Symptoms and Treatment for Tendonitis of the Wrist (2024)

If your wrist, arm or hand hurts or if you feel numbness in these areas, you might have tendonitis of the wrist. Actually, it's one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders today. But don't worry: The simplest treatments (rest and bracing) usually work wonders for this condition.

There's nothing mysterious about what causes tendonitis of the wrist. It happens when you simply overwork your fingers and hand.

  • FIND OUT: do you have carpal tunnel? No strings attached self-test.

At the microscopic level, overworked tendons in the wrist form tiny adhesions, These adhesions make the tendon less supple, and therefore restrict its movement. The restriction causes irritation on the tendon, which in turn causes swelling.

Swelling keeps tendons from functioning properly. Instead of normally gliding smoothly to make your fingers move, the swelling restricts movement even further. That restriction is what causes all of the pain and other symptoms associated with tendonitis of the wrist.

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But are you sure you have tendonitis of the wrist? Several disorders can cause similar symptoms. So your pain or numbness may be due to a condition other than wrist tendonitis.

For instance, you may have a simple wrist sprain, which is also quite common. But the symptoms may also be due to carpal tunnel syndrome, which is also common, and (by far) a more serious condition.

How to tell the difference?*

  • Wrist tendonitis & sprains usually hurt more when your fingers are moving.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome usually hurts more when your fingers are resting.

*This difference occurs in the early stages of carpal tunnel syndrome. More advanced stageswill hurt whether or not your fingers are moving.

The chart below is a useful side-by-side symptoms comparison symptoms of carpal tunnel symptoms versus tendonitis of the wrist.

Symptoms and Treatment for Tendonitis of the Wrist (1)

Therefore, be 100% certain about what's causing the problem to begin with. When you confirm that you indeed have tendonitis of the wrist, then you can treat it relatively easily.

Ordinary tendonitis symptoms are treated effectively with:

  • Rest & avoidance
  • A wrist brace

These remedies will treat mild and moderate wrist tendonitis. But severe wrist tendonitis or another hand pain condition may not respond to these simple treatments. See your doctor if your wrist tendonitis is severe.

Symptoms and Treatment for Tendonitis of the Wrist (2)

Rest & avoidance to treat tendonitis of the wrist

If you have tendonitis it's usually easy to figure out what's causing it. For example, too much typing strains fingers and wrists. As a result, the pain will focus around your fingers or hand. Likewise, too much lifting will probably cause pain focused at the wrist instead of the fingers. So it's usually no mystery what caused the symptoms you have.

Rest is the first thing any damaged tissue (tendon, muscle, etc.) must do. The human body is remarkably good at healing itself. And rest is the body’s best defense against such injury and disease.

For example, when you’re sick or injured, you often feel tired. That’s because your body is telling your brain to temporarily shut down so that it can start the process of restoration (healing).

Therefore, almost any problem in the body can be healed by simple rest. So rest your hand as often as you can. That also means to avoid doing what was causing your tendons to become strained.

Simply not performing the stressful activity will allow tendon micro-structures to repair themselves. Depending on the amount of tendon damage you have, restoration & healing can take a few days to several weeks.

Sometimes you just can't stop the activity that caused the tendonitis. If your job requires typing for instance, then take multiple short breaks. Take that breaking opportunity to stretch out your hands. Here are hand exercises for hairdressers (who are notorious for straining their hands) that apply to everybody with tendonitis of the wrist.

Symptoms and Treatment for Tendonitis of the Wrist (3)

Wrist brace to treat tendonitis of the wrist

Before discussing wrist braces to treat tendonitis, let's get some terms straight. You might have heard the term "splint" and “brace” used interchangeably. In fact, they're a bit different. Here's their medical definition:

  • A wrist splint refers to a device that immobilizes the wrist.
  • A wrist brace supports the wrist in the neutral position. (The neutral position is essentially "straight".)

For everyday purposes there's little difference between the two terms. So we’ll use “brace” here.

About night bracing

In most instances a wrist brace for tendonitis is useful to aid your joint's natural healing abilities. That’s because the brace allows the wrist joint to restat night - again, that all-important "rest" your body needs.

The brace gives your hand the opportunity to rest in it's natural and "neutral position". That means there's no stress on the joint. And that restful time is most crucial at night.

You should always wear a wrist brace at night while you sleep if you have tendonitis of the wrist. (At that point, we can call it a "nocturnal brace" or "night brace".)

When we sleep, we unconsciously over-bend our hand. Hyper-flexing and hyper-extending the hand does tremendous damage inside the wrist joint. But a wrist brace prevents that movement while we sleep. That's why it’s the best way to rest the hand at night.

Most people find that sleeping with a night brace for tendonitis is uncomfortable at first. However, that discomfort will disappear soon. You won’t even know you’re wearing a brace after a few nights.

Symptoms and Treatment for Tendonitis of the Wrist (4)

About bracing during the day

As mentioned above, it’s nearly impossible for us to rest our hands and wrists 100 percent of the time. We're always doing something with our hands - usually it's our jobs!

But if you have tendonitis of the wrist and wear a brace while using your hand, you'll surely make matters worse.

That's because your injured hand will subconsciously fight the immobilization - if even a little bit. And that can make healing go a lot slower.

Fighting the brace produces isometric movements (movement against a solid object). This is very bad for the healing process in general. As a result of the isometric movements from wearing a wrist brace, you cause more stress damage to the tendons. That's because they work harder against the immovable brace.

This is why many doctors now recommend you do NOT wear a brace for wrist tendonitis on a 24/7 basis.

The only time you should wear a wrist brace during the day is if you you'll be over-straining your hand. For instance, if you know you'll be lifting something heavy, then a wrist brace can help support the extra weight.

Symptoms and Treatment for Tendonitis of the Wrist (5)

Cautions about wrist bracing

Bracing can actually do more harm than good

There are many instances where a brace obstructs the healing process. It can also make the condition even more painful. The most common way this happens is if you wear a brace when you shouldn't.

Some conditions require you wear a wrist brace 24/7. Sprains, fractures, ligament tears, etc. all require absolute immobilization. But if you immobilize your wrist, you also discourage restorative blood flow and fluid drainage from the joint. That's a necessary compromise with a sprain or fracture. But it's harmful if you have tendonitis of the wrist.

Also, wrist and finger movement keeps tendon adhesions from forming deep inside the wrist joint. And since tendons are swollen, you need to drain the fluid from the joint as often as possible. If the wrist joint is stationary all the time, fluid drainage doesn't occur efficiently.

Therefore, if you have wrist tendonitis, complete immobilization (24/7) may do more harm than good.

Symptoms and Treatment for Tendonitis of the Wrist (6)

Only brace when necessary during the day

If we could completely rest our hands for 2 weeks we would surely relieve the tendonitis. But in today’s busy world you cannot let your hands just dangle all day while they rest. They must work. And we need our hands for just about everything, and all the time. Therefore, they move all the time.

Be mindful that if you wear a brace during the day (while working), your hand will subconsciously fight the brace. That will certainly make your wrist work harder, and may make the original problem worse.

Therefore, patients with tendonitis of the wrist should brace only sparingly during the day - when necessary. Brace only when you expect to over-bend your wrist joint, as when lifting heavy objects. Then remove the brace.

Never use a wrist brace to relieve pain

No wrist brace whatsoever is intended to be a pain reliever. They merely keep the wrist joint from moving too much, which may otherwise hurt.

But that's not a good thing, either. As discussed above, your hand will subconsciously fight the brace while working.

Therefore, a wrist brace that immobilizes your wrist joint may be harmful if used when working. That means don't wear a wrist brace for tendonitis during the day unless you absolutely have to - as when over-bending your hand to lift heavy objects.


The bottom line is that if you have tendonitis of the wrist, you should always wear a wrist brace while you sleep. During the day, wear it sparingly - if at all. And if you do, wear it only when doing heavy lifting. The brace will keep you from over-extending your wrist.

Symptoms and Treatment for Tendonitis of the Wrist (2024)


Symptoms and Treatment for Tendonitis of the Wrist? ›

Wrist tendinitis (tendonitis) is inflammation in the tendons that connect your lower arm to the bones in your fingers. The condition can cause pain when you grip and lift objects or move your wrist or fingers. Wrist tendon pain usually goes away with rest, medication, injections or splinting.

What is the fastest way to heal tendonitis in the wrist? ›

To treat tendinitis at home, use rest, ice, compression and elevation. This treatment can help speed recovery and help prevent more problems. Rest. Avoid doing things that increase the pain or swelling.

How do I know if my wrist hurts with tendonitis? ›

Wrist Tendonitis Symptoms
  1. Wrist pain where the arm meets the hand.
  2. Pain that radiates up to the elbow.
  3. Stiffness in the wrist joint.
  4. Reduced range of motion.
  5. Decreased grip strength.
  6. Tenderness in the wrist or forearm.
  7. Swelling.
  8. Creaking noise.

Will wrist tendonitis heal on its own? ›

Tendonitis may go away on its own over time, but that's not always the case. That's why I tell people with recurring joint pain to see a tendonitis specialist. These doctors can diagnose the problem and get patients with tendonitis on the road to recovery faster.

How do you test for tendonitis in the wrist at home? ›

Finkelstein's test.

This test includes making a fist with the fingers covering the thumb and then bending the wrist toward the little finger. Pain on the thumb side of the wrist is a positive indication of tendonitis in the wrist area.

What not to do with wrist tendonitis? ›

Rest: The most important treatment for wrist tendinitis is usually rest. Never push through wrist pain; try to avoid typing, lifting heavy items and rotating your wrist so your tendons can heal.

Should I wear a wrist brace for tendonitis? ›

For an inflamed tendon to heal, it must be given time to rest. During that period, the movement of the affected body part must be limited but not strained. Braces help in doing that. You should wear braces for tendonitis as long as it takes for the injury to heal, anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

What can be mistaken for tendonitis? ›

Tendonitis can be confused with a muscle strain. The way to distinguish between the two is that with a muscle strain, the pain is felt in the muscle itself, whereas in tendonitis, the pain is felt near where the muscle attaches to the bone. Don't be fooled by the myth of “no pain, no gain” exercise approach.

Should I massage wrist tendonitis? ›

For people suffering from tendonitis, it can help with pain relief and speed up the recovery process. Since tendonitis can take weeks to heal, using a massage therapy program to both relax and strengthen the inflamed tendon can give the sufferer a better chance of a full and speedy recovery.

What happens to untreated wrist tendonitis? ›

Without treatment, tendinitis can increase the risk of a tendon breaking down or tearing. A completely torn tendon might need surgery.

What is the best anti inflammatory for tendonitis? ›

Doctors may recommend over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, to reduce inflammation in the bursa and tendon and relieve pain. These medications are typically recommended for a few weeks while the body heals.

Is heat or ice better for tendonitis? ›

Heat may be more helpful for chronic tendon pain, often called tendinopathy or tendinosis. Heat can increase blood flow, which may help promote healing of the tendon. Heat also relaxes muscles, which can relieve pain.

What are the four symptoms of tendonitis? ›

The main symptoms of tendonitis are:
  • pain in a tendon that gets worse when you move.
  • difficulty moving the joint.
  • feeling a grating or crackling sensation when you move the tendon.
  • swelling, sometimes with heat or redness.

How to tell the difference between wrist tendonitis and carpal tunnel? ›

Unlike tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) does not affect the tendons. Instead, CTS occurs when the median nerve that runs through your wrist is pinched. This compressed nerve causes numbness or tingling in your thumb, index finger, middle finger, hand, and wrist. Often, people feel symptoms of CTS at night.

How can you tell the difference between tendonitis and arthritis in the wrist? ›

Generally, tendonitis causes sudden or acute pain, whereas, in the case of arthritis, the pain is often chronic in nature. Your doctor will take your detailed history, perform a physical examination and order certain imaging tests or blood work to identify the cause of your symptoms (tendonitis or arthritis).

How to tell the difference between tendinitis and sprained wrist? ›

Both tendonitis and sprain cause wrist pain. Wrist tendonitis pain may be felt as a burning sensation, a sharp stabbing pain, or a constant dull ache. Pain may also radiate up to the elbow on the affected side. Wrist sprain pain may be felt as a sharp, throbbing pain or an intermittent, dull ache.

What is the best anti-inflammatory for tendonitis? ›

Doctors may recommend over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, to reduce inflammation in the bursa and tendon and relieve pain. These medications are typically recommended for a few weeks while the body heals.

What is the best cream for tendonitis? ›

What is the best cream for tendonitis? Mild tendonitis pain can be effectively managed with topical NSAID creams such as Myoflex or Aspercreme.

Why won't my tendonitis go away? ›

Chronic tendonitis is often defined by the tendon pain lasting more than 6 weeks, and the condition is referred to as tendinosis. Tendinosis is thought to be mainly caused by degeneration of the tendon. In order to effectively treat and resolve tendinosis, you must stimulate regeneration of the affected tendon.

Should you massage wrist tendonitis? ›

Yes! Massage can be beneficial for tendonitis in helping reduce muscle tension and increase blood flow to the affected area, aiding in the healing process.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.