25 Things to Cook With a Can of Pumpkin Purée (2024)

1. Stir it into oatmeal

Skip the dubious latte—stirring a few spoonfuls of purée into a warm bowl of oatmeal is a better way to get a pumpkin fix in the morning.

2. Make a creamy dessert

Your choices: panna cotta, creme brûlée, flan, or rice pudding.

3. Stir it into applesauce

Suddenly you'll have...pumpkin applesauce!

4. Make compound butter

Mix a little into softened butter along with a bit of brown sugar and some warm spices (cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon). Spread on warm biscuits, or, whatever, just lick it off a spoon.

Photo by Chelsea Kyle, Food Styling by Anna Stockwell

5. Make soup

Blend it into just about any creamy vegetable soup for an added layer of fall.

6. Or add it to chili

Toss in the whole can for a sweet, earthy undertone.

7. Use as a ravioli filling

It's not fall until you've eaten pumpkin pasta.

8. Spread it on your bagel

A slathering of pumpkin purée withmaple syrup will, no lie, make you forget about cream cheese.

9. Add it to doughnut batter

Every Sunday morning in fall should start with pumpkin doughnuts.

Grandma's Pumpkin PieJonathon Kambouris

10. Get baking

Pie, muffins, quick bread, cheesecake, whoopie pies, scones, cake, blondies, dinner rolls. WHAT NOW.

11. Make milkshakes

A big scoop of puree + vanilla ice cream + milk + a pinch of cinnamon = the best milkshake you've never had (until now).

12. Or ice cream

Feeling a little more adventurous? Pull out the ice cream machine and get churning.

13. Turn it into a pasta sauce

Mix it with equal parts ricotta. Season with salt and pepper. Toss with pasta.

14. Mash it into your mashed potatoes

A pumpkin mash is a sweeter mash.

15. Make pancakes or waffles

Fact: orange-hued and fall-spiced pancakes and waffles are better than regular ones.

25 Things to Cook With a Can of Pumpkin Purée (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.