Where Do Squirrels Sleep? | Chem-free Blog (2024)

Where Do Squirrels Sleep?

Where Do Squirrels Sleep? | Chem-free Blog (1)

September 25, 2018


When you bought your house, one of the big selling points was the trees. Fully grown, impressive, offering lots of shade and natural beauty—you just can’t get something like that with every home.

An offshoot of that benefit was that you also got squirrels. Perhaps these rambunctious little critters amused your kids, your dogs and even you to no end.

Until that one fateful night when you heard scritch-scratching in your walls. When you investigated, you almost got an eye full of acorns.

Squirrels moved in.

How did this happen? More importantly, what are you supposed to do about it?

You didn’t want to kill these creatures, but sharing your home with squirrels doesn’t seem like a good idea, either.

While squirrels may seem cute and cuddly, having them inside your home is an entirely different matter. When a squirrel nests in a house, these critters may damage the property, lower its value, eat and destroy food and even spread diseases. No one here in Central Texas wants that.

Most people think it’s just a matter of getting the squirrels back into their tree, but that’s not always the case. In fact, some types of squirrels don’t live in trees at all, and others seek out warmer places when the weather gets cold.

Because of these facts, we’re going to lay out the various sleeping and living habits of squirrels in this post so that you get a better sense of why they might move into your home and what to do about it if you are the unfortunate host to a squirrel visitor.

Where Do Squirrels Sleep? | Chem-free Blog (2)

Where Do Squirrels Live At Night?

Despite their energetic, playful-seeming behavior, most squirrels’ time is actually spent sleeping. A squirrel spends up to 60% of its day asleep, which means that an average squirrel sleeps for almost 15 hours each day.

Nice if you can get it, right?

Obviously, this differs depending on the type of squirrel, though, so it’s worth taking a moment to break down the various squirrel species that you might run across in your yard or hiding out in your home.

Squirrels are found in every continent on Earth, apart from Antarctica and Australia, and there are over 200 species. However, all of them can be categorized into three primary types of squirrels:

  • Flying squirrels
  • Ground squirrels
  • Tree squirrels

Flying Squirrels

Despite their name, flying squirrels do not actually fly. Not exactly.

But it can sometimes seem like it due to the web-like skin flaps on their sides. These flaps let these animals glide from one tree to the next, giving the appearance of flight.

Flying squirrels live in tree dens. They build these homes in summer using bark, grass, leaves, small twigs and moss. Sometimes, you may run across dens in treehouses or home attics, and it’s not uncommon to see a flying squirrel sleeping on a tree branch or a hollowed-out hole in a tree.

Tree Squirrels

Gray, Red and Fox squirrels are the most common types of tree squirrels. Red squirrels are predominantly found in Europe, while Gray and Fox squirrels are found here in America.

Gray squirrels have big eyes. Red squirrels have a coat made up of reddish-brown fur. Nevertheless, squirrels may change their color when they shed this coat during the summer. Therefore, a gray squirrel may have coats that appear gray, white, black or brown.

Tree squirrels sleep in dreys. A drey is made using twigs, branches, leaves and mosses. The squirrels strategically position the drey between tree branch forks. Dreys are sometimes found in attics or along the wall of a house.

Ground Squirrels

Most of a ground squirrel’s time is spent—you guessed it—on the ground. These creatures sleep in ground-level burrows. In the northern states, where winters are frigid, ground squirrels hibernate throughout the winter. On the other end of the spectrum, ground squirrels that live in deserts and other extremely hot climates estivate (essentially hot-weather hibernating) during summer when the temperatures are hottest.

During estivation, a squirrel spends most of its time sleeping in an underground burrow that shields it from the hot sun above ground. Squirrels may estivate for up to seven months.

Where Do Squirrels Sleep? | Chem-free Blog (3)

What Time Do Squirrels Go To Sleep?

So, how are squirrels getting that amazing-sounding almost 15 hours of sleep each day?

They’re crepuscular, which means they’re only active at dusk and dawn. At least, that’s true for most of these animals. Some species, especially tree squirrels, love the sun and may remain out of their nests all day long during the summer.

When they’re not running around looking for and hoarding food—or mating—squirrels will be in their nests resting or sleeping. Since most of the animals that prey on squirrels here in the greater Austin area are nocturnal, you can bet that they try to avoid predators by staying in their nests at night.

Where Do Squirrels Sleep? | Chem-free Blog (4)

Where Do Squirrels Sleep When It Rains?

Squirrels are small animals. They have a small body to surface area ratio, which makes them lose their body heat more rapidly than large animals. Therefore, it’s vital that their bodies don’t get soaked by rain, because when they do, the water makes it even harder for the little mammals to control their core body temperature.

How do squirrels keep from getting soaked from our infrequent, but often heavy, rainstorms here in Austin?

They’ve got a couple of tricks. First, they use their bushy tails to shield themselves from the rain. They flip the tail over their body, using it as an umbrella of sorts. Though the tail may get soaked, the rest of the body remains relatively dry. Nevertheless, this works best as protection against light rain.

Squirrels escape heavy downpours by hiding in their nests. The nests are usually built and strategically positioned in such a way that they offer maximum protection against rain and cold. In this way, a squirrel can survive heavy downpours and thunderstorms.

Where Do Squirrels Sleep? | Chem-free Blog (5)

Where Do Squirrels Sleep In Winter?

While most homeowners want a straightforward answer to this question, the truth is that it depends on the squirrel. An accurate response becomes even more complicated when we consider that we so rarely get cold weather here in Central Texas, so squirrels often have similar sleeping habits all year long.

Ground squirrels hibernate during winter. Flying and tree squirrels, on the other hand, do not hibernate. Squirrels that do not hibernate usually fortify their nests, thereby providing better insulation and protection against the cold winter weather. Flying squirrels also believe in safety in numbers and may live together in groups of 10 or more during colder months.

When ground squirrels hibernate, they go into their burrows and sleep. They conserve energy by drastically lowering their body’s metabolic processes and going into a state of prolonged sleep. Ground squirrels that are in hibernation may sleep for as long as five months. The sleep is not complete, though. During each week of hibernation, they might actually be awake for between 12 and 20 hours.

Where Do Squirrels Sleep? | Chem-free Blog (6)

When Do Squirrels MoveInto Your Home?

Like most wild animals, squirrels may be attracted to your home due to the fact that it is safe from harsh outdoor conditions like extreme temperatures, predators and unfavorable weather.

So, there’s the first part of your answer. They move in when the conditions inside seem better than they do outside. What does that mean? Squirrels may be attracted to your home under a few conditions.

Hot Weather

If your choices involved temperatures of over 100 degrees or comfortable air conditioning, what would you choose? Probably the same option as a squirrel.

Cold Weather

Even though we don’t suffer the extreme cold of many northern states, Austin can still get pretty chilly outside, and we get frosts—and even snow—every once in a while. When this happens, your house probably seems pretty appealing.


Why risk getting blown out of your tree or flooded when you can simply set up shop inside the nice, cozy house with plenty of nooks and crannies.

When Predators Are Nearby

Hawks. Owls. Weasels. Foxes. If your family was on the run from any of these vicious creatures, you’d want safety and security, too. That’s what your house represents.

How do squirrels get into your house, then?

These rodents squeeze their way in through small holes and gaps on the walls, doors, windows, floors or roof. Some of the more aggressive squirrels may even chew their way in. Once inside the house, the rodent sets up nests in hidden places such as the attic, ceiling, chimney and within the walls.

Dangers Of Having Squirrels In Your Home

We briefly touched on this above, but squirrels that get into a home are a menace not just to the home itself, but also to those living in that home. Squirrels can damage your property, spread disease and put your family at risk.

Increased Risk Of Fires And Electrocution

There have been numerous reports of squirrels gnawing at power cables. Once they chew through a live electricity cable, they may get electrocuted. During the electrocution, the rodent may catch fire and, in the process, set your home ablaze.

Besides causing a house fire, they may also cause power outages in your home. The squirrel’s gnawing may also leave electricity wires exposed, which predisposes the home—and you—to the risk of accidental electrocution.

Bites, Scratches Or Other Injuries

Naturally, squirrels are shy critters that wouldn’t normally attack humans physically. However, there have been cases where large squirrels attack small children. Some of these attacks might be so vicious that they cause serious injury to a child. Squirrels can also bite or scratch a beloved family pet.

Property Damage

The front teeth of squirrels are so strong that the rodent can easily chew through the fascia and siding of a house. These pests can also gnaw through the roof shingles, damage the HVAC system, block vents, and gutters and even eat away parts of door frames and window sills.

This damage can bring down your home value, and making repairs is neither easy nor cheap.

Just as frustrating, squirrels often die in hard to reach areas. With time, dead squirrels begin to decay, which is not only unsanitary but also creates an offensive odor that permeates into your house.

Vehicle Damage

It’s not just your house and loved ones in dangers. Squirrels have been known to get into vehicle engines.

These creatures tend to hide away in cars that aren’t used frequently. Once inside, they may build a nest in the engine. It’s also in a squirrel’s nature to gnaw away at wires and various other vehicle components, and the resulting damage is often costly to fix.

Other Health Risks

Squirrels and their feces carry disease-causing elements such as salmonella and leptospirosis-causing bacteria. Additionally, squirrel-borne disease pathogens may cause such ailments as fever, headaches, abdominal pains, vomiting, enteric fever, gastroenteritis, food poisoning and more.

Signs That Your Home Has Squirrels

Squirrels are fairly large rodents. Therefore, it’s usually easy to tell when you have an uninvited guest in the form of a squirrel in your home. Experts recommend that you watch out for the following signs of squirrels in your home:

  • Scampering, scratching or jumping noises in the attic, chimney or walls
  • Damaged entry points like fascia boards, panels along the roof line and/or shingle damage
  • Interior damage, which may include chewing on furniture, shredded ductwork, foul smells in the attic and chewing on electric wires.
  • Visual identification of squirrels seen coming in or out of your house

Many people underestimate the destructive capabilities of the squirrel. All it takes is a slight gnaw and a little nibble from a bunch of persistent squirrels to cause some significant headaches in your home.

Prevent Wildlife From Moving In

Squirrels can be quite persistent if they decide to take up residence in yours. That’s why many Austin homeowners call in Chem-free to humanely handle these uninvited guests. Our experts apply their knowledge of animal behavior to identify how a rodent or another kind of animal is finding its way inside and help you take preventative measures to keep them from returning.With Chem-free’s help, you won’t have to worry about where rodents are sleeping and you’ll rest assured knowing it’s in a more natural habitat. Contact us today for an estimate!

Where Do Squirrels Sleep? | Chem-free Blog (2024)


Where do squirrels sleep? ›

Ground squirrels live on or in the ground and not in trees. Gray squirrels, however, sleep in tree nests during the winter and only venture out during the morning and evening. Instead of hibernating, they rely on sheltered nests or dens in trees, fat reserves, and stored food to survive the long, cold winter.

Do squirrels sleep in burrows? ›

Burrows provide the ground squirrels a place to retreat, sleep, hibernate, rear their young, and store food.

Where do squirrels nest? ›

Squirrel nests are typically built high in trees between two strong limbs or near the base of the trunk. Oaks, beeches, elms, and maples are common homes for nests. Squirrels will make nests in chimneys or attics if they're able to gain access to your property.

Where do squirrels spend most of their time? ›

Squirrels traditionally spend most of their time in trees foraging for food, bearing their young, taking shelter from the weather, finding food, and escaping from predators.

Where is the best place to put a squirrel house? ›

Nesting boxes should not be placed in urban environments that could encourage use by invasive nonnative species of squirrels. 1. Nesting box may be placed in a tree. It should be at least 10 feet above ground and facing away from prevailing winds.

Do squirrels go around at night? ›

Squirrels qualify as crepuscular animals, meaning they become most active during the evening and early morning hours. During the night, squirrels will settle down and spend the night resting in their den.

Where do the squirrels go when it rains? ›

In their quest for shelter, squirrels harness the arboreal landscape to their advantage, utilizing the canopy of trees as a shield against rainfall. With unparalleled agility and dexterity, squirrels ascend to the lofty heights of the forest canopy, where dense foliage offers a natural barrier against the elements.

What time of day do ground squirrels come out? ›

Behavior. Thirteen-lined ground squirrels are diurnal, coming above ground when the sun is high and the temperature is above 80°F, and returning to the burrow long before sundown. They rarely venture out of the burrow on damp, dark, or overcast days.

Do squirrels mate for life? ›

Squirrels do not mate for life, and a female will pick a new partner each year. To show off for females, males will race each other up and down trees to show off how strong and fast they are. Females will have one to two litters per year, depending on how much food is available.

What time of year do squirrels have their babies? ›

When Are Baby Squirrels Born? Grey squirrels have two breeding periods per year, one in mid-summer and another in early spring. Young are usually born between March and April, with a second litter arriving around July or August.

How many squirrels typically live in one nest? ›

Adult squirrels usually build a couple of dreys, giving themselves another shelter option should one nest be disturbed by a predator or overrun with fleas and lice. Sometimes two squirrels occupy a drey, cozying up to share long nights, frigid days — and body heat.

Where do squirrels go when their nest is destroyed? ›

Mother squirrels will generally have a second nesting location available to her if she needs to relocate her babies. If her nest was destroyed or tree was cut down, there is still a good chance that the mother will return to retrieve her babies and take them to her secondary location.

What is a squirrel's worst enemy? ›

Well, the natural enemies of squirrels include; coyotes, raccoons and weasels. As if that weren't enough, squirrels also have to be on the lookout for predatory birds like eagles, hawks, falcons, and owls who will try to swoop down and grab them for a meal.

Is it good to have squirrels in your yard? ›

Squirrels are essential pollinators and dispersers of various plants. They gather and hoard nuts and seeds under the trees and bushes in various locations, and sometimes, just like humans, they would forget where they put them.

Do squirrels ask humans for help? ›

Squirrels in need 'ask' for help

Unlike many other wild animals, squirrels seek proximity to humans in emergency situations.

What is the life expectancy of a wild squirrel? ›

Sexual maturation takes place during the following spring or summer. Mean life expectancy for a gray squirrel at birth is 1-2 years; the average life span of an adult is closer to 6 years. Records for maximum life span are 12 years in the wild and 20 years in captivity.

How many hours a night do squirrels sleep? ›

How Much Do Animals Sleep?
SpeciesAverage Total Sleep Time (% of 24 hr)Average Total Sleep Time (Hours/day)
Squirrel62%14.9 hr
Western Toad60.8%14.6 hr
Ferret60.4%14.5 hr
Three-toed Sloth60%14.4 hr
45 more rows

How do squirrels survive in the winter? ›

Squirrels sleep in nests year-round, but a nest or cavity den is essential for squirrels to stay nice and toasty in the winter. Nests are often built out of twigs, leaves, and moss in tall trees, although a squirrel won't turn down your home's attic to build its nest.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.