What Is Ultra-Processed Food and How Can I Avoid It? (2024)

Ultra-processed foods are highly altered and typically contain a lot of added salt, sugar, fat, and industrial chemical additives. Scientists have shown that eating a lot of ultra-processed food is not good for your health.

Our diets can have a big impact on our overall health, including our gut microbiome. Although regularly eating ultra-processed foods like chips, microwave meals, candy, and chicken nuggets is not a healthy diet, processed food is not all bad.

In this article, we dive into the research and explore the difference between processed and ultra-processed food, why too much ultra-processed food is harmful to our health, and how we can consume less of itto achieve a better balance.

What is ultra-processed food?

The terms “processed” and “ultra-processed” are thrown around a lot and are usually associated with something negative, but what makes something processed or ultra-processed?

Unless you’re eating the broccoli you harvested directly from your garden, most of the food we eat daily has undergone some form of processing. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing, as we’ll discover.

Processing food means changing its natural state to prolong its shelf life, make it safe to store or eat, enhance its taste, or even increase its nutritional value.

Methods like pasteurizing, canning, fermenting, freezing, and drying foods are forms of processing.

When a food is ultra-processed, it means that the producer uses industrial-scale methods and ingredients that you may not recognize and would not use in home cooking to produce the final product.

The NOVA food classification system divides food products into four groups based on how much processing they have gone through.

The four NOVA groups are as follows:

1. Unprocessed or minimally processed foods

Minimally processed or unprocessed food has not been altered or has no added ingredients. Washed and bagged spinach, pre-cut fresh fruit, or frozen vegetables are all minimally processed. They’re made to be more convenient to consume, but their nutritional value hasn’t been altered.

2. Processed culinary ingredients

Processed culinary ingredients are made from unprocessed foods through simple processing. This group includes oil, butter, sugar, salt, dried herbs, and spices. They are added to other foods, rather than eaten by themselves.

3. Processed foods

Processed foods are partially altered by adding sugar, oil, fat, salt, and other culinary ingredients to minimally processed foods. Processed foods like cheese, homemade or artisanal bread, and tofu have been altered, but not in a way that’s bad for our health.

4. Ultra-processed foods

Ultra-processed foods are entirely altered and have high levels of unhealthy fats, refined sugars, and salt.

They also undergo industrial processes, like hydrogenation and moulding, and contain additives like dyes, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers, and defoaming agents.

These foods are very calorie-dense and don’t contain many, if any, valuable nutrients. Cookies, chips, and fast food are all ultra-processed.

Ultra-processed foods are engineered to be convenient, extra tasty, and highly profitable for the companies that make them.

What Is Ultra-Processed Food and How Can I Avoid It? (1)What Is Ultra-Processed Food and How Can I Avoid It? (2)

What Is Ultra-Processed Food and How Can I Avoid It? (3)What Is Ultra-Processed Food and How Can I Avoid It? (4)

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Is ultra-processed food unhealthy?

The consensus is that ultra-processed food is unhealthy. Diets high in ultra-processed foods have been linked with increased risk of heart disease, weight gain, cancer, and even mortality — but why?

Processing changes the complex structure of nutrients in a food, which scientists call the food matrix.

Furthermore, research has shown that changes in the food matrix alter the way our bodies respond to food, potentially putting us at risk of these health conditions.

Let’s look at what the research says about ultra-processed food and its effect on our health.

One study analyzed the diets of more than 44,000 French adults for 7 years and found that high consumption of ultra-processed foods was linked with an increased risk of death. A study of almost 20,000 adults in Spain had similar findings.

Another large study of over 100,000 French adults followed over 5 years showed that eating more ultra-processed foods was linked with a greater risk of heart disease.

A similar analysis of the same participants found that a 10% increase in ultra-processed food consumption was linked with a 12% higher risk of cancer.

Although these studies were significant, their observational nature cannot prove cause and effect.

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What Is Ultra-Processed Food and How Can I Avoid It? (5)

Effects of eating ultra-processed food

One recent clinical trial, however, studied what happened when participants ate ultra-processed food in detail.

The scientists asked 20 people to live in a dedicated clinical trial unit for 4 weeks. They presented the participants with either ultra-processed or unprocessed diets for 2 weeks, immediately followed by the alternate diet for 2 weeks.

The volunteers could eat as much or as little as they liked. The researchers found that the participants who ate the ultra-processed diet consumed roughly an extra 500 calories a day, compared with those eating the unprocessed diet.

This led to an average weight gain of 2 pounds in the 2 weeks that the volunteers ate the ultra-processed food.

Aside from weight gain, scientists believe that ultra-processed foods also affect gut health. This could be because ultra-processed food often lacks fiber, which plays an essential role in keeping your microbiome healthy.

ZOE’s PREDICT study, the largest nutritional study of its kind, showed that eating a diet rich in highly processed foods was associated with an increase of “bad” or potentially harmful gut microbes.

The microbes in your gut play a key role in your health. They help support a healthy immune system, digest your food, and regulate how your body responds to what you eat.

A gut microbiome that heavily features potentially harmful “bad” bugs has been linked with a greater risk of developing cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

The ZOE program can identify what bugs are in your gut and how your body responds to the food you eat, helping you make informed choices about your health and how to best nourish your body.

Common ultra-processed foods

Ultra-processed food is incredibly common, and chances are that most of us eat some ultra-processed food daily.

People in the U.S. and the U.K. consume more than half of their calories each day from ultra-processed food. Remember, this type of food is not only inexpensive, but also heavily marketed.

Many people rely on ultra-processed food to feed themselves and their families because it’s affordable and accessible.Having the time, resources, and facilities to consume and cook fresh food is a privilege that not everyone has.

Examples of common ultra-processed foods are:

Healthier alternatives

One way to reduce how much ultra-processed food you eat is by prioritizing unprocessed or minimally processed food.

Unprocessed or minimally processed foods you can increase in your diet include:

  • fruit and vegetables (both fresh and frozen)

  • dried fruits and nuts with no added sugar, salt, or oil

  • pulses and legumes (such as chickpeas and lentils)

  • whole grain starchy carbohydrates (whole wheat bread, oats, whole wheat pasta)

  • fresh meat, poultry, fish, and eggs

  • plain or natural yogurt with no added sugar

  • spices and herbs

  • tea, coffee, water

Other actions you can take to cut back on ultra-processed foods are:

  • cooking at home as often as you can

  • bringing a packed lunch to school or work

  • checking food labels for saturated fat, sodium, and sugar quantity

  • snacking on whole foods, rather than pre-packaged snacks

  • trying to reduce how much fast food you eat

The takeaway

Although research shows that regularly eating ultra-processed foods is bad for your health, cutting these out of your diet entirely may be a challenge.

It’s undeniable that what you eat affects your overall health long-term, and overconsuming ultra-processed food puts you at a higher risk of disease.

But there’s no need to get down on yourself for eating a frozen pizza or fast-food meal now and again.

At ZOE, we believe that no food should be off limits and that you can have a balanced, healthy diet that occasionally includes ultra-processed food.

To learn how the food that you eat uniquely affects your body, check out the ZOE program.

Using cutting-edge science from the world’s largest nutritional study, our program is tailored to your individual biology and will teach you how to make smart food swaps and combine foods to make them work for your body.


Association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and all cause mortality: SUN prospective cohort study. (2019).


Association between ultraprocessed food consumption and risk of mortality among middle-aged adults in France. (2019).


Consumption of ultra-processed foods and cancer risk: results from NutriNet-Santé prospective cohort. (2018).


Modulation of postprandial lipaemia by a single meal containing a commonly consumed interesterified palmitic acid-rich fat blend compared to a non-interesterified equivalent. (2016).


The UN Decade of Nutrition, the NOVA food classification and the trouble with ultra-processing. (2017)


Ultra-processed diets cause excess calorie intake and weight gain: An inpatient randomized controlled trial of ad libitum food intake. (2019).


Ultra-processed foods and added sugars in the US diet: evidence from a nationally representative cross-sectional study. (2016).


Ultra-processed foods and excessive free sugar intake in the UK: a nationally representative cross-sectional study. (2019)


Ultra-processed food intake and risk of cardiovascular disease: prospective cohort study (NutriNet-Santé). (2019).


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  • What Is Ultra-Processed Food and How Can I Avoid It? (8)
What Is Ultra-Processed Food and How Can I Avoid It? (2024)


What Is Ultra-Processed Food and How Can I Avoid It? ›

Ultra-processed foods are highly altered and typically contain a lot of added salt, sugar, fat, and industrial chemical additives. Scientists have shown that eating a lot of ultra-processed food is not good for your health. Our diets can have a big impact on our overall health, including our gut microbiome.

How to avoid ultra-processed foods? ›

Instead of buying sauces or ready meals, cook your favourites in larger amounts at home and freeze the extra in portions to use another day. Have porridge in the morning with fruit and nuts instead of sugary low-fibre breakfast cereals. Eat fresh, baked or stewed fruit instead of shop-bought fruit pies or cakes.

What are the 5 most processed foods to avoid? ›

The 10 worst ultra-processed foods
  1. Energy drinks. These legal stimulants combine sugars in the form of glucose and sucrose with ingredients like caffeine to boost metabolism and increase alertness. ...
  2. Mass-produced bread. ...
  3. Some breakfast cereals. ...
  4. Hot dogs. ...
  5. Vegan 'meat' ...
  6. Chicken nuggets. ...
  7. Reformulated potato snacks. ...
  8. Margarine.
Jul 9, 2024

What is an ultra processed food? ›

These foods go through multiple processes (extrusion, molding, milling, etc.), contain many added ingredients and are highly manipulated. Examples are soft drinks, chips, chocolate, candy, ice-cream, sweetened breakfast cereals, packaged soups, chicken nuggets, hotdogs, fries and more.

What are the top 10 ultra-processed foods? ›

What are examples of ultraprocessed foods?
  • Processed reconstituted meat products, like ham and hot dogs, chicken sausage, and fish sticks.
  • Potato chips.
  • Frozen French fries.
  • Candy.
  • Store-bought cookies.
  • Soft drinks.
  • Refined grain pretzels.
  • Commercial bread.
7 days ago

Is peanut butter UPF? ›

Most peanut butters aren't ultra-processed foods, says Ludlam-Raine, 'but Sunpat is technically a UPF due to the stabiliser (E471). ' She recommends avoiding any peanut butter with added palm oil, and instead opting for brands like Meridian, Whole Earth and Pip & Nut (all of which are non-UPF).

Is bread an UPF? ›

For example, bread made from wheat flour, water, salt and yeast is a processed food. However, if emulsifiers, colourings or preservatives were added, the bread would be ultra-processed.

Is oatmeal ultra-processed? ›

Cereal: plain oats, corn flakes and shredded wheat are minimally processed, but when the manufacturer adds sugar, flavourings or colourings, they become ultra-processed cereals. Try sticking to cereals such as porridge, corn flakes, bran flakes, weetabix etc rather than the more processed versions.

Is cheese an UPF? ›

Tinned vegetables and fish, cheese and cured meats are all processed foods. Read more about how foods are classified. Ultra-processed foods are in a separate category, but it can be tricky to differentiate between UPFs and processed foods.

Is coffee ultra-processed? ›

Some types of coffee are more processed than others i.e filter coffee vs. instant coffee. Also there are many coffee products available commercially in supermarkets (such as iced coffee) and also many cafes, which have added syrups, sugars and other ingredients that have been processed.

Which bread is not ultra-processed? ›

Wholemeal or brown breads contain more fibre and the flour used is less processed than white alternatives.

What is the number one unhealthiest food? ›

The Top 10 Worst Foods to Eat
  • Processed meats like bacon, hot dogs, and cold cuts.
  • Sodas.
  • White bread.
  • French fries.
  • Fast food burgers.
  • Donuts.
  • Processed cheese.
  • Potato chips.
Jun 17, 2024

What happens when you stop eating ultra-processed foods? ›

Slowly cut out processed foods: Fatigue and irritability are common side effects of cutting out processed foods from your diet. For example, you might notice brain fog, decreased energy, and headaches if you quit caffeine cold turkey. 14 Gradually replace processed foods with whole foods to avoid these symptoms.

What meat is not ultra-processed? ›

Most processed meats such as sausages, ham, bacon and salami could be classed as ultra-processed and it's best to limit these as they are usually high in salt and saturated fat. Meat such as steak, mince, chicken portions is not ultra-processed.

Is pizza an ultra-processed food? ›

Frozen pizza, ready-to-eat meals, instant noodles, and many store-bought breads are just a few examples of what some consider “ultraprocessed foods,” or products that contain a long list of ingredients, chemical additives, and little to no “whole” foods.

How can I avoid UPF in my diet? ›

If you base your diet on fruits, vegetables, pulses, grains and nuts, then you won't be eating a lot of UPF. Vegan alternatives to meat, including mushrooms, jackfruit, beans and tofu, are not UPF.

How do you remove ultra-processed foods from your diet? ›

Other actions you can take to cut back on ultra-processed foods are:
  1. cooking at home as often as you can.
  2. bringing a packed lunch to school or work.
  3. checking food labels for saturated fat, sodium, and sugar quantity.
  4. snacking on whole foods, rather than pre-packaged snacks.
  5. trying to reduce how much fast food you eat.
Jul 4, 2024

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.