OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (2024)

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (1)

Cooking is one of the easiest 99’s in Oldschool Runescape. Primarily because it requires little to no investment and is fast to level. Which is why players commonly target cooking as their first 99. It is also the most common un-trimmed skillcape in the game. As this is a complete OSRS Cooking Guide, I will be laying out every method possible. F2P, P2P, most profitable and fastest experience per hour.

Use the navigation below to navigate to your preferred method and current cooking level.

Contents hide

1Why should you train your cooking in osrs?

2EXP Boosters

2.1Cooking Gauntlets: Family Crest

2.1.1Requirements: Family Crest

3Best Cooking Locations

3.1Cooking burn levels osrs

3.2Burthorpe Rogues Den (P2P)

3.3Best place to cook: Hosidius Cooking Range (P2P)

3.4Cook-o-Matic (Lumbridge Castle Range) (F2P)

4OSRS 1 -99 Cooking Training Guide – AFK Method

4.1Levels 1 – 20 Cooking Sardines

4.3Levels 30 – 50 Cooking Salmon

4.4Levels 50 – 61 Cooking Tuna

4.5Levels 61 – 76 Cooking Lobster

4.5.1Burn levels for Cooking Lobster

4.6Levels 76 – 82 Cooking Swordfish

4.6.1Cooking Burn levels for Swordfish

4.7Levels 82 – 89 Cooking Monkfish

4.7.1Burn levels for Cooking Monkfish

4.8Levels 89 – 93 Cooking Sharks

4.8.1Cooking burn levels for Sharks

4.9Levels 93 – 99 Cooking Anglerfish

4.9.1Burn levels for Cooking Anglerfish

5OSRS Cooking Guide – Fastest way to 99

5.1Levels 35 – 90 (or 99) Cooking Jug of Wines

5.2Levels 90 – 99 1-tick Karambwans

6OSRS F2P Cooking Guide

6.1Best F2P place to cook: Lumbridge Castle

7Cooking levels 1 – 74 Sardines/Trout/salmon/Tuna

8Levels 74 – 99 Cooking Lobster/Swordfish

9Alternative: Cooking levels 61 – 99 Tuna

10Benefits of owning the cooking cape in osrs

11Summary: Old School Runescape Cooking Guide

12More osrs skilling guides

Why should you train your cooking in osrs?

I mean what’s the point right? You can just buy food from the GE… However, cooking is required for a bunch of important quests and diaries.

  • Recipe for Disaster: 70 cooking required
  • Swan Song: 62 cooking required
  • Varrock Elite Diary: 95 cooking required
  • Wildy Elite Diary: 90 cooking required
  • Kourend Elite Diary 84 cooking required

Ironman accounts definitely need a decent cooking as well so they can provide themselves with food while bossing in osrs.

On top of that, cooking is generally just a very fast skill to train which is why it is one of the most common capes in the game. Did you know you can get the cooking cape in under 20 hours? This osrs cooking guide will show you how.

EXP Boosters

Each and every one of the exp boosts for cooking is P2P only:

Cooking Gauntlets: Family Crest

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (2)

When worn, Cooking Gauntlets (also called cooking gloves) decreases your odds of burning certain foods. The gauntlets only affect Lobster, Swordfish, Monkfish, Shark, and Anglerfish.

Requirements: Family Crest

To be able to gain access to the Cooking Gauntlets you need to finish the Family Crest quest.

Skill requirements for Family Crest:

  • 40 Mining
  • 40 Smithing
  • 59 Magic
  • 40 Crafting
  • Ability to safe-spot a 172 demon

Best Cooking Locations

When it comes to training cooking, all you need is a fireplace/range and a nearby bank. Here I will show you the best places to cook in both P2P and F2P.

Cooking burn levels osrs

One of the most important factors you should understand when cooking in old school Runescape is that there are different cooking burn levels.

With burn levels, we mean the cooking level at which point you stop burning the food altogether.

Next to your cooking level, these burn-rates also depend on your location, whether or not you’re wearing cooking gloves (only for certain foods) and whether you are cooking at a fire or a range.

To make things easier for you, a burn-levels chart will be available for each cooking level in the guide portion below.

Burthorpe Rogues Den (P2P)

This place is located underneath the Burthorpe Inn. A permanent fire is set up with a banker (who doesn’t move) right next to it! Does it get any better? The only down-side to training your cooking here is that a fireplace (as opposed to a range) slightly increases your burn-rate over a range.

There are absolutely no requirements to get here which is why it is the most used cooking place for P2P players. Also, the fact that you can instantly bank makes this the best place to cook AFK in old school Runescape.

You can easily get here by teleporting to the Burthorpe games room on your games necklace, the fire is located underneath the pub.

Best place to cook: Hosidius Cooking Range (P2P)

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (3)

Hosidius is the best place to cook in osrs. Training our cooking at the hosidius range decreases your cooking burn levels by 5% (10 % if you completed the Kourend & Kebos Elite Diary). The Hosidius Cooking Range requires you to have 100% hosidius favour to access. The bank is close to the range.

If you have your 100% hosidius favour this is the best place to cook in osrs due to de decreased burn levels. However, Burthorpe is still a perfectly fine alternative and still used by most players to this day.

Cook-o-Matic (Lumbridge Castle Range) (F2P)

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (4)

Completion of Cook’s Assistant gives you a access to a reduced burn-rate range called the Cook-O-Matic 100. This range is located in the kitchen of Lumbridge Castle, you’ll need to climb up the ladder to bank.

The downside is that you need to climb ladders to get up and down. However, this is the best and fastest way to train cooking as a F2P player.

Other cooking locations are of course available but just weren’t worth it to make into this guide.

OSRS 1 -99 Cooking Training Guide – AFK Method

This method works best when you’re using both the Cooking Gauntlets (Highly Recommended) and the Hosidus Range (Highly Recommended) during your cooking training.

I’ve included burn-level tables for your ease.

Levels 1 – 20 Cooking Sardines

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (5)

From cooking levels 1-20 you’ll need to cook 112 Sardines. Levels 1-20 will take you less than 10 minutes in a good location. Alternatively, you can use shrimp which you will be burn slightly less off but you’ll also gain less experience.

  • EXP Rate: 30K/hr
  • Profit: -6,496gp

Levels 20 – 30 Cooking Trout

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (6)

From cooking levels 20 to 30 you’ll need to cook 128 Trout. This will take you around 5-7 minutes.

  • EXP Rate: 80K/hr
  • Profit: 128gp

Levels 30 – 50 Cooking Salmon

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (7)

From cooking levels 30 to 50 you’ll need to cook 978 Salmons. This will take you around 40-50 minutes. If you don’t care about making money or AFKing, you can stop at level 35 and start making Jugs of wines instead.

  • EXP Rate: 100K/hr
  • Profit: 1,956gp

Levels 50 – 61 Cooking Tuna

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (8)

From cooking levels 50 to 61 you’ll need to cook 2,010 Tuna. This will take you around 1.5 hours and you’ll make a very slight profit on the money spent.

  • EXP Rate: 120K/hr
  • Profit: 2,010gp

Levels 61 – 76 Cooking Lobster

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (9)

Burn levels for Cooking Lobster

From levels 61 you will stop burning lobsters if you have the cooking gauntlets and are using the hosidius range.

FireReg. RangeHosidius Range (5%)GauntletsGauntlets + Hosidius (5%)

For cooking levels 61 to 76 you’ll need to cook 8,618 Lobsters which will take you 6 hours. You will lose some money doing lobsters.

  • EXP Rate: 160K/hr
  • Profit: -270K

Levels 76 – 82 Cooking Swordfish

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (10)

From cooking levels 76 to 82 you’ll want to cook swordfish for the fastest experience. You’ll need to cook 7,748 Swordfish, this will take you around 6 hours.

Cooking Burn levels for Swordfish

FireReg. RangeHosidius Range (5%)GauntletsGauntlets + Hosidius (5%)
  • EXP Rate: 180K/hr
  • Profit: -180K

Levels 82 – 89 Cooking Monkfish

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (11)

From levels 82 to 89 you’ll need to cook 16,142 Monkfish. This will take you around 12 hours and you’ll make a nice profit.

Burn levels for Cooking Monkfish

FireReg. RangeHosidius Range (5%)GauntletsGauntlets + Hosidius (5%)
  • EXP Rate: 200K/hr
  • Profit from 82-89: 1M
  • Profit from 82-99: 4,3M

Levels 89 – 93 Cooking Sharks

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (12)

From cooking levels 89 to 93 you’ll need to cook 11,207 Sharks which will take you around 9 hours.You’ll get a whopping 260K exp rate and make a nice profit on the sharks.

Cooking burn levels for Sharks

Cooking GauntletsGauntlets + Hosidius (5%)
  • EXP Rate: 260K/hr
  • Profit from 89-93: 580K
  • Profit from 89-99: 2M

Levels 93 – 99 Cooking Anglerfish

OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (13)

For cooking levels 93 all the way to 99 you’ll need to cook 25,387 Anglerfish which will take you around 20 hours.

Burn levels for Cooking Anglerfish

Cooking GauntletsGauntlets + Hosidius (5%)
  • EXP Rate: 310K/hr
  • Profit: 780k

With this AFK Method of our old school runescape Cooking Guide, you can get 99 in under 60 hours. Provided you’re wearing cooking gauntlets and using the Hosidius Range.

OSRS Cooking Guide – Fastest way to 99

If 60 hours of AFK gameplay isn’t fast enough for you, don’t worry: you can do it in 26 or even 20 hours if you can handle these click-intensive, fast cooking methods.

Levels 35 – 90 (or 99) Cooking Jug of Wines

From level 35 (which you can get to in under 20 minutes) you can start making jug of wines. Cooking just of wine is one of the fastest ways to get 99 cooking in the game but it is not very AFK like cooking fish is.

Beware: until level 68 you can create bad jug of wines which is the equivalent of a burnt fish.

For this method, you’ll need to have 14 jugs of water and 14 Grapes in your inventory. Simply combine them, bank, and repeat.

To get from levels 35 – 90 will take you 26,620 jug of wines. This will take you 10 hours to do. Alternatively, getting to 99 this way, will take you around 26 hours in total and lose you around 8M GP.

  • EXP rate: 500K/hr
  • Money lost 35-90: 3.3M
  • Money lost 35-99: 8M

Levels 90 – 99 1-tick Karambwans

Now of course cooking also has a tick manipulation method to get the best experience in the game. With cooking, you can get a whopping 1M exp per hour doing 1-tick karambwans. This is done by doing Karambwans which you won’t burn starting at level 90.

Doing Karambwans from 90 to 99 will take you around 8 hours and you’ll make some money while doing it!

  • EXP rate: 1M/hr
  • Profit/hr 800k
  • Total Profit: 6.5M

If you use the jug of wine cooking method from 35-90 and then switch over to Karambwans you will only lose around 1.5m GP and get 99 in under 20 hours.

Here’s a quick 20 second demonstration of 1-ticking Karambwans:

OSRS F2P Cooking Guide

Best F2P place to cook: Lumbridge Castle

If you’re a F2P Player you want to utilize the Cook-o-Matic 100 in Lumbridge castle which is the best place to cook for free-to-play players. All you have to do to access this range is complete the 1-minute-long Cook’s Assistant quest and you can use it for free.

Cooking levels 1 – 74 Sardines/Trout/salmon/Tuna

From cooking levels 1 – 74 you want to follow the P2P Cooking Guide. But we suggest you cook Tuna until 74 and then switch over to Lobster.

Levels 74 – 99 Cooking Lobster/Swordfish

At cooking level 74 You will stop burning lobster at the Lumbridge Castle range. Keep doing lobster until 86. Once you reach level 86 until 99 You want to cook swordfish. You should be able to get around 170K exp/hr doing this.

  • EXP rate lobster: 150K exp/hr
  • EXP rate Tuna: 170K exp/hr
  • Profit: – 3M

Alternative: Cooking levels 61 – 99 Tuna

If you’re using the lobster or swordfish cooking method you will be losing some money. If you don’t want to lose any money you should cook tuna from levels 61 all the way to 99.

  • EXP rate: 120K/hr
  • Profit: 130K gp

Benefits of owning the cooking cape in osrs

So what are the benefits of owning the cooking cape in osrs? (Except for that fact that it’s a quick cape to achieve and a fast way to trim another skillcape ;)).

Wearing the cooking cape means you will stop burning food altogether. The cooking cape can also be used as a substitute to the chef’s hat to enter the cooking guild.

Summary: Old School Runescape Cooking Guide

Hopefully, thisosrs 1-99 cooking guidewas helpful and will aid you in getting 1-99 cooking and access to the cooking cape as quickly as possible! Cooking is a very chill skill that levels insanely quickly and can be done semi-AFK while you train skills, do NMZ, or quest on an alt account. You can even do it while watching Netflix or doing work.

The best AFK cooking place is in Burthorpe in the Rogue’s Den. The everlasting fire is located right next to the bank for the laziest method of training cooking in old school Runescape.

The best part about training cooking in osrs is that you can make money while you do it AFK and still receive really good experience rates.

For those with cash to spend who don’t mind a click-intensive method can use jug of wines all the way to 99 or switch to 1-tick Karambwans at 90 for the fastest cooking experience rate in the game: a whopping 1M cooking experience per hour! Did I mention cooking Karambwans is profitable?

If you want to train as AFK as possible and still make some money, cutting is highly recommended. If you don’t want to AFK you can opt for stringing and still make money while fletching or you can opt for darts and spend money to get 99 fletching as quickly as possible.

Remember: cooking gauntlets from the family crest quest reduce burn levels for certain fish and are 100% recommended to get the fastest cooking experience possible.

Let us know if any information is missing so we can keep this osrs cooking guide as updated as possible.

Tip: You can use theCooking calculatorto calculate your experience left and possible profits.

More osrs skilling guides

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  • Herblore
  • Thieving
  • Mining
  • Crafting
  • Agility
  • Cooking
  • Fishing
  • Prayer
  • Fletching
  • Farming
  • Woodcutting
  • Firemaking
  • Hunter
  • Smithing
  • Magic
  • Ranged
  • Slayer
  • New: Sailing
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OSRS 1-99 Complete Cooking Guide - OSRS Guide (2024)


Where is the best place for cooking XP Osrs? ›

The best place for levelling cooking is the bank chest in the Myths' Guild, which requires completion of Dragon Slayer II. The range and bank border the same tile, meaning no walking is required to cook at this location. Another area, which has lower requirements, is in the Cooks' Guild.

What is the easiest 99 in OSRS? ›

The Easiest OSRS 99 Skill – Fletching

If you are looking for a much more cost effective method, then Mithril darts will take you to 99 for 51M osrs gold. It will take you around 7 hours to hit 99 this way. Alternatively, you can focus on Short and Longbows, though this will take up to 80 hours.

How many hours does it take to get 99 everything in RuneScape? ›

Start by training attack, then defence, then strength. Train on chickens until 30 in all stats. At level 50, kill deadly red spiders all the way to 99, make sure you have at least a rune weapon by now and bring plenty of food. 99 should take around 120-130 hours.

How much is 1 million OSRS? ›

The price of OSRS gold varies and can fluctuate depending on supply and demand. On average, 1 million OSRS gold coins can cost anywhere from $0.25 to $0.30, but this can change depending on various factors such as the current state of the in-game economy and player demand.

What is the fastest skill to 99 in F2P? ›

After level 43 magic, you should start to superheat all the way to 99. This has been proven to be the fastest in F2P. This spell requires a fairly large amount of nature runes to reach 99. It is recommended that you use a Fire staff.

What is the fastest cooking level in Osrs? ›

Levels 30–99: Cooked karambwan Edit

1-tick cooking karambwan provides the fastest Cooking experience. Karambwan can be cooked without tick delay by holding down 1 or space and rapidly using raw karambwan on a fire or range.

What is the fastest way to get to 99 range Osrs? ›

Levels 45–99: Chinning maniacal monkeys

Throwing chinchompas (commonly known as "chinning") at maniacal monkeys is the fastest way to train Ranged. Maniacal monkeys are located in Kruk's Dungeon on Ape Atoll, which requires having started chapter II of Monkey Madness II to access.

How many fish can you cook in an hour in osrs? ›

You can cook on average 1,300 fish per hour in the Hosidius Kitchen, or 1,400 in the Myth's Guild of Rogues Den.

How much XP per hour is making wines? ›

Successfully making a jug of wine grants you 200 experience. From level 68 onwards, making jugs of wine will grant the player around 470,000 - 490,000 experience per hour.

Who has the highest XP in OSRS? ›

"Lynx Titan" XP tally was over 300,000,000 higher than his nearest rival, "Randalicious", who had racked up 2,141,487,955 XP as of the same date. Comments below may relate to previous holders of this record.

What is the best XP hour in OSRS? ›

Some of the quicker and easier skills to train (such as Cooking and Fletching) can get experience rates upwards of 800,000 per hour, whilst some of the slowest and most tedious skills to train (such as Slayer, Runecraft and Agility) get maximum experience rates between 20,000–75,000 per hour, making them slower to ...

What is the fastest way to get to 99 range OSRS? ›

Levels 45–99: Chinning maniacal monkeys

Throwing chinchompas (commonly known as "chinning") at maniacal monkeys is the fastest way to train Ranged. Maniacal monkeys are located in Kruk's Dungeon on Ape Atoll, which requires having started chapter II of Monkey Madness II to access.

How long does it take to get 99 FM OSRS? ›

If the player switches to each log type as soon as the skill requirement is met, it would take approximately 33 hours to reach level 99 Firemaking from level 1.

What is the fastest cooking level in OSRS? ›

Levels 30–99: Cooked karambwan Edit

1-tick cooking karambwan provides the fastest Cooking experience. Karambwan can be cooked without tick delay by holding down 1 or space and rapidly using raw karambwan on a fire or range.

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