organic MCT oil from a brand called Sports Research. What I like about them is the 3rd party testing they conduct to ensure quality and sustainability.

Egg yolk

Adds a rich nutrition boost. High in choline.


A class of clarified butter that originated in ancient India. Tastes delicious on just about anything. Checkout the organic, grass fed ghee from Organic Monkey if you wan a recommendation.


Rendered form of beef fat. Up until 1990, all french fries in restaurants were made using beef tallow. What a shame that it’s changed. There are some great grass fed tallows out there now!


Rendered chicken fat version of beef tallow. My personal favourite fat to cook with or add into bone broth. It has the most delicious rich taste. You have to try it to see for yourself.

What does bone marrow taste like?

Bone marrow tastes very rich and fatty with a spongy consistency. It works perfectly in broth because it provides a rich, umami sensation that is difficult to replicate with other flavors. The tricky thing is that it's but hard to find because theCarnivoreslove it.

Coconut milk

Full fat coconut milk makes any broth decadent and delicious.

Spices & Herbs to Make Your Tastiest Bone Broth

Adding spices and herbs are easy ways to make your tastiest bone broth while boosting the nutrition at the same time. Dried herbs and spices works well if you’re in a pinch. However, nothing beats fresh herbs and spices.

Herbs are particularly great if you arefasting with bone broth.


Fresh grated or powder both work well. Ginger is fantastic for your digestion and gut health. Simply grate your ginger, stir it in and enjoy.


Potent anti inflammatory and great flavour enhancer. Powder is easier and less likely to stain on things. I’d recommend adding fat and / or black pepper with your turmeric as it is needed to help you absorb the it properly.


Another anti-inflammatory and anti-viral powerhouse. Works best if minced, then sprinkled on your broth before drinking. The nutrition benefits of garlic benefits are void if it is heated and cooked too much. Dried garlic is great for flavouring too.


Great with beef broth. Can be incorporated (along with cloves and coriander) into a Pho broth.

Fresh rosemary

One of my favourites for chicken broth. Nothing smells better than fresh rosemary in broth. Steep for a few minutes while you are warming your broth, then remove before drinking.

Fresh parsley

High in many nutrients and vitamins. Great in both chicken and beef broth. Chop it fine orsteep for a few minutes then remove before you drink.


Great in any broth. Chop it fine and enjoy!

Green onion

Adds a ton of flavour! Make sure it is finely chopped.

Herbs de provence

These need to be steeped in a tea strainer or tea bag for 10-15 minutes as you warm your broth.

Flavors for Your Soup Broth

Some lesser known flavors to add to your bone broth are roasted garlic, a squeeze of lemon, thai curry paste and apple cider vinegar.

Roasted garlic

Another one of my favorites. Roast garlic with oil, salt and pepper in foil in the oven until very soft. Remove garlic and press each clove out of the bulb. Puree roasted garlic with any broth for a rich flavour.

Squeezed lemon or lime

Brightens up any broth with the fresh taste of lemon or lime.

Thai curry spice or paste

Tiny bit (¼ tsp) goes a long way!

Apple cider vinegar

Add 1 tsp to your broth for a great taste.

What's the best method of flavoring chicken broth?

The best method of flavoring chicken broth is to add a pinch of salt and a hefty squeeze of lemon juice. From here you can get adventurous by adding in some healthy fats like grass-fed butter, ghee or coconut oil. Simply blend your fat into your beverage using a whisk and you are ready to enjoy it.

Kylie Jenner's Favorite Bone Broth Add ins

Kylie Jenner went viral after she revealed how she prefers her bone broth. The secret ingredient is lavender.

Lavender is a calming herb that also has great health benefits. It's most known for its ability to relax the digestive tract and ease digestion, but it also helps calm inflammation in the body and can help you sleep better.

Add 1/2 tsp finely chopped lavender with a big squeeze of lemon into your bone broth, mix it together and enjoy it like Kylie does.

3 Bone Broth Drink Recipes

We’veconsulted our bone broth enthusiasts and come up with the top three delicious recipes to suit any pallet.

Nourishing PhoSimmer

A quick interpretation of pho broth that you can make in 5 minutes. Cook the following ingredients along with your bone broth in a pot for 5 minutes, then enjoy.

  1. 1-2 CupsOrganic Beef Bone Broth
  2. ¼ Tsp ginger, dried (or 2 tsp fresh grated)
  3. ¼ Tsp coriander, dried
  4. ¼ Tsp cloves, dried
  5. 1 Sprig fresh cilantro, chopped fine
  6. ¼ Tsp cinnamon, dried
  7. Green onion to garnish, chopped fine

Creamy Thai

Thick and creamy. You can add in some cayenne or chili powder for a bit of a kick.

  1. 1-2 CupsOrganic broth
  2. 1/4 Cup coconut milk
  3. Juice of 1/2 lime
  4. 1 Sprig fresh cilantro, chopped fine

Feel Good Cold Buster

Feeling run down? This is my personal go-to whenever I get that tickle in my throat or a runny nose. It almost always stops an incoming cold it it’s tracks.

  1. 1-2 CupsOrganic Broth
  2. Juice of 1/2 lemon
  3. ¼ Tsp turmeric (or fresh grated)
  4. 1 Tsp fresh grated ginger (or ¼ tsp dried)
  5. 1-2 Cloves minced garlic
  6. Pinch cayenne

What is most delicious bone broth drink recipe?

The most delicious bone broth drink recipe is a gut soothing bone broth latte. Get the recipe below which is taken directly from the Ultimate Guide to Sipping Bone Broth book.

Blend or whisk together the following ingredients until smooth and frothy.

  1. 1-2 cups bone broth
  2. 1 tbsp grass fed butter (substitutes: ghee, coconut oil) 1 tsp fresh ginger, grated (or 1⁄4 tsp powder)
  3. 1 pinch ground turmeric
  4. 1 pinch black pepper
  5. 1 dash of Himalayan salt (or any natural salt)

Simple Bone Broth Recipe

A simple recipe is a great way to start incorporating more homemade soups into your diet. I love making it and you will too once you get the hang of it!

Here is a recipe to get you started. If you'd like to master making it, then checkout our detailed guide to making bone broth.

  1. Place your bones on roasting pan in the oven at 450F for 30-40 mins. Toss them halfway through so that they caramelize.
  2. Add them to a stock pot or slow cooker. Scrape any brown bits from your roasting pan as well for extra flavor.
  3. Add water to your pot to completely cover your bones with another 4 inches of above them.
  4. Bring everything to a boil. Once boil is achieved, lower heat to a slow boil.
  5. Skim foamy bits that rise to the top 2-3 times as needed over the first hour.
  6. Cook for 12-24 hours.
  7. Add your aromatics when you have approximately 3 hours of cook time left.
  8. Remove all of the heavy solid, strain and store for use.

Do I need to roast my bones before adding water?

You do not need to roast your bones before cooking them in water, however, roasting gives you a delicious, caramelized flavor in your finished product which is incredibly difficult to achieve without roasting. So if you have the time then roast away!

Bottom Line

There are many easy ways to make your beverage taste better. The key is to have a product that tastes good on its own to start. Otherwise you are just putting lipstick on a pig, so to speak.

The absolute best tasting bone broth is made by Bluebird Provisions. Try some today and get in on the best kept secret in health food.

Did I miss anything? What’s your go-to sippable recipe or add-in? Leave a comment and let me know.

FAQ and Troubleshooting Questions

How do you fix bland bone broth?

You can fix bland bone broth by boiling it down to concentrate the flavor, adding a touch of salt and spices like curry powder, cumin or black pepper. If the broth is very bland, it's likely because there isn't enough gelatin in it, this begs the question as to why you're drinking a bland product. In the future, you can tweak your recipe or buy a concentrated product like the one made by Bluebird Provisions.

How do you make store bought bone broth taste better?

You can make store bought bone broth taste better by doing any of the following:

  1. Add spices including curry powder and allspice.
  2. Add aromatics like onions, celery and carrots
  3. Cook it down to concentrate it for 10 minutes.
  4. Simmer with fresh herbs like parsley, green onion and sage.
  5. Add a sprinkle of high quality salt.
  6. Add a sauce like bbq sauce or plum sauce. Don't knock it until you try it.
  7. Stir in miso paste to spritz it up.
  8. Add some acid to brighten it up like balsamic vinegar or lemon juice.

Why does my bone broth taste bitter?

Your bone broth taste bitter because you're using bones from an old animal or one that is sedentary and not healthy. If you use fresh ones, it won't taste bitter at all. If it tastes bitter or smells bad, don't worry about it, this has no effect on the nutrition quality of your bone broth.

What does bone broth taste like?

Bone broth tastes like a yummy chicken soup. Especially if its a quality product, it will bring back memories of eating chicken soup when you were a kid. Now there are a lot of garbage bone broths out there, so if it does not taste like this, then you should try a different brand or adjust your recipe. There are some great troubleshooting tips that will help.

Does bone broth taste good?

Taste is subjective but bone broth does taste good to most people. If you have not had it before, you are best to try chicken first as this typically tastes like a chicken soup you ate as a kid. From here, you can branch out into beef and other flavors to see which one you like best.

Does bone marrow taste good?

Bone marrow is an acquired taste for many. You may find it tastes good to your pallet while others detest the taste. A roasted bone marrow with a bit of salt is absolutely delicious to me. However, bone marrow is difficult to find.

Bluebird Provisions is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

How To Make Bone Broth Taste Better: Delicious Add ins to Satisfy Your Cravings (2024)


How To Make Bone Broth Taste Better: Delicious Add ins to Satisfy Your Cravings? ›

🌶️ For an extra kick in the flavor department, consider tossing in spices for bone broth like ginger, turmeric, cayenne pepper, chili flakes, crushed red pepper flakes, curry powder, coriander, cardamom, nutmeg, allspice, and more! AROMATICS.

What can be added to bone broth to make it taste better? ›

🌶️ For an extra kick in the flavor department, consider tossing in spices for bone broth like ginger, turmeric, cayenne pepper, chili flakes, crushed red pepper flakes, curry powder, coriander, cardamom, nutmeg, allspice, and more! AROMATICS.

How do you drink bone broth if you hate the taste? ›

You can start by combining bone broth with soup stock. It sounds counterproductive, but trust me, this is a good place to start. You can combine with beef or chicken soup stock. Then add an extra dash of salt or pepper, or whatever flavors your mouth truly loves, and sip away.

How to make broth more flavorful? ›

"If your broth is lacking in savory richness, try adding roasted onion, tomato paste, mushrooms, seaweed, soy sauce, or miso. These ingredients add umami flavor and depth to broth," she says. The choice of ingredient depends on the recipe, though.

What not to add to bone broth? ›

However, do not add onions, carrots, celery or herbs to your initial pot of simmering bone broth. Instead, enjoy the pure, rich flavor that comes from just the bones, fat, connective tissue and any small amount of meat that may still be on the bones; it is not something that needs or wants amending.

How do you get the best out of bone broth? ›

Bone broth can be sipped straight as a health tonic. We like stirring in nutritional yeast, sea salt, and black pepper to taste, plus a little miso and some green onions and minced garlic. It's comforting, warming, and nourishing.

Why do I feel bad after drinking bone broth? ›

According to some studies, bone broth may be high in glutamate. Glutamate may cause adverse effects such as anxiety, restlessness, low energy, mental exhaustion, sleeplessness, and concentration problems, although there is no scientific evidence to prove this.

What is the healthiest bone broth to buy? ›

The healthiest bone broth on the market is the Organic bone broth made by Bluebird Provisions because it is the highest protein with 12 grams with 300 mg potassium and no added filler ingredients. It is also low in sodium and tastes absolutely delicious.

Can I drink bone broth every day? ›

With its many benefits, bone broth is a wonderful addition to your daily routine. But especially if you're new to sipping broth, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin, from how much to sip to how often. For best results we do suggest drinking bone broth every day, but at minimum we recommend 3+ times a week.

What makes bone broth better? ›

Bone broth is associated with collagen, a structural protein found in skin, cartilage and bone. When boiled, the collagen in connective tissue is broken down into gelatine and various other health-promoting amino acids, such as glycine and glutamine.

Do you add hot or cold water to bone broth? ›

A simple bone broth can be a versatile thing and can be made with any leftover roast carcass and vegetables and herbs of your choice. Simply cover with cold water, bring to the boil, season, and simmer for a couple of hours before straining.

How do you add depth of flavor to broth? ›

You can extract a clean, strong broth from a combination of water and several pantry ingredients. It's all about layering powerful flavor-enhancers that you probably already have on hand—bacon, tomato paste, herbs, peppercorns, a Parmesan rind, and, of course, kosher salt.

Why does my bone broth taste bad? ›

If you think bone broth is too funky, you've probably had to suffer through a mug or bowl that was made without blanching. This step, to be done before roasting and boiling, removes any impurities (read: the nasty bits) from the bones. And if you're using the right bones, there will be some nasty bits.

Why do you put lemon juice in bone broth? ›

I love adding a little lemon to the broth as well because I think it makes it lighter and more flavorful, making it also easier to sip on throughout the day.

What to mix bone broth powder with? ›

Make a Bone Broth Drink

For the sports proteins simply add to water or non-dairy milk as you would a protein shake. You can also add it to your coffee, or try making a hot chocolate with our chocolate flavour bone broth protein for a delicious treat.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.