How to Wear an Ankle Brace With Shoes - KnowBend (2024)

Wearing shoes with ankle braces can give you more ankle protection than usual. According to doctors: your ankle braces can’t work best without wearing proper shoes with them.

Your injured ankles should never be allowed to make any movements under treatment. Wearing the right kind of shoes can change the entire game of ankle braces for you.

Keep reading to know how to wear an ankle brace with shoes. Give a quick check to know the complete guideline for avoiding any mistakes with your injured ankle.

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How to Wear an Ankle Brace With Shoes?

Do you know the proper steps to wearing an ankle brace with shoes? This would need some extra care here. Also, you have to choose some good-quality shoes for faster recovery.

Give a check here and follow how to wear an ankle brace with shoes:

Step 1: If you check the ankle braces carefully, you’ll find different types of straps. Now you need to pick the lower side strap of the brace and remove it calmly.

Generally, it would be much nicer if you had this trap while wearing a brace without shoes. All you should do is gently hold the strap and remove it. Make sure you’ve got the proper straps to pull off.

Step 2: Now, you need to place the strap in your shoes. The kind of shoes you’ve picked will make a significant difference.

Try to choose something that would be easier to hold for a longer time. Gently put your insole and put the bottom of your ankle brace inside this.

Step 3: It’s time to find the right shoes to support your broken ankle. Make sure your shoes don’t require you to touch them often.

This increases the risk of your damages and influences the pain. For that, you must find your best shoes in the correct size.

Pick flat shoes with proper protection. Also, you must find the right size for your shoes. Some pick really tight ones thinking that will give better protection.

But in reality, you’ll experience unbearable pain that won’t even allow you to walk correctly. And when you’re carrying broken ankles, you need to walk straight.

Step 4: Here, you have to insert your ankle into the shoes. This step is straightforward, but you need to take it slowly.

Wearing an ankle brace is as usual as wearing shoes. Once you put your feet into the shoes, the job is done. Keep your foot simply into the shoes and make it try up properly. Don’t leave any room for movement. Now, get the securing trap of the brace and fix that too.

You might not feel at your best on your ankle on these shoes. You should give some time and check if the braces trigger your ankle inflammation or not. But if you’ve chosen the right shoes and size, things will get better later.

Step 5: This is the ultimate time to give it a final check. You should check the braces fittings by walking a few steps. You should feel comfortable enough while walking with ankle braces.

Well, these are the few steps that you need to follow to wear braces with shoes. Don’t allow any type of discomfort wearing the shoes. This might bring permanent damages in the long run. And no one would want some risks with the shoes.

So, be conscious and careful to get some good walking even with your broken ankle.

Why Should you need to wear shoes with ankle braces?

Ankle braces restrict mobility and put a lot of pressure on your ankle and needs. In that situation, you would need to keep the injured part as safe as possible. Wearing shoes with ankle braces is a doctor’s suggested tip for injured legs.

Ankle braces will keep your broken ankle safe from further injuries, risks, and inflammation. Movement with an injured ankle is not only risky but also strictly prohibited. But people can’t cut off walking/ doing chores for three weeks. To grab some good protection and prevention, wearing shoes is suggested by physiotherapists.

Let’s give a check on the reasons that make the brace and shoe combination so unique. Take a look here:

Easier & faster recovery: wearing shoes with an ankle brace makes sure your ankle gets distanced from all kinds of unwanted movements. This is strongly required for faster and easier retrieval of any broken ankles. The compression and heat retention help the affected area recover faster than usual.

Maximum comfort: A pair of shoes on your broken ankle will bring you maximum comfort to your broken ankle. The soft and synthetic protection for your shoes will make your walking comfortable and straight.

Cut off inflammation: Any movement while walking can trigger the inflammation. So, in order to get excellent and excellent relief, try to wear shoes with ankle braces.

Maximum safety: Ankle braces provide maximum protection to your broken ankle. Wearing shoes with a broken ankle can be your biggest savior from further accidents.

These are the ultimate reasons that make wearing shoes too crucial while you’re dealing with an ankle brace.

How to choose good shoes for ankle braces?

Do you know you can’t wear any shoes with an ankle brace? Well, this is a p[rertty obvious thing. You would want something safe, secured as well as comfortable to wear. Here are some basic facts that one should keep in mind before choosing a pair of shoes to wear with ankle braces.

Tips 1: Choose the bigger one in size: Always try to wear oversized shoes for yourself. As you’ll be wearing some ankle braces, try to get some bigger ones for suitable fittings. Here you’ll be suggested not to shop your shoes online. A larger one than required can give you more flexibility than you would need. So, ensure your flexibility in limitation with the proper size of shoes.

Tips 2: Material would be a significant factor: When you’re carrying an injured ankle, never settle for cheap shoes. If you’ve not got any quality shoes for you, spend some money for your safety. In your fractured ankle days, shoes are required to be softer, more comfortable as well as secure.

Tips 3: Pick Shoes with laces: Laces will give you the freedom to tie and untie your shoes. When you are dealing with ankle braces, get a pair of shoes that allows you to put on and off them carefully. In this way, you can get yourself protected from any risks of ankle movement while walking too.

Tips 5: price: Price would be a crucial factor here. So, before you choose any shoes for your injured ankle, it’s better to keep a better budget than usual. A cheaper one might lack safety or comfort.

Whenever you’re shopping for shoes for your ankles with braces, try to give a check on the list. This will be your helpful buying guide to get the right one both in size and budget.

What shoes should you wear with ankle braces?

Sneakers/ loafers would be the best choice for your ankle with braces. You’ll undoubtedly find other types of excellent and protective shoes. But sneakers are mostly suggested and safe options for the most.

Ankle braces require shoes that hold a good combination of rigidness and comfort. Sneakers and loafers are way too smoother with flaps and knots. Also, good-quality shoes will undoubtedly have high-quality materials too.

With sneakers and loafers, you’ll get protection from any aggravated condition. So, you can quickly wear them all day long. Still, you’ll get proper protection. With plenty of cushioning sand grippy laces, you’ll find adequate support.

As this kind of shoe holds the rubber ground, you’ll get good comfort while walking. Also, the high-quality shoes will be lighter in weight. So, you would get to carry it easily the whole day.

Besides, loafers and sneakers are super stylish to look at. However, you can wear them with any outfit you want. As sportspeople, most of the time, they seem to get affected by an ankle injury. They carry themselves easily by wearing sneakers and loafers.

Should you wear socks with ankle braces?

Yes, you can wear ankle braces with socks. This is suggested even when you’re not wearing shoes.

This can keep your ankle adjusted and more secured. But here, it would be better if you wore some good athletic shocks to protect from unwanted movements. This would be good to wear even all day long. Even when you’re going to sleep and are scared that ankle braces might not be enough, pick a good pair of socks.

What should you avoid while wearing shoes with ankle braces?

Well, now that you’ve already come to know what you should do, it would be better if given a check, what you do not need to do. Let’s give check on here:

Don’t tie shoes so tightly: Before you pick your shoes, make sure you are not timing them super tightly. This will make your ankle blood flow restricted. NAd later, you’ll be triggered by inflammation while walking. So, tying the shoelace tighter than the resistance level is going to harm your injured ankle.

Don’t choose the wrong size of ankle braces: Wearing the wrong size of ankle braces can make it excellent challenging to fit into shoes. Well, the more prominent ankle braces are suitable when you are not wearing any shoes. But in the case of wearing shoes, choose your perfect size carefully. This is as important as selecting the right size of shoes.

Don’t ignore comfort level: In order to get good protection, never avoid the comfort level. This will be hitting you so hard that you won’t even be able to walk correctly. Remember, You should be able to walk correctly and straight in your ultimate shoes.

Don’t go for too much flexibility: Well, don’t go for too much flexibility either. The flexible shoes are going to allow movement. And that would be the last thing you would want with your injured ankle with braces.

Avoid extreme temperatures: you should not expose your ankle braces to extreme temperatures. This can trigger your inflammations easily.

Check for signs: You should keep checking on your ankle braces occasionally. If you’re getting uncomfortable or feeling any irritation, don’t forget to reset the braces with the shoes.

Well, these are the ultimate things that you need to avoid while choosing the best shoes for ankle braces. These things can stand hard for your injured ankles in the long run. It would help if you felt nothing and secured while walking with the right-fitting shoes.

Frequently Asked Question

Do I wear an ankle brace over or under socks?

Socks can give you an extra layer of protection for injured legs. But it’s suggested that: patients should wear ankle braces under the athletic sock. If you’re getting uncomfortable athletic socks, try to wear a thin sock first.

Is it OK to wear an ankle brace with shoes all day?

Well, wearing ankle braces the whole day without any injury can be a real hassle. But if you’re dealing with an ankle injury and your doctor has suggested wearing one, an entire day won’t be any harm.

Are high-top shoes better for ankles?

High-top shoes are a good choice but might not stand as the best with muscle activation. .Although, this helps you to get better prevention for any inversion injury.

What should you do if your ankle hurts when you walk?

It’s normal to feel swollen, inflamed, and stifled while walking with damaged ankles. You can try some good exercise with ankle swelling to get rid of these issues.

Final words

Good compression and safety will bring you faster and safer recovery from all possible injury and inflammation.

Wearing fabulous and secured shoes with your ankle braces can be your ultimate savior. This article has explained how to wear an ankle brace with shoes and all the related details that one would need while dealing with ankle braces.

How to Wear an Ankle Brace With Shoes - KnowBend (2024)


Do I wear an ankle brace over or under a sock? ›

If you wear an orthosis or brace on your feet, ankles or knees, you need to wear some sort of sock underneath it. The sock protects your skin, keeps your skin dry and helps prevent blisters or sores. For the best protection, wear a sock that extends past the top of your brace.

Should you wear ankle brace on both feet? ›

Do I need to wear the braces on both ankles or is it okay to wear a brace on just one? This is an individual decision. Those who only wear one usually only use the brace as protective gear after an injury, those who wear braces on both ankles usually wear them for preventative reasons.

Should you wear an ankle brace at night? ›

Use braces, compression, or supports should be for daytime use only. However, you can use an ankle wrap at night for extra support. Make sure the wrap stays loose enough for some movement and circulation. Do not wrap the foot as tight as you would in daytime use for more movement.

Should I wear my ankle brace with shoes? ›

“The best brace is the one that fits you well, and makes you feel like you can move better and more comfortably when you try it on.” LaBotz recommends trying on ankle braces with the athletic shoes (or cleats) you'll be wearing while using the brace, since you want the brace to work seamlessly with that footwear.

Do you wear a shoe over an ankle brace? ›

You must always wear a shoe with your brace, because it is ineffective without one. The shoe should be sturdy and supportive; slippers, loafers, and some sandals may be inappropriate. Your brace may not fit all of your shoes but it can be modified to fit most casual shoes that are accommodating.

What kind of shoes can I wear with an ankle brace? ›

Low-top athletic shoes work best with ankle braces because they don't apply undue pressure over your ankle bones like a mid- or high-top shoe will. Athletic shoe styles are changing all the time. It's important to know how these new styles impact the fit of an ankle brace inside the shoe.

Is it better to sleep with an ankle brace on or off? ›

1-2 weeks after an acute ankle injury: You might need to wear the brace most of the day for optimal support and healing. It's best to take an ankle brace off at night and while you sleep to give your skin time to breathe and reduce the risk of blisters or sores.

What is the difference between an ankle brace and ankle support? ›

What is the difference between an ankle brace and ankle support? Typically an ankle brace is considered a more rigid device. An ankle support is softer and has more mobility. The long-term wearing of an ankle brace will weaken your ankle.

How many hours should I wear my ankle brace? ›

Should I wear the brace all day? If you have a severe ankle sprain, your doctor or physio may advise that you wear your brace all day during the first few weeks. In all other cases, ankle braces only have to be worn when you do an activity that is likely to twist or roll the ankle.

Why should you not wear an ankle brace all day? ›

Wearing an ankle brace for too long can cause a reliance on it instead of the natural strength of the ankle. If your young athlete only wears an ankle brace after an injury and does not undergo rehabilitation, the ankle may remain weak, even after healing.

How long is too long to wear an ankle brace? ›

Many braces are designed to limit bending and twisting in the ankle. If you happen to step on an uneven surface or lose your balance, your ankle is held in proper position. Physicians often recommend that you wear a brace during activities for up to 12 months after an ankle sprain.

Can you walk normally with an ankle brace? ›

Ankle splints may be used for sprains, fractures, and dislocations. You may be able to walk with an ankle splint, but often not right away. After injuries such as sprains, fractures, and dislocations occur, they usually need time to heal before weight-bearing.

What are the cons of ankle braces? ›

Besides restricting inversion and eversion, it is possible that an ankle brace also reduces the functional range of motion of the ankle joint. Consequently, their use could also impair athletic performance. It is unlikely that prophylactic ankle bracing will gain wide acceptance if bracing hinders athletic performance.

Should an ankle brace be tight? ›

An ankle brace or ankle sleeve should be comfortably tight. This means the brace should feel compressive throughout the foot and ankle, but not cut off circulation or cause any type of pain or discomfort. This type of fit can be difficult with swelling in the foot or ankle.

What shoes are best to wear with an ankle brace? ›

Low-top athletic shoes work best with ankle braces because they don't apply undue pressure over your ankle bones like a mid- or high-top shoe will. Athletic shoe styles are changing all the time. It's important to know how these new styles impact the fit of an ankle brace inside the shoe.

Is it okay to walk with ankle brace? ›

You may be able to walk with an ankle splint, but often not right away. After injuries such as sprains, fractures, and dislocations occur, they usually need time to heal before weight-bearing. Walking or weight bearing too soon may slow healing or cause further damage.

Which way to wear ankle support? ›

How to put on an ankle support
  • Ensure the smooth side faces inwards and place foot sole on the support. ...
  • Cross support left over the foot and short side right towards the arch forming a loop. ...
  • Wrap the longer side of the strap all around the ankle adjusting the tension to the desired comfort and support.

Do you remove shoes before splinting an ankle or foot? ›

In the event of a serious ankle sprain where a splint should be applied it is best to have the shoe off to best splint the ankle and allow circulation to be properly monitored.

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