Raw Milk: Are There Health Benefits? (2024)

What Is Raw Milk?

Milk contains many bacteria and other microbes. That’s because all animals, even healthy ones, carry bacteria and can pass them into their milk. Some of these microbes can cause dangerous diseases. To protect you, many dairy farmers kill these germs by heating the milk to a certain temperature. This process is called pasteurization. Milk that hasn’t been pasteurized is called raw milk.

Today, most milk in the United States is pasteurized. You can still buy raw milk in some states, but it’s not recommended. The CDC and other health agencies advise against drinking raw milk because it can lead to dangerous diseases like bovine tuberculosis and listeriosis.

In the past, many people got sick from the bacteria in raw milk. But over the last hundred years, pasteurization has dramatically reduced the number of illnesses caused by drinking milk.

But that doesn’t mean getting sick from raw milk is a thing of the past. That’s because some people still drink raw milk. Over the past few years, there have been dozens of disease outbreaks caused by raw milk. Hundreds of people get sick each year, and some need to be hospitalized. One study estimated that 840 times more people get sick from raw dairy products than from pasteurized products, and 45 times as many people need to be hospitalized.

Despite this, there are still many rumors and misconceptions about raw milk. Some people think it has healthy bacteria and extra nutrients. But there’s no research to support this.

In reality, raw milk and pasteurized milk have similar health benefits, but raw milk is much more likely to carry dangerous bacteria. When it comes to drinking raw milk, the risk outweighs any possible reward.

How long does raw milk last?

Raw milk has an average shelf life of 7-10 days. How long it lasts depends on how muchbacteria is in it.

Raw vs. Pasteurized Milk

Raw and pasteurized milk are basically the same, except that raw milk can contain bacteria.

These bacteria can come from:

  • An animal’s poop or skin
  • The soil, water, or air in the barn
  • Milking equipment

Pasteurization kills the germs in milk that can cause foodborne illness. It doesn't change the milk's nutritional value.

Is raw milk illegal?

Raw milk is illegal in nearly half of U.S. states. But even in states where it’s legal, there are laws that farmers and buyers need to follow.

Every state has different laws. Many places have rules about farm licensing, the milking and bottling process, or labeling. Some states might only allow the sale of raw goat milk, or raw milk might be allowed only in pet food. In some states, you might even need a prescription to buy raw milk.

In addition, states decide where and how raw milk can be sold. Some states allow its sale:

  • In retail stores
  • At farmers’ markets
  • At the farm where it was produced
  • Through “cow-share” programs (when a person buys part of a private herd)

Laws requiring pasteurization can protect people from getting sick. About 4 in 5 disease outbreaks linked to raw milk happen in states where raw milk is legal in some form.

Types of Raw Milk

Along with raw cow milk, you can get raw goat milk and raw sheep milk. These are collected from goats and sheep, respectively. They aren't pasteurized.

Raw goat milk

One cup of raw goat milk contains:

  • Calories: 168
  • Protein: 9 grams
  • Fat: 10 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 11 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 11 grams

Raw goat milk is a good source of:

  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Vitamin C

Raw goat milk, like pasteurized milk, is an excellent source of vitamin A.

Raw sheep milk

One cup of raw sheep milk contains:

  • Calories: 264
  • Protein: 14 grams
  • Fat: 17 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 13 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 10 grams

Raw sheep milk is a good source of:

  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
  • Vitamin B12
  • Calcium

Like pasteurized milk, raw sheep milk is a great source ofvitamin A.

Milk Nutrition Information

One cup of pasteurized whole milk contains:

  • Calories: 149
  • Protein: 8 grams
  • Fat: 8 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 12 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 12 grams

Milk is a good source of:

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A
  • Potassium

Many dairy farmers add vitamin D to milk before bottling it. The above nutrition facts describe milk with added vitamin D.

Milk products, including raw milk, are good sources of protein. Protein is important for many body parts, especially muscles, bones, blood, and skin.

Milk Benefits

Even though it's getting more popular, there are no scientifically proven benefits to drinking raw milk. In fact, health agencies like the FDA recommend drinking only pasteurized milk.

But there's plenty of research supporting the health benefits of milk in general, including:

Organ health

The vitamin A in milk supports several organs, including your heart, lungs, andkidneys.

Lower blood pressure

Milk is an excellent source of potassium, a mineral that has been linked to lower blood pressure and good overall heart health.

Eye health

Vitamin A, which is found in all forms of cow's milk, has been shown to support eye health. It lowers your risk of macular degeneration, a disease that can affect the eyesight of older people.

Bone health

People of all ages need calcium to maintain bone health. But the research is unclear about whether milk is the best source of calcium for this purpose. The vitamin A in milk may actually weaken bones.

Still, calcium is generally important for your health and is found in milk, including raw milk.

Keep in mind that pasteurized milk offers the same nutritional benefits as raw milk without therisk of contamination.

Raw Milk Myths

Myth: Raw milk cures lactose intolerance.

Fact: Raw milk causes stomach cramps in lactose-intolerant people.

All milk contains a sugar called lactose. Your body digests lactose using a protein called lactase. Some people are born without this protein, so they can’t digest lactose properly. This leads to stomach pain and other signs of lactose intolerance.

Some fermented dairy products, especially yogurt, don’t bother lactose-intolerant people as much. This is because yogurt makers purposefully add “friendly” bacteria (likeStreptococcus thermophilus andLactobacillus bulgaricus) to the product. These types of bacteria naturally make lactase, which helps with digestion.

Some people think that raw milk also has lactase-making bacteria, but this is a misunderstanding. Raw milk does have bacteria, but not the kind that make lactase. So it will still cause stomach cramps in people who are lactose-intolerant.

Myth: Raw milk cures allergies and asthma.

Fact: Kids who drink raw milk are less likely to have asthma and allergies, but they are still at high risk of infections.

Several studies have shown that children who drink raw milk are less likely to have asthma or allergies. Scientists aren’t sure why this is.

But scientists do know two things. One is that these studies show a link, but they don’t prove that raw milk prevents asthma. The lower rates of asthma could be caused by something else, like living on a farm. Children who grow up on farms are generally less likely to have asthma and allergies. They may also be more likely to drink raw milk.

The second thing is that even the scientists who wrote these studies don’t want people to drink raw milk. In their articles, they remind people that even if raw milk does help prevent asthma, the benefit is outweighed by the risk of bacterial disease. This is especially important for young children, who still have developing immune systems and are at much higher risk of getting seriously sick from raw milk.

Myth: Raw milk is better at preventing osteoporosis.

Fact: All milk is loaded with nutrients that build strong bones.

Milk is rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and protein. All of these things are crucial for healthy bones.

Some people mistakenly believe that pasteurization makes it harder to absorb the calcium in milk. Several studies have shown this isn’t true.

In fact, scientists disagree about whether milk (raw or pasteurized) really does guard against bone problems like osteoporosis. Even if the nutrients are all there, some studies have shown that drinking milk could actually raise your risk of bone fractures.

Myth: Raw milk has friendly bacteria.

Fact: Raw milk has bacteria, some of which can cause disease.

Raw milk can carry germs likeE. coli,listeria, andsalmonella. These can cause dangerous infections, especially in children and pregnant people.

Most of the bacteria in raw milk are from cow poop, infected udders, unhygienic environments, and contaminated milking equipment. For example, bifidobacteria are found in cow poop. If milk has a lot of bacteria, that’s a sign that it came from an unhygienic source.

Even if raw milk did have healthy bacteria, the benefit would be outweighed by the risk of running into their less-friendly cousins.

Myth: Raw milk is good for the immune system.

Fact: Raw milk can spread disease.

Some people think raw milk has immunoglobulins and antimicrobial compounds that are good for the immune system or can kill harmful bacteria. It does, but not enough to make a difference.

And there’s no research to show that antimicrobial compounds can make milk safer. In fact, high levels of some antimicrobial compounds can mean that the cow was trying to fight off sickness.

Some people think the bacteria in raw milk make an antimicrobial compound called nisin. But this process requires warm temperatures, so if there’s any nisin in your milk, that’s a sign that it wasn’t refrigerated properly. Plus, nisin is not effective against the types of microbes commonly found in milk.

Instead of building a stronger immune system, raw milk can expose you to disease-causing bacteria likeE. coli. People with developing or compromised immune systems, like young children and older adults, are at the highest risk of getting sick. Half of people who get sick after drinking raw milk are 19 or younger. In serious cases, these illnesses might require hospitalization and be life-threatening.

Myth: Raw milk is more nutritious than pasteurized milk.

Fact: Pasteurization doesn’t significantly affect nutrition.

Many studies have shown that raw and pasteurized milk have similar amounts of:

  • Proteins (mainly casein and whey)
  • Fat
  • Minerals (including calcium, zinc, and selenium)
  • Vitamins (including vitamin A, vitamin E, and riboflavin)

Pasteurization can cause tiny losses of some vitamins (mainly vitamin C), but not enough to make a practical difference. Plus, milk doesn’t have a lot of vitamin C to begin with.

Myth: Good hygiene practices can make raw milk safe.

Fact: Good hygiene won’t get rid of all bacteria. Only pasteurization can kill them.

Good hygiene and safety practices can lower the amount of bacteria in raw milk. But it won’t get rid of them all.

Pasteurization is the only surefire way to kill bacteria. And to make sure all the bacteria are killed, dairy farmers have to follow specific rules, like what temperature the milk should be and for how long.

Some people test their raw milk for microbes. But even if you do this, there’s still a good chance you’ll miss some. One batch might have germs but another won’t.

Does raw milk boost your immune system?

There’s no evidence that it boosts your immune system. Raw milk can contain low levels of antimicrobials, but not enough to make the milk safe to drink. In fact, these substances can mean that the cow that produced the milk was sick.

Some studies show that kids who drink raw milk are less likely to get asthma and allergies. It’s not clear why – the studies only show a link, and they don’t prove that raw milk directly prevents these immune conditions. In fact, the lower asthma rates could be caused by something else entirely.

For example, it might have to do with living on a farm, as did many of the kids in the studies. One theory suggests that early exposure to a variety of bacteria and allergens (as happens on a farm) can strengthen a developing immune system. But more research is needed to be sure.

But even if early bacterial exposures can contribute to a healthy immune system, you shouldn’t feed your child raw milk. Young children have developing immune systems, which makes them extremely vulnerable to dangerous bacteria likeE. coli. These bacteria are found in raw milk.

In other words, there’s no scientific proof that drinking raw milk strengthens your immune system. But even if there was, the benefit wouldn’t be worth the risk of catchingE. coli.

Is Raw Milk Safe?

The main risks and side effects of raw milk are related to its not being pasteurized, which makes it more vulnerable to bacterial contamination.

Bacterial infection

Raw milk can carry many dangerous germs, including:

  • Brucella
  • Campylobacter
  • Cryptosporidium
  • E. coli
  • Listeria
  • Salmonella

These bacteria can cause stomachaches, diarrhea, and vomiting. Severe infections could lead to paralysis, kidney failure, stroke, and death. Several outbreaks of bacterial infections have been traced to raw milk and raw milk products.

Contaminated raw milk can make anyone sick. But some people are at higher risk of serious illness. This includes people who are:

  • Younger than 5
  • Older than 65
  • Pregnant
  • Immunocompromised (have weakened immune systems)

About half of people who get sick from drinking raw milk are 19 or younger.

Can I get bird flu from drinking raw milk?

It hasn’t happened yet, but it might be possible. Here’s why.

Bird flu is a type of flu that can make birds very sick. People can get sick too, but it’s rare. It usually only happens when people spend time very close to sick birds. When it does happen, people tend to have mild symptoms.

A few years ago, scientists noticed a new kind of bird flu. In March 2024, they discovered that the new virus was sickening cows in the United States. A few people who worked with the cows also got sick. So far, the illness hasn’t spread from person to person.

Sick cows can shed the virus in their milk. The FDA has found very high amounts of live, infectious virus in raw milk. The virus can survive in refrigerated raw milk for at least 5 weeks.

It’s not clear if people can get sick from drinking contaminated milk. It hasn’t happened yet. But we do know that mice that drink contaminated milk get infected.

At first, scientists weren’t sure if pasteurization would kill bird flu. They ran studies in their labs where they spiked raw milk with a large amount of bird flu viruses and heated it up. This killed some of the virus, but not all of it. But a recent FDA study used better, more realistic equipment – the same kind of equipment used at commercial dairy farms. When they used the better equipment, none of the viruses survived pasteurization. These results show that pasteurization kills bird flu and other viruses. Because of this, it is safe to drink pasteurized milk.

You may have heard that 1 in 5 containers of store-bought pasteurized milk test positive for bird flu. This is true, but don’t worry. That’s because scientists found traces of viral RNA (similar to DNA), but no live virus. RNA sticks around after the virus has died, but it can’t infect you. In fact, these results show that pasteurization did its job – the viruses were in the milk, but pasteurization killed them.

To protect yourself, drink only pasteurized milk. Do not drink raw milk to try to develop antibodies against bird flu. You could become very sick.

Raw Milk Alternatives

According to federal health agencies, many food scientists, and other medical and food safety professionals, the risks of drinking raw milk are much greater than its supposed benefits. Besides, there’s no scientific proof of these benefits to begin with.

For this reason, it’s best to stick topasteurized milk and dairy products.

You can also try dairy alternatives like soy, oat, oralmond milk. These types of milk are as safe as cow's milk but provide different types of nutrients.


Some people think raw milk has health benefits, but there’s no scientific proof to support this. It isn’t any healthier than pasteurized milk, and it can carry dangerous bacteria. Only drink pasteurized milk and dairy products.

Raw Milk FAQs

Is raw milk legal in the US? Raw milk is legal in about half of U.S. states. These states each have laws about how and where raw milk can be sold.

How do I make sure raw milk is safe?You can’t tell raw milk is safe just by looking at it. It can smell, look, and taste the same as contaminated milk. You can try testing it for bacteria, but this won’t always work. One batch might have bacteria and the next won’t.

What are the odds of getting sick from raw milk? Raw milk causes many more disease outbreaks than pasteurized milk. In fact, 840 times more people get sick from raw dairy products than from pasteurized products. Children, older adults, pregnant people, and people with compromised immune systems are more likely to get sick.

Raw Milk: Are There Health Benefits? (2024)


Raw Milk: Are There Health Benefits? ›

No. There are no health benefits from drinking raw milk that cannot be obtained from drinking pasteurized milk. The process of pasteurization of milk has never been found to be the cause of chronic diseases, allergies, or developmental or behavioral problems.

Are there any health benefits to drinking raw milk? ›

It provides bio-available calcium, which is lacking in many diets (Source). Raw Milk is also a good source of vitamin A and iron. Additionally, it's an excellent source of protein and contains hundreds of different fatty acids, including conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega-3s (Source).

Can raw milk heal your gut? ›

There are no beneficial bacteria in raw milk for gastrointestinal health. Bacteria found in raw milk are not probiotic. Probiotic microorganisms must be non-pathogenic (Teitelbaum and Walker, 2000). In contrast, raw milk can host various human pathogens, including E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Streptococcus spp.

What is the chance of getting sick from raw milk? ›

If you have a 0.00011 percent chance of getting sick from drinking pasteurized milk, and a 9.4 times greater risk of getting sick from drinking unpasteurized milk, we're still talking about a miniscule risk of 0.00106% (one one-thousandth of a percent).

What does the FDA say about raw milk? ›

Is it safe to consume raw milk? No. FDA and other health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics agree that raw milk is unsafe because it can contain disease-causing pathogens, including: Enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus.

Does heating raw milk destroy nutrients? ›

Yes, it is true that heating causes a degree of destruction to the nutrients found in all foods, including raw dairy products. The destruction of beneficial bacteria and enzymes begins to occur once heated above 102°F, which is why our truly raw cheese has never been heated above 102 °F.

How much vitamin D is in raw milk? ›


One quart of whole raw milk contains 381 IU of vitamin D, or 63.5% of the daily recommended value.

Why do bodybuilders drink raw milk? ›

Raw milk has been shown to boost muscle building in athletes. Drinking raw milk post-workout has been shown to decrease muscle damage, increase muscle repair, increase muscle protein synthesis, and reduce recovery time from workouts.

Is raw milk still inflammatory? ›

These new findings suggest that consumption of raw milk can be potentially inflammatory due to its vast microbiota, in addition to the well-known risks of its consumption and, that processed milk can prevent or promote inflammation according to the type of processing to which it was submitted.

Is raw milk good for the colon? ›

Excellent for your gut bacteria

Raw milk is super-rich in healthy bacteria and makes for a great probiotic drink that can benefit your digestive system.

Why is raw milk illegal in the US? ›

Raw milk can carry dangerous germs such as Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter, and others that cause foodborne illness, often called “food poisoning.” These germs can seriously injure the health of anyone who drinks raw milk or eats products made from raw milk.

Do amish drink raw milk? ›

In the old Order Amish way of life many chores around the farm are still done they way they where in the late 1800's, and milking cows is know different. Each day depending on the number of cows and the amount of nutrition the cows intake. An Amish family will get many gallons of "Raw" milk, straight from the cow.

Can you get parasites from raw milk? ›

Raw milk is unpasteurized milk from any animal and can contain many harmful bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Unfortunately, raw milk outbreaks are on the rise in the United States. In fact, the risk of an outbreak caused by raw milk is at least 150 times greater than the risk caused by pasteurized milk.

What are the side effects of raw milk? ›

Symptoms of foodborne illness from raw milk can include diarrhea, stomach cramping, and vomiting. In some cases, more severe outcomes like Guillain-Barré syndrome or hemolytic uremic syndrome can occur, potentially leading to paralysis, kidney failure, stroke, or even death.

When did humans stop drinking raw milk? ›

Before the late 19th century, there was only raw milk. But as the turn of the century approached, scientists began heating milk to eliminate dangerous bacteria, just as Louis Pasteur had demonstrated you could do with wine. It couldn't have come soon enough in America.

Why do people drink raw milk? ›

Among the health claims surrounding raw milk are that it can cure lactose intolerance, treat allergies, and support gut health. However, extensive research has shown that none of these myths are true. In fact, drinking raw milk can be hazardous to your health, explains infectious disease specialist Dr.

Why does raw milk taste so good? ›

Heat treatment kills not only the bacteria, but also a lot more of volatile flavor compounds. Raw milk fans argue that the taste of raw milk is far superior to the supermarket offerings. Raw milk often tastes richer and sweeter than pasteurized versions.

Is raw milk good for the immune system? ›

Does raw milk strengthen the immune system? Multiple studies have shown that raw milk consumption is correlated with improved immune system function. Raw milk consumption has been correlated with reduced risk of respiratory infections and fevers, as well as reduced risk of asthma and allergies.

Does raw milk detox? ›

Bacteria in raw milk promote production of a healthy flora in the gut. A healthy flora, in turn, detoxifies accumulated toxins and eliminates abnormal cells associated with cancer.

How to make raw milk safe? ›

Heat the milk to 63°C (150°F) for at least 30 minutes or 72°C (162°F) for at least 15 seconds. If the temperature falls lower than the one you're using, you have to start timing again.

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