10 Ornamental Herbs - Fine Gardening (2024)

What makes an herb an herb? The term usually brings to mind plants used in cooking—like the parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme of the popular Simon and Garfunkel song. Botanically, herb is short for herbaceous, meaning a plant that grows from a soft—not woody—stem. Historically, however, the word herb refers to plants that are useful to people by way of their flavor, fragrance, or medicinal properties, no matter what type of stem they grow from.

When I first became interested in growing herbs, I was fascinated by all of their traditional uses, but as I continued to cultivate them, I came to value herbs for their ornamental attributes, too. By experimenting with herbs in decorative garden settings, I found that their exquisite foliage and flowers can blend artfully with other annuals, biennials, and perennials.

Although I could name many herbs that are as beautiful as they are useful, I’ve narrowed my list to 10 top performers. These plants needn’t be confined to designated herb gardens, but can be used to fill in cracks and crevices, to wander along bed edges, and to punctuate perennial borders.

1. Silver thyme softens hard edges

Name:Thymus vulgaris ‘Argenteus’
Blossom color: lavender-pink
Bloom time: summer
Plant size: 12 inches tall
Zones: 4 to 9

Silver thyme is a wonderful herb to grow in cracks and crevices. This evergreen grows up to 12 inches tall and has small lavender-pink blossoms in summer. Its fragrant, silver-edged leaves create a bushy and abundant texture that can be used to soften hard edges or to dapple a pathway. It is also attractive spilling from containers. Silver thyme thrives in sunny situations and, like other thymes, prefers sandy soil. Applying a mulch layer of light-colored gravel or chicken grit to reflect heat up to the plant doesn’t hurt either. Silver thyme, which can be harvested year-round in mild climates, is delicious with seafood and vegetables, in sauces, and as a tea.

More reading: How to grow thyme

2. Ornamental oregano blooms for a long time

Name:Origanum laevigatum
Blossom color: purplish-pink
Bloom time: summer
Plant size: 2 feet tall
Zones: 7 to 10

An excellent herb that grows well in stone walls, this 24-inch-tall creeping perennial is native to Turkey and Cypress, where it can be found growing in rocky terrain. Its dark-green leaves have a rich purple tint, and its purplish-pink flower clusters appear from late spring through autumn. Some of its cultivars are also gardenworthy. ‘Herrenhausen’ (Zones 5–8) is a beautiful selection that displays masses of showy pink flowers with maroon bracts on purplish stems. ‘Hopleys’ (Zones 7–10) is taller (up to 36 inches) with large, long-blooming, deep-pink flowers. It’s a vigorous grower and more tolerant of heat than ‘Herrenhausen’. These ornamentals are not good for cooking, but their flowers are lovely when dried.

3. Roman chamomile self-sows

Name:Chamaemelum nobile
Blossom color: white
Bloom time: summer
Plant size: 12 inches tall
Zones: 6 to 9

For me, it’s always a joy to walk on the aromatic leaves of Roman chamomile planted in between paving stones. Its threadlike leaves fill the air with a pleasing apple-pineapple scent. This delightful herb reveals its white, daisylike blooms in summer. Although it spreads like a ground cover, it tends to be patchy. I find it works best in places where it can jump around and self-sow. A hardy perennial, Roman chamomile thrives in moist, rich soil and grows to 12 inches tall. Its young leaves and flowers can be gathered to make a calming tea.

‘Treneague’ (Zones 6–9) is a worthy cultivar, valued because it does not flower. It makes an attractive chamomile lawn, but unfortunately is less vigorous than the flowering species. The cultivar ‘Flore Pleno’ (Zones 6–9) has white double flowers that are showier than those of the species.

4. ‘Berggarten’ sage boasts dusty-green, shapely leaves

Name:Salvia officinalis ‘Berggarten’
Blossom color: violet-blue
Bloom time: early summer
Plant size: 2 feet tall
Zones: 5 to 8

Foliage can take a garden through the seasons. One of the most beautiful foliage herbs, originally from Germany, is ‘Berggarten’ sage, which has a shapely, compact habit and large rounded leaves. At 2 feet tall, it’s perfect for planting at the corners of beds and along walkways. I have seen ‘Berggarten’ sage successfully used to offset the soft-pink blossoms of ‘Bonica’ rose (Rosa ‘Bonica’, Zones 4–9). Its dusty-green leaves provide a pleasing background for its own violet-blue blooms in early summer. Sage leaves are sometimes used medicinally as a tea to treat lung and throat maladies. In cooking, its leaves complement strong-flavored meats and add zest to stuffing and potato dishes.

More reading: How to grow sage

5. Catmint can be pruned for repeat blooms

Name:Nepeta ×faassenii
Blossom color: lavender-blue
Bloom time: summer
Plant size: 18 inches tall
Zones: 4 to 8

Another outstanding herb I use on the outskirts of plantings is catmint. With its smallish gray-green leaves, arching habit, and lavender-blue flowers in summer, it can soften and adorn the edges of beds. In particular, its 18-inch-tall form blends well with the deep-pink flowers of ‘Flower Carpet’ rose (Rosa ‘Flower Carpet’, Zones 5–9) and the silver foliage of artemisias (Artemisia spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9). I cut my catmint foliage back after flowering to encourage repeat blooms and to prevent the plant from looking straggly.

This catmint has few medicinal or culinary attributes, but it does make a lovely cut flower. It is often irresistible to cats, so you may find a euphoric feline friend lying in the center of your plants from time to time.

6. ‘Salem’ rosemary makes a good hedging plant

Name:Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Salem’
Blossom color: blue
Bloom time: early spring
Plant size: 2 feet tall
Zones: 7 to 10

Evergreen ‘Salem’ rosemary is another excellent foliage plant. Its shiny, green, needlelike leaves weave through beds like a thread in a tapestry, and it bears small blue flowers in early spring. This herb makes an excellent hedging plant or accent at the edge of borders or in containers. ‘Salem’ reaches up to 2 feet tall, but it takes well to pruning throughout the growing season. It is hardy in Zones 7 to 10, though many gardeners in Zone 7 choose to grow this plant against a south wall for additional warmth and extra winter protection. Like other Mediterranean rosemaries, ‘Salem’ needs full sun, a moderately fertile soil, and plenty of drainage. It’s best to propagate new plants by cuttings so they stay true to type.

Loved for its strong, pinelike flavor and fragrance, rosemary is often included, fresh or dry, in foods that are prepared by long simmering, like soups and stews. The tips of rosemary are frequently used in herbal bouquets.

More reading: How to growrosemary

7. Cardoon offers bold texture

Name:Cynara cardunculus
Blossom color: purple
Bloom time: midsummer
Plant size: 5 feet tall
Zones: 7 to 9

For a plant with bold texture, cardoon is the best herb I know. Its gray-green arching leaves and statuesque frame give rise to its round, purple, thistle-like flowers in midsummer. In its glory, cardoon reaches 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide and is perfect in a mixed border. The magnificent flower heads can be cut and dried for floral arrangements. As an edible plant, its leaf stalks and midribs are tasty when blanched, while the unopened flower heads can be boiled and eaten, like those of its close cousin the artichoke.

Native to the well-drained, sunny slopes of the southwest Mediterranean, cardoon will overwinter in Zone 7 but grows as a short-lived perennial in Zones 8 and 9. It can easily be grown from seed and, if it started early enough, will produce flowers in the first year.

9. Sweet cicely tolerates shade

Name:Myrrhis odorata
Blossom color: white
Bloom time: late spring
Plant size: 2 to 4 feet tall
Zones: 3 to 7

Since it’s so rare to find a shade-tolerant herb, sweet cicely definitely makes my list of favorites. This elegant fernlike herb has a mounding form with bright-green leaves. In late spring, it is topped with star-shaped white flowers that are followed by shiny, ridged, brown seeds. It grows best in full to partial shade in rich, moist soil. It can be grown from seed and usually reaches between 2 and 4 feet tall. Sweet cicely is at home in woodland gardens, in shade borders, and as a ground cover. The leaves and seeds have a sweet anise flavor and are often used to sweeten desserts, especially those made with fruit. Don’t confuse this plant with those in the genus Osmorhiza, which are also commonly called sweet cicely. The plants of this genus generally have larger leaves and less-showy flowers.

9. ‘Tutti Frutti’ anise hyssop attracts bees

Name:Agastache ‘Tutti Frutti’
Blossom color: raspberry-red
Bloom time: late summer
Plant size: 2 to 6 feet tall
Zones: 6 to 10

Another herb that attracts a great deal of attention in the border is ‘Tutti Frutti’ anise hyssop. Its stunning raspberry-red flower spikes reach up to a foot long and offer appealing color in late summer. Plants stand 2 to 6 feet tall with gray-green toothed leaves. ‘Tutti Frutti’ prefers full-sun and well-drained soil. Its individual flowers are delicious, with a taste like sweet anise, and are fantastic when added to salad. Like other agastaches, this cultivar is great for attracting welcome insects, especially bees, to your garden.

10. Garlic chives have starry white flowers

Name:Allium tuberosum
Blossom color: white
Bloom time: late summer
Plant size: 18 inches tall
Zones: 4 to 8

A superb companion for ‘Tutti Frutti’ is the gorgeous perennial herb garlic chives. It’s hard to miss this plant in late summer when its lovely starry-white flowers are in full bloom. After it flowers, cut the attractive seed heads back to prevent vigorous seedlings from sprouting up everywhere. The seed heads are great for decorative use indoors, while the flat, garlic-flavored leaves can be harvested throughout the growing season to add to soups, sauces, and dips.

Native to southeast China, garlic chives like sunny locations with fertile, sandy soil. At 18 inches tall, this herb blends well with other neighbors, like the annual flowering tobacco (Nicotiana × sanderae), ‘Autumn Joy’ sedum (Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’, Zones 3–10), and coneflower (Echinacea purpurea, Zones 3–9).

Morereading: How to growchives

10 Ornamental Herbs - Fine Gardening (2024)


What is the most difficult herb to grow? ›

In fact, lavender is the most difficult herb to keep alive, with 10,400 plant parents in need of help every month. Basil, mint and rosemary also come close behind, followed by popular herbs such as coriander, dill and parsley.

What is the meaning of ornamental herbs? ›

Ornamental plants are plants that are grown for display purposes, rather than functional ones. While some plants are both ornamental and functional, people usually use the term "ornamental plants" to refer to plants which have no value beyond being attractive, although many people feel that this is value enough.

What is the prettiest herb? ›

One of the most beautiful foliage herbs, originally from Germany, is 'Berggarten' sage, which has a shapely, compact habit and large rounded leaves.

What is the king of all herbs? ›

Basil - the king of herbs, the all-purpose plant. Bursting with flavor, a staple of Mediterranean cuisine and a trusted cure for many ailments. Worshipped as a saint in India, venerated as guardian of the dead in ancient Egypt.

What are the big 10 herbs? ›

But we think this list of 10 essential herbs would supply anyone with a great arsenal for cooking at home.
  • Parsley. If you're still thinking of parsley as a garnish, you're missing out. ...
  • Basil. In the summer months, we use basil more than any other herb. ...
  • Thyme. ...
  • Rosemary. ...
  • Mint. ...
  • Cilantro. ...
  • Chives. ...
  • Oregano.
Jan 25, 2013

What is the easiest herb to keep alive? ›

If you've been enjoying them all summer, there is no reason to stop. Or if you forgot to plant them, you don't need to wait until next spring. Basil, oregano, mint, chives, sage, rosemary, and thyme are the easiest herbs to grow indoors, whether you have them in the garden already or wish to plant them now.

Are rosemary and thyme perennials? ›

What Herbs Are Perennials? The majority of the herbs in the mint family are perennials, including rosemary, oregano, thyme, sage, lemon balm, marjoram, anise hyssop, and mint.

Can you give me a list of herbs? ›

list of herbs and spices
  • allspice (Pimenta dioica)
  • angelica (Angelica archangelica)
  • anise (Pimpinella anisum)
  • asafoetida (Ferula assa-foetida)
  • bay leaf (Laurus nobilis)
  • basil (Ocimum basilicum)
  • bergamot (Monarda species)
  • black cumin (Nigella sativa)
Aug 8, 2024

What herb looks like a fern? ›

When yarrow first emerges from the ground, it produces a basal rosette of fluffy, fern-like leaves. These distinctive leaves have spawned many names for the plant: squirrel tail, thousand-leaf, plumajillo (Spanish for little-feather), and millefolium (Latin for thousand-leaf.)

What is queen of all herbs? ›

Tulsi has a strong feminine plant essence and is considered “The Queen of the Herbs” for her restorative and spiritual properties. Also spelled Tulasi or Thulasi, Tulsi has traditionally been used to support a healthy response to stress, natural detoxification, and restore balance and harmony.

What is the healthiest herb in the world? ›

Here are 10 of the world's healthiest herbs and spices, supported by research.
  • Ginger Can Treat Nausea and Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties. ...
  • Fenugreek Improves Blood Sugar Control. ...
  • Rosemary Can Help Prevent Allergies and Nasal Congestion. ...
  • Garlic Can Combat Sickness and Improve Heart Health.
Feb 15, 2023

What is the most loved herb? ›

Top 10 Herbs for Your Kitchen
  • Basil. Commonly used in Italian dishes, basil is great for adding flavor to soups and sauces. ...
  • Cilantro. Cilantro is most common in Mexican and Asian dishes. ...
  • Dill. ...
  • Mint. ...
  • Oregano. ...
  • Parsley (Italian) ...
  • Parsley (Curly) ...
  • Rosemary.

What are the 20 common herbs? ›

The 20 commonly used herbs in the kitchen are: basil, parsley, cilantro, mint, rosemary, thyme, oregano, sage, chives, dill, tarragon, marjoram, fennel, lavender, lemon balm, lovage, sorrel, savory, bay leaf, and lemongrass. These herbs are versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes.

What are 10 super herbs and spices? ›

While there are dozens of herbs and spices you can use and may know, below are 15 to use and consume for potential health benefits:
  • Ginger.
  • Oregano.
  • Thyme.
  • Saffron.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Cardamom.
  • Garlic.
  • Rosemary.
Jun 9, 2024

What herbs should everyone have? ›

A little tip: Stick this list to your fridge to always make sure you have these herbs “in stock”.
  • Basil. Even if you think you're never going to use basil, think again. ...
  • Chives. ...
  • Thyme. ...
  • Peppermint. ...
  • Stevia.
  • Rosemary.
  • Oregano.
  • Dill.
Feb 19, 2016

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