The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them (2024)

The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them (1)

Carrier oils are naturally derived vegetable oils from the fatty portion of plant based sources such as seeds, kernels or nuts. Each carrier oil has their own unique properties and benefits. They may be used alone or with other oils to nourish your skin and with essential oils.

Find out how to blend them with other carrier oils and essentials here in ourGuide to Carrier Oilsandyou want to find out more about Essential Oils,you can find out

The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine

Argan oil

The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them (2)

Organic Argan Oil100ml,£16.80

What is Argan Oil?

Argan oil is produced from the kernels of the argan tree andis found inMorocco.

What are the benefits of Argan Oil?

Acne, anti-ageing and fine lines, anti-inflammatory, boost skin and elasticity, heals skin infections, balancing face oil, shinier & healthier looking hair.

  • Rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants, Vitamin A & E.
  • Penetrates the hair follicles and keeps the hair moisturised.
  • May help reduce fine line & wrinkles.
  • Helpful for breakouts and acne scars.
  • May reduce stretch marks and improves skin hydration.
  • Comedogenic rating: 0

Jojoba oil

The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them (3)

Organic Jojoba Oil 100ml, £14.00

What is Jojoba Oil?

Jojoba is aplant that grows in North America. It thrives in harsh, desert climates. It also produces a nut with many healing properties.The nut can be made into an oil.

What are the benefits of Jojoba Oil?

Moisturises dry skin, soothes sensitive skin, improves acne, reduces stretch marks and scars, can be used under eye and for cleansing, can reduce wrinkles, antimicrobial and antifungal, calming baby oil, balancing face oil,moisturisingbody oil, healthier hair.

  • Naturally hypoallergenic oil.
  • Good for soothing eczema and psoriasis.
  • Helps with acne and a good spot treatment.
  • Balancing oil for both dry and oily skin.
  • Rich in Vitamin E.
  • Suitable for skin and hair.
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

Sweet Almond Oil

The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them (4)

Organic Sweet Almond Oil 100ml, £12.00

What is Sweet Amond Oil?

Sweet almond oilcomes froma plant. Sweet almondproduces kernels, that can also be eaten as we know as nuts. Sweet almond oil is made by pressing the kernels.

What are the benefits of Sweet Almond Oil?

Soothes and moisturises dry skin, reduces puffiness and under-eye circles, perfect for sensitive skin,improvesstretch marks and scars,improves complexion and even skin tone, great as a baby oil, can be used as a face oil and a body oil.

  • Extremely nourishing, it is rich in proteins, vitamin D &essential fatty acids.
  • Excellent emollient.
  • Anti-inflammatory & boosts immunity.
  • Soften and re-condition the skin.
  • Sooth dry and irritated skin.
  • Great carrier oil.
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

Apricot Oil

The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them (5)

Cold Pressed Organic Apricot Oil

What are the benefits of Apricot Oil?

Dry skin, under eye and cleansing oil, face oil

  • Rich in Vitamins A, C, E & K as well as Omega 3,6,9 essential fatty acids.
  • Non greasy great face and body moisturiser for all skin types, including oily complexions.
  • Supports healthy collagen and elastin keeping the skin looking soft and supple.
  • Perfect as a carrier oil with an essential oil of your choice.
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

    Evening Primrose oil

    The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them (6)

    Cold Pressed Organic Primrose Oil

    What are the benefits of Primrose Oil?

    Dry skin, acne, skin healing, face oil

    • ContainsGamma Linoleic acid (GLA)
    • Rich source of Omega 6 fatty acids, commonly used for women to relieve PMS symptoms.
    • Known to be a good choice for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.
    • Comedogenic rating: 2

    Hemp Seed Oil

    The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them (7)

    Cold Pressed Organic Hemp Seed Oil

    What are the benefits of Hemp Seed Oil?

    Dry skin, acne, skin healing, face oil, body oil

    • Rich sources of Omega 3 fatty acids and Gamma Linoleic acids (GLA).
    • Reduces inflammation, hydrates, regulates oil production.
    • Locks inhydration and attracts moisture.
    • Comedogenic rating: 0

      Rosehip Oil

      The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them (8)

      Cold Pressed Organic Rosehip Seed Oil

      What are the benefits of Rosehip Seed Oil?

      Anti ageing and fine lines, stretch marks and scars, boost skin and elasticity, under eye and cleansing, face oil.

      • Rich in Vitamin A, E and Essential omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
      • Very dry & thin oil, it softens & hydrates the skin deeply.
      • Great for sun damaged and pigmented skin.
      • Helps treat scaly, irritated and dry skin conditions.
      • Skin regeneration.
      • Comedogenic rating: 1

        DIY Beauty - Quick Buy

        To make it easier for you, here are the best carrier oils for the following:

        • Cleanser: Apricot, Jojoba, Rosehip.
        • Face Oil (Oily/Acne prone skin): Argan, Evening Primrose, Hemp, Jojoba.
        • Face Oil (dry skin): Apricot, Evening Primrose, Hemp, Jojoba., Sweet Almond.
        • Face Oil (Mature skin): Argan, Rosehip.
        • Sensitive Skin: Jojoba, Sweet Almond.
        • Body/Bath Oil: Hemp, Jojoba, Sweet Almond.
        • Massage: Sweet Almond , Apricot.
        • Babies Skin: Sweet Almond.
        • Hair: Argan, Jojoba.

        How To Use Carrier Oils in Your Skincare Routine

        Cleansing Oil

        1. Base Cleansing Oil:Ideally, the base of your oil cleansing mix should be an oil with cleansing and antibacterial properties such as Castor Oil.Start with 30% of your whole formulation. If you do not have Castor Oil, you can use Olive Oil (makesure it is a good quality extra-virgin organic olive oil).

        2. Core Oil:Choose the oil that works best for your skin type. Add up to 50% of this oil to your cleansingoil base. Depending on your skin type, you could choose between hemp seed oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil etc. If you want, you can also mix two different oils at 25% each.

        3. Luxury Oil:Finally, for the remaining 20% you could add a more luxurious oil with unique properties. These are normally moreexpensive but can truly top up and complement your oil blend, for example argan, jojoba, evening primrose oil or rosehip oil.If you prefer to stick to using only your base &core oil/s, simply up your Base & core oil percentage by 20%.

        4.Essential Oil:This is also entirely optional and I would skip this step if you have very sensitive skin. If you want to include essential oils, addup to 1% maximum of essential oils of your total recipe. A 1% dilution is 6 drops per 30ml.

        Chooseessential oils based on their unique properties. Bear in mind that citrus essential oilscontainphotosensitizers, so make sure to wear them at night or avoid any sun exposure.

        Facial Oil

        1. Base Oil: We recommend starting with 80% jojoba oil and then find the oil that will give you that glow, specific and suitable to your skin type. (See above for recommendations).

        2. Core Oil: 20% based on your skip type and intended benefits.

        3. Essential Oils:Essential oils boost the healing properties of your skin oil and have regenerating and toning properties. Not only are they easily absorbed into your skin, but they also improve the texture, fee and look of your skin! This is also entirely optional step and I would skip this step if you have very sensitive skin. If you want to include essential oils, addup to 2.5% maximum of essential oils of your total recipe. A 1% dilution is 6 drops per 30ml.

        Body & Bath Oil

        1. Base Oil: Choose 1 or 2 carrier oils. Either use a carrier oil on it's own or mix 50/50 with another based on your skin type and intended benefits.

        2. Essential Oil:If you want to include essential oils, addup to 3% maximum of essential oils of your total recipe. A 1% dilution is 6 drops per 30ml.

        Why we stock The Nature of Things

        • Theyare a member of the main organiccertification body in Ireland, Irish Organic Association.
        • They are amember of 1% for the planet and so1% of theirtotal profitsevery year isdonated toenvironmental causes.
        • Sustainability is their top priority in everything they do.
        • They only source theiroilsfrom producers who arepassionate about ensuring theirdistillingis top quality and usesustainable practices.
        • Their producers work with local communities to look aftertheenvironment and supportthe local people.
        • They are conscious about reducing their energy and water usage.
        • They use eco-friendlypackagingthat can be recycled:such as glass, aluminium and paper​.

        Why we stock The Nature of Things carrier oils

        • Quality and sustainability always comes first with The Nature of Things and so this ensures that the carrier oils that we stock, you can trust are the best on themarket for people, planet and animals.
        • With The Nature of Things being a member of the IrishOrganic Association this means that their productsdo notcontainsynthetic pesticides and fungicides and other chemicals that can be damagingto the local ecosystems.
        • They haveover 20years of experience working withoils and so their carrier oils have been made with so much care and knowledge aboutwhat works best and most effectively.
        • Overall, we think their carrieroils are one of the best, mosteco-friendly andsustainable carrier oils you will find on the market

        The Kind Store team try and test all products that we stock, so you can be certainthatwhat you are buying ishighquality, works well and loved by us. Wesource all products using our ethos via our sustainable principles, so you can trust that what you are buying is kindto animals, people and planet. Westockitems from UK independent makers and suppliers to ensure our products are eco-friendly. Discover hundreds of vegan, natural, sustainable and cruelty-free products.

        The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them (9) The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them (10)

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        The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them (2024)


        The 7 Best Carrier Oils For Your Skin and Haircare Routine & How To Use Them? ›

        Popular carrier oils used in hair care include Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, Castor Oil, Argan Oil, Camellia Seed Oil, and Olive Oil. Each of these oils displays special benefits for the hair based on the fatty acid profile, the presence of other active compounds, and their observed properties.

        What is the best carrier oil for skin and hair? ›

        Popular carrier oils used in hair care include Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil, Castor Oil, Argan Oil, Camellia Seed Oil, and Olive Oil. Each of these oils displays special benefits for the hair based on the fatty acid profile, the presence of other active compounds, and their observed properties.

        How do I choose the right carrier oil for my hair? ›

        Remember while choosing the best carrier oils for hair health, always go for 100% pure, cold-pressed and organic oil. This form of processing assure that the liquid stays pure and all the vital nutrients and therapeutic benefits remain intact.

        What is the best carrier oil to mix with essential oils for hair growth? ›

        Carrier oils, such as jojoba oil, argan oil or coconut oil, are not just diluents, many of them also possess hair benefits which can complement the properties of the best blends of rosemary oil for hair growth.

        Which oil goes deepest into the skin? ›

        1. CASTOR OIL. is able to penetrate more deeply than any other plant oil so it draws out dirt and impurities from deep within your pores. ...
        2. Jojoba Oil. ...
        3. Rosehip Oil. ...
        4. Argan Oil. ...
        5. Camellia Tea Oil.
        Jan 30, 2020

        What is the number 1 oil for hair? ›

        1. Argan Oil. Argan oil is one of the best hair oils for growth. That is because it is incredibly rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids.

        What oil is best absorbed by skin? ›

        Instead, opt for lighter oils such as argan, jojoba or grapeseed oil. These oils absorb more quickly into the skin and can also help soothe dry areas zapped of moisture.

        Which oil absorbs best into the scalp? ›

        Each oil has its own benefits. But when you want the oil to absorb fast into the scalp you can use coconut oil, olive oil and almond oil. Castor oil is thick in nature so it might take a little time to absorb.

        Which oil absorbs best into hair? ›

        Like coconut oil, olive oil is able to penetrate deep into hair's fibers. In fact, the abundance of monounsaturated fats found in olive oil may play a key role in its conditioning properties. Because it is so moisturizing, olive oil can save your hair from weather-related dryness during the winter months.

        What is the best oil for hair growth scientifically proven? ›

        A 2014 study compared peppermint oil, jojoba oil, saline solution, and minoxidil — a hair loss treatment approved by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration). After four weeks of treatment, peppermint oil led to the most hair growth out of the four treatments.

        What is the best essential oil to stimulate hair growth? ›

        According to a 2010 aromatherapy study, a blend of thyme, lavender, cedarwood, and rosemary essential oils contributed to significant scalp regrowth. Rosemary essential oil contains carnosic acid, which increases circulation, cellular turnover, and nerve growth, leading to thicker hair.

        What oil combos for hair growth? ›

        Mixing essential oils like rosemary, peppermint, and lavender with carrier oils such as coconut or jojoba can promote hair growth and thickness.

        What carrier oil is good for scalp inflammation? ›

        Jojoba oil's unique, wax-like nature closely resembles our skin's natural sebum, making it excellent for addressing scalp issues like flaking and redness. It forms a protective layer over hair strands, locking in moisture, reducing frizz, and boosting shine.

        What carrier oil is best for skin tightening? ›

        For Skin Tightening, Lightening, and Elasticity: Grapeseed oil is the best carrier oils for overall skin tightening, lightening, and elasticity. It contains special compounds that work hard to remove dark spots, pimple scars, and tighten skin.

        What is the number one oil for skin? ›

        Jojoba oil is considered one of the best oils for your face because it is very similar to sebum, the oil your skin produces naturally. Although known as an oil, jojoba oil is actually a liquid wax. It delivers all the benefits of plant-based oils without leaving a greasy residue on your face.

        What is the best oil to put on your face overnight? ›

        For overnight facial use, consider oils like argan oil, jojoba oil, or rosehip oil. These oils are lightweight, non-comedogenic, and rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants.

        What oil is best for skin and hair? ›

        The Takeaway. Natural coconut, olive, or sunflower oils can significantly improve your skin and hair care routine. These oils are often less likely to cause allergic reactions and can be a cost-effective alternative to typical skin-care items.

        What is the best carrier oil for combo skin? ›

        Combination skin: Argan oil can be a good choice as it can balance and hydrate without being too heavy or too light. Ageing skin: Go for argan or avocado oil, as they promote elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

        Which oil is best for hair and body? ›

        Here are some common hair types and compatible oils: Dry and damaged hair: Argan oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil. Oily hair: Grapeseed oil, almond oil, tea tree oil (used in moderation). Fine hair: Grapeseed oil, almond oil, apricot kernel oil. Curly or frizzy hair: Coconut oil, avocado oil, castor oil.

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        Author: Jamar Nader

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        Author information

        Name: Jamar Nader

        Birthday: 1995-02-28

        Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

        Phone: +9958384818317

        Job: IT Representative

        Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

        Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.