Let’s Talk About Masala Chai: One Of The World’s Most Popular Teas (2024)

Walk into any Starbucks or “fill in a name” coffee shop today and you can easily order a chai tea, chai tea latte, masala chai, iced chai, or likely any number of variations. The word “chai” or “masala chai” has been popularized in the United States and is used to refer to a wide variety of spiced tea drinks that many American’s consume on a daily basis. But we can almost guarantee that what you are drinking, while having some similarities, is not traditional masala chai at all. So what is masala chai and what's its story? Let’s find out!

Let’s Talk About Masala Chai: One Of The World’s Most Popular Teas (1)

What is Masala?

Masala simply means a mixture of spices and is a popular word in India often used to describe different savory dishes. Tikka masala and garam masala, for example, each features a unique spice blend. You may be surprised at just how many varieties of masala are available and widely used in dishes!

Something that often makes masala spice blends different from other spice blends is that many specifically call for the included spices to be toasted in a pan first. No oil is necessary for this – they are toasted dry (there are exceptions of course). Then, the blend is crushed into a fine powder deeming it ready to be used for meals, drinks, and healing.

Not only are they adaptable, but they’re also used for Ayurvedic purposes. For example, it is believed that masala tea can heal the body by increasing temperature.

Let’s Talk About Masala Chai: One Of The World’s Most Popular Teas (2)

What is Masala Chai?

Masala Chai translates into spiced tea – and that’s exactly what it is. A delicious drink that brings comfort and an excellent array of spices together in one steaming hot cup. You’re likely to find the following ingredients in authentic masala chai – cardamom, cloves, star anise, peppercorns, ginger, cinnamon, and black tea. Peppercorns and ginger are the star ingredients as they are the spices bringing the heat to the tea.

If you've ever had a chai, you may have noticed a warming sensation from the added spices. This unique experience differentiates masala chai from many other warm drinks. If you purchased at a coffee shop, it may not be the same as having home-brewed chai, but it demonstrates the effect of the blend from popular Americanized versions.

Where Did Masala Chai Originate?

Masala chai has been around for somewhere between 5,000 – 9,000 years, depending on which source is consulted. Its origins include stories of kings and the royal court. Most stories at this point are legend, and no official history has been confirmed. However, they are interesting to read about and include some of the following tales.

One legend believes masala chai was created by a noble court in India, while other sources offer Thailand as the official origin. Most stories point to a king who created masala chai to bring "life" to its drinkers.

Initially, masala chai did not contain caffeine, instead just a combination of spices to create the unique flavor it offers. Many different recipes were created using various spices, and the tea was served both hot and cold. It was also originally used as herbal medicine to aid with minor illnesses.

Let’s Talk About Masala Chai: One Of The World’s Most Popular Teas (3)

Masala Chai as it’s Known Today

Today’s masala chai has caffeine, and plenty of it, in the form of tea. With British occupation of India came British priorities, and tea was on the top of their list.

Prior to occupation, Britain had an established trade relationship with China for their teas. However, China became increasingly suspicious of the British trying to take plants and information on local teas, and began limiting the tea trade in the early 1800s. Without access to tea, Britain shifted its sights to India in hopes of a new source.

The British headed to Assam, which it took control of from Burma via war in 1824. In Assam, they found cultivatable land where tea could be grown and began growing and selling tea with mixed success.

The initial batches of tea were bitter due to multiple factors such as lack of knowledge for growing tea in the area and untrained workers. The British didn’t want this poor quality tea which led to the India Tea Association to target the local Indian population for sales. They launched a multi-decade campaign encouraging people to drink tea and set up tea stalls across the country.

Street vendors fill the streets of India selling anything from food to drinks, so offering this specific tea via street vendors fit within local food culture. To make the tea more desirable, street vendors began including the Assam tea in their chai flavored beverages. This was one of the first steps towards creating the chai tea that is widely consumed today.

Let’s Talk About Masala Chai: One Of The World’s Most Popular Teas (4)

Masala Chai’s Popularity In India

Initially, the Assam black tea was the priciest part of masala chai. To offset the cost (and taste), street vendors also began including milk, sugar, and additional spices. This assisted with the taste and helped keep costs down as less black tea was needed for each drink.

It wasn’t until the 1960s however until masala chai gained widespread popularity. The sixties brought about new methods/technology for producing the Assam tea, allowing the cost to come down substantially. With more people able to afford masala chai, purchases increased drastically.

When is Masala Chai Served?

There are a few occasions in which masala chai is traditionally served, the first being to welcome guests into a home. It is not uncommon to be offered a fresh cup of brewed chai upon entering an acquaintance or friend’s home.

The drink is also commonly served in the afternoon with light snacks, similar to an English afternoon tea. Most of the snacks for this occasion are on the savory side, like samosas.

Otherwise, you’ll find masala chai on the streets of India being served by chai wallahs. These vendors specifically sell tea. It has become so common to drink this tea in India that many people drink approximately four cups per day.

How is Masala Chai Typically Served?

The answer is not so simple as it depends on the location you are drinking the tea. In many regions of India, you'll typically find it to be brewed with broken leaf black tea, milk, and sugar, as mentioned previously.

Some locations use green tea, and other spots like the US often lean towards loose leaf black tea. Other variations you'll find around the world use different sources of sweetness like honey and different types of milk.

It's a drink that has been adapted to the different tastebuds around the world as its gained popularity and spread of many countries and cultures.

Is There a Large Difference between American Chai and Indian Masala Chai?

In short, absolutely. From the way the tea is referred to spanning the method for preparation, you'll find quite a few differences. Most Americans will refer to masala chai as chai tea. Chai directly translates to tea, causing the name to be a bit repetitive (tea tea).

Other differences include the type of milk used. In India, whole milk is typically used, while in America, anything from skim milk to non-dairy milk can be seen incorporated into chai drinks.

In the US, the drink has also shifted to popular coffee shops. It now also includes espresso shots in some cases. So, if you want a more authentic version, you'll either have to travel to India or brew it at home (Tasting India provides an excellent option).

Let’s Talk About Masala Chai: One Of The World’s Most Popular Teas (5)

What is the Typical Process for Brewing Chai at Home?

Brewing masala chai at home is not as difficult as one might think. It requires just a few ingredients – milk, sugar, water, and the spices. Most people will boil the water first with the spices/tea for a few minutes until steeped. Then you can add in the sugar and finally the milk. Avoid boiling the milk as it can easily burn, offering an unpleasant taste. Below are a few tips and tricks you can try during your next brew session.

  • Vary the water/milk ratio to your preference:Chai can be brewed a few different ways. Based on your preference you may brew with equal parts milk and water, more milk than water, or even just milk. Try and few ways and see what you like best! Just be careful if you are using a lot of milk not to burn it.
  • Add sugar while the pan is hot:This is especially true if you are using white sugar or any kind of granulated sugar. Adding sugar in while the drink is still hot will ensure the sugar dissolves properly instead of staying in a clump at the bottom.
  • Simmer chai for thicker tea:You can drink the tea as-is or simmer the tea for a few additional minutes, so some of the liquid evaporates. You're left with a more concentrated and thicker drink to enjoy.
  • Strain before drinking:As with any other tea, chai is best served filtered to avoid any spice chunks being consumed. This is the final step before drinking the delicious beverage.

Let’s Talk About Masala Chai: One Of The World’s Most Popular Teas (6)

Where can I find masala chai?

You can find masala chai many places, but look for a place that offers an authentic experience! Tasting India by Chef Jasmine Sheth offers an excellent Cutting Masala Chai among other products.

Let’s Talk About Masala Chai: One Of The World’s Most Popular Teas (7)

Chef Sheth is a James Beard Foundation recipient who also offers online cooking adventures that rotate weekly and feature Indian recipes by region. She is inspired by her childhood spent in India and creates intending to share food items from areas in India that are not as well-known.

Tasting India has been featured in well-known Chicago magazines like Chicago Reader and Chicago Eater. Keep an eye out for new spice blends to try out!

Check out our available products on the Tasting India collection page.

Let’s Talk About Masala Chai: One Of The World’s Most Popular Teas (8)

Curious About Other Applications of Masala?

Many masalas (spice blends) are available and are found throughout India. One is used in chai, however there are quite a large number of blends that are used for many other purposes. Here are a few blends to give you an idea of whatelse to explore.

Goda Masala

Goda Masala is used in Maharastra and is one of two masala blends most often used in the local cuisine. Some common spices used are fenugreek seeds, mustard seeds, stone flowers, and coriander.

This specific blend uses oil to roast the spices before it is ground into a mix. Coconut and sesame are excluded from being roasted.

Did you know stone flower is commonly used to help with kidney stones and improved breathing capabilities?

Garam Masala

This blend is worth mentioning as it is highly popular in India and very easy to find at stores. This particular blend originated in North India.

It is known for its spicy flavor in particular. The ingredients usually included are coriander, cumin, black peppercorns, fennel seeds, cloves, cinnamon, and green/black cardamom.

Kolhapuri Masala

This masala is also from the Maharastra area – specifically Kolhapuri. Known as the masala blend with the most ingredients, you'll often find this blend with 32 different spices.

It is also known as a blend that packs a punch heat-wise. This should come as no surprise after taking a closer look at the ingredients. There are typically three types of hot chili peppers in this blend.

Other typical ingredients include poppy seeds, mase, star anise, and cubeb berries.

Let’s Talk About Masala Chai: One Of The World’s Most Popular Teas (2024)


Why is masala chai so popular? ›

Benefits. Over the last few years, chai has gained popularity for it complex flavors as well as the numerous health benefits consuming chai provides. The blend of black tea leaves with spices such as ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and black pepper provides a rich source of antioxidants.

What's the difference between masala chai tea and chai tea? ›

' While both chai tea and masala chai are made with black tea, their main difference is the spices used in their preparation. Chai tea is essentially just black tea with milk and sugar, while masala chai is prepared with a blend of spices that typically includes cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves, and black pepper.

What is masala chai good for? ›

Benefits of Masala Tea
  • Reduces Nausea & Inflammation: Thanks to the good ol' Ginger, Masala Chai has strong anti-inflammatory properties that alleviate nausea and help treat common ailments. ...
  • Prevents Cough & Cold: ...
  • Boosts Immunity: ...
  • May Improve Heart Health: ...
  • Improves Digestion:

What is masala chai also known as? ›

Masala Chai is an Indian beverage made by brewing black tea with fragrant spices, sugar and milk. In Hindi the word “Masala” means “spices” and “Chai” means “Tea”. So Masala Chai also known as CHAI TEA by the non-natives, is Indian milk tea brewed with aromatic spices.

Can you drink masala chai everyday? ›

The spices in masala chai, including ginger, cardamom, and cloves, have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that can help fight off infections and viruses. By drinking a cup of masala chai every day, you can give your body the support it needs to stay healthy and strong.

Is masala chai healthier than coffee? ›

If you want a healthier alternative to coffee, chai wins hands down. It's still comforting, tasty and hot, can be taken with or without sugar and can be made without milk or with low-fat creamer, if you're cutting down. If you really can't decided between chai latte vs coffee, a dirty chai is the thing for you.

Is Starbucks chai the same as Indian chai? ›

While the Starbucks version may capture some of the aromatic essence of chai, it does not provide the complexity and depth of flavor found in traditional chai. The use of a standardized concentrate overlooks the variations in spice blends and preparation methods that contribute to the richness of authentic chai.

Is masala chai before or after dinner? ›

No dinner is complete without a little something sweet to savor at the end. With Indian food, chai tea is a quick and easy way to round up a meal.

Is chai tea good for you? ›

Some of the health benefits of chai tea include: Boosting the Immune System: Chai tea is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to boost the immune system and prevent various diseases. The spices in chai tea, such as ginger and cinnamon, are known for their immune-boosting properties.

Can you drink masala chai at night? ›

You might think of masala chai as a morning beverage, but with its unique blend of spices and ingredients, this super drink can actually help your body and brain relax before bed.

What pairs with masala chai? ›

Classic Indian Masala Chai Food Pairings
  • Samosa. Samosas are the go-to street food for Indians any time of the year. ...
  • Pav Bhaji. You will smell the aroma of this dish from a mile away! ...
  • Vada Pav. In western parts of India, vada pavs can be found in every corner, at every tea stall. ...
  • Ros Omelette. ...
  • Kanda Bhiji.

Is there caffeine in masala chai? ›

One cup of chai from the powdered form has 25 to 55mg of caffeine while in the concentrate, it's more likely to be 30 to 35mg. Compare that to roughly 120mg in your average cup of coffee and it's obvious that if you want to be a lively bag of beans, you'll probably want to stick to those, well, coffee beans.

Why is it called masala? ›

“Masala,” meaning spices in Hindi, relates to Avinash, both dad and chef, whose happy place is behind the stove, where the spices he raised from seed pods accent the fresh ingredients he uses in Indian cooking.

What does masala chai taste like? ›

Masala chai is a milky, sweet, spiced-filled black tea preparation that originated in India but today is enjoyed throughout South Asia and the diaspora.

Why do you boil chai twice? ›

The double boil imparts tons of flavor to your chai allowing the spices, tea leaves and milk to marry together in a flavorful aromatic magical way. It's how the ancestors did it and who are we to question them?!! RECIPE.

Who drinks masala chai? ›

While masala chai is popular across the Indian subcontinent and South Asia, it's not consumed by every South Asian. Plain tea—with or without milk or sugar—is also popular, and there are many regional variations of masala chai.

Why is chai so addictive? ›

The problem is that tea contains caffeine which normally makes you feel alert, active, and buoyant. The problem though is that tea drinkers often become addicted to the substance without even realizing that they are addicted to tea.

Should masala chai be eaten before or after meals? ›

In India, it is very typical to have a cup of chai or strong coffee after a meal. The concept of finishing a meal with tea or coffee is present in so many cultures, but it seems to have fallen out of favor in contemporary America for some reason.

What is the difference between masala chai and dirty chai? ›

Dirty chai is a popular espresso drink served in coffee shops. It consists of a shot of espresso mixed into "spiced tea" (or masala chai). It's usually made with a chai concentrate or tea, steamed milk, and a single shot of espresso, and the result is a cross between a regular latte and a chai tea latte.

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