5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put a Mirror Facing the Bed - Melanie Jade Design (2024)

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put a Mirror Facing the Bed - Melanie Jade Design (1)

Is it bad to have a mirror facing your bed? Mirrors are commonly used to make a space feel bigger and brighter, but did you know that placing a mirror in the wrong location can have negative effects? One such location is facing the bed.

Placing a mirror facing the bed might appear to be a simple design choice or a practical solution for checking your appearance. However, the positioning of mirrors in the bedroom can have unexpected consequences on your overall well-being and sleep quality.

While it may be tempting to place a mirror in a convenient spot, it is important to understand the potential effects it can have on your sleep patterns, energy balance, and personal boundaries. There are many reasons why you shouldn’t have a mirror facing your bed, here are my top 5!

Mirror Facing the Bed

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put a Mirror Facing the Bed - Melanie Jade Design (2)

It might seem a bit silly to worry about putting a mirror opposite your bed, however, there is psychological evidence to suggest that sleeping in front of a mirror could potentially interfere with your sleep.

Feng shui is an old Chinese art that involves arranging your house and living space to balance your life. One of the superstitions is that having a mirror in your bedroom doubles the type of luck you have and that mirrors are believed to be portals to other dimensions.

Believe what you will, but here are some other reasons why having a mirror facing the bed could disrupt a good night’s sleep.

1. It Can Disturb Sleep

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put a Mirror Facing the Bed - Melanie Jade Design (3)

Having a mirror facing the bed can disturb your sleep, especially if you’re sensitive to light. Even if the room is dark, any light reflected off the mirror can cause discomfort and prevent you from falling asleep or staying asleep.

If you have a full-length mirror facing your bed, this can reflect a lot of dark corners and movement in the room such as a curtain blowing in a breeze, the shadows from the trees moving outside, or a pet moving around the room.

If there are windows or other reflective surfaces in the room, a mirror facing the bed can amplify the glare and reflections. This can result in constant movement and flickering lights on the mirrored surface, which can be visually stimulating and disruptive to sleep.

When a mirror is positioned in a way that reflects artificial light sources, such as lamps or ceiling lights, it can create excessive brightness in the room. This can make it challenging to relax and fall asleep, especially if you prefer a dark and soothing environment for rest.

Colors are also important for a good night’s sleep and mirrors can reflect this color around the room. Some of the best and worst colors for sleep include:

  • Green – Provides feelings of comfort and relaxation. Evokes nature and serenity.
  • Blue – Calms the mind and reduces blood pressure and heart rate. Associated with feelings of tranquility and reliability.
  • Red – Increases blood pressure and heart rate. Can be stimulating and energizing.
  • Brown – Can feel dull and dreary, leading to feelings of sadness or isolation.

Finally, the presence of a mirror directly in front of the bed can create a visual distraction. As you lay in bed, your gaze may unintentionally be drawn towards the reflection, causing restlessness and an inability to fully unwind. This can lead to difficulties in falling asleep or maintaining a deep, uninterrupted sleep throughout the night.

2. Negative Energy Reflection

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put a Mirror Facing the Bed - Melanie Jade Design (4)

Waking up to your reflection in the morning can be quite jarring, especially if you’re not a morning person like me. The last thing I want to see when I wake up in the morning is my face with its puffy eyes and messy hair :)

Beyond the physical aspects of light reflection, mirrors are also believed to reflect energy, both positive and negative. This concept is rooted in various spiritual and cultural beliefs that consider mirrors to be powerful tools for energy manipulation.

According to these beliefs, mirrors possess the ability to absorb and reflect the energy present in their surroundings. When a mirror is placed facing the bed, it is thought to reflect not only the physical image but also the energy in the room.

If there is negative energy in the bedroom, such as unresolved conflicts, stress, or emotional turmoil, a mirror facing the bed can potentially reflect and amplify this negative energy. This reflection can create a sense of unease, and restlessness, or even manifest as nightmares during sleep.

While the concept of energy reflection may not be scientifically proven, many individuals subscribe to the belief that mirrors have the ability to reflect and influence the energy within a space. Therefore, it is advisable to exercise caution when positioning mirrors in the bedroom to ensure a harmonious and positive energy flow.

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3. Symbolic Representation of Duality

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put a Mirror Facing the Bed - Melanie Jade Design (5)

Mirrors hold symbolic meaning in various cultural and spiritual contexts, often associated with concepts of duality and self-reflection. Understanding these symbolic representations can shed light on the potential impact of a mirror facing the bed.

Mirrors are often seen as symbols of duality, representing the idea of two opposing forces or aspects coming together. The reflection in a mirror creates a mirror image, presenting a visual representation of two identical yet opposite entities.

Mirrors also symbolize self-reflection, both in a literal and metaphorical sense. They invite individuals to examine their own image, encouraging introspection and self-awareness. This self-reflection is not limited to physical appearance but can extend to one’s thoughts, emotions, and personal growth.

To cultivate a sense of unity and emotional balance, it may be advisable to avoid placing a mirror facing the bed and instead position it in a way that promotes self-reflection and positive energy flow within the space.

4. Disrupted Circulation of Chi

To understand the potential consequences of placing a mirror facing the bed, it is valuable to explore the concept of Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice that focuses on the arrangement and flow of energy within a space. Feng Shui emphasizes the importance of harmonizing the energy, known as chi, to promote well-being, balance, and positive experiences.

According to Feng Shui principles, energy, or chi, flows through a space and influences various aspects of our lives. The proper circulation of chi is believed to enhance vitality, health, and overall harmony in both physical and emotional realms.

Mirrors have a significant role in Feng Shui as they are thought to reflect and redirect the flow of chi. Placing a mirror facing the bed can disrupt the natural circulation of energy in the room. The mirror may deflect or scatter the chi, creating imbalances or stagnant energy pockets.

When the flow of chi is disrupted or blocked, it can lead to negative effects on our well-being. In the context of a bedroom, a mirror facing the bed may disturb the chi and contribute to a sense of imbalance, restlessness, or diminished vitality. This can manifest as difficulties in sleep, decreased energy levels, or a feeling of unease in the space.

In order to promote positive chi and maintain a harmonious energy flow in the bedroom, it is advised to be mindful of the placement of mirrors. Avoiding a mirror facing the bed can help maintain a balanced and unobstructed circulation of chi, fostering a more serene and supportive environment for rest and rejuvenation.

5. Privacy and Personal Boundaries

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put a Mirror Facing the Bed - Melanie Jade Design (7)

Privacy is a fundamental aspect of creating a sanctuary within the bedroom. Placing a mirror facing the bed can compromise personal privacy and disrupt the boundaries we seek within our intimate space.

When a mirror is positioned to directly reflect the bed, it exposes the occupants to a constant reflection of themselves. This lack of privacy can make individuals feel vulnerable and uncomfortable, especially during personal moments or when changing clothes.

A mirror facing the bed can also give a sense of intrusion into personal space. It creates a visual extension of the room, potentially making it feel smaller and encroaching on the psychological boundaries we desire in our bedroom.

The continuous reflection of oneself in the mirror while lying in bed can have psychological implications. It may create a feeling of being constantly observed or judged, leading to self-consciousness and inhibiting the ability to fully relax and let go.

By prioritizing personal privacy and boundaries within the bedroom, we can cultivate a space where we feel safe, secure, and at ease. Avoiding a mirror facing the bed allows individuals to maintain their privacy, preserve their personal space, and foster a sense of intimacy and tranquility in the bedroom.

Placing a mirror facing your bed can create a range of negative effects. It can create anxiety and stress, disrupt sleep, affect personal relationships, cause distractions, and create unbalanced energy in the room.

If you’re looking to decorate your space, consider placing your mirror in a different location or angle, such as on a side wall, or use a smaller mirror that doesn’t reflect the bed.

Mirror in Bedroom – Where Should it Go?

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put a Mirror Facing the Bed - Melanie Jade Design (8)

Placing a mirror facing the bed might initially seem like a harmless choice, but it can have profound effects on our well-being and sleep quality. From the disturbance of sleep patterns and reflection of negative energy to the symbolic representation of duality and compromised privacy, the positioning of mirrors in the bedroom deserves careful consideration.

Since there is no way to stop movement in the bedroom when you are trying to get to sleep, avoid putting a mirror near your bed. Be mindful of how big your mirror is and where it will go when looking at bedroom mirror ideas.

When it comes to placing a mirror in the bedroom, there are a few guidelines to follow to ensure that it enhances the flow of energy and promotes a sense of calm and relaxation.

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put a Mirror Facing the Bed - Melanie Jade Design (9)

Here are a few suggestions for mirror placement in the bedroom:

  • Position the mirror carefully: The mirror should be placed in a location that doesn’t reflect the bed directly. Instead, it’s best to position the mirror on a side wall or in a corner of the room so that it doesn’t create any discomfort or disruptions.
  • Use a smaller mirror: A smaller mirror that doesn’t reflect the bed can be a great addition to the bedroom. It can help create a sense of space and add a decorative element to the room.
  • Choose a frame that matches the decor: When selecting a mirror, consider the style and color of your bedroom decor. A frame that matches the color scheme and style of the room can help create a cohesive and harmonious look.
  • Avoid putting mirrors facing each other: Mirrors that are placed directly opposite each other can create a sense of unease and discomfort, so it’s best to avoid this arrangement.
  • Consider the placement of the mirror in relation to natural light: A mirror placed near a window can reflect natural light and create a brighter, more open feel to the room.

If you are struggling to find space in your bedroom to put mirrors, how about putting them on the inside of your fitted wardrobes? Inside the doors is the perfect place to put a mirror as they can be shut away when you are finished with them.

If you are looking for a mirror for a master bedroom and don’t have fitted wardrobes, try and place them opposite a window to reflect light around the room. Another good place to put mirrors is above a chest of drawers or a desk that isn’t opposite your bed to make the most of your bedroom space.

5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put a Mirror Facing the Bed - Melanie Jade Design (10)

Is It Bad to Sleep in Front of a Mirror?

Sleeping in front of a mirror is not inherently “bad” in terms of health or safety. However, there are cultural, psychological, and practical aspects to consider as we discussed above.

Depending on the placement of the mirror and the sources of light in the room, a mirror might reflect light that could potentially disturb your sleep. For instance, if a car’s headlights shine through your window at night and reflect off the mirror, it might wake you up or prevent you from falling asleep.

If you find it unsettling or if it interrupts your sleep, you might consider moving the mirror or covering it at night.

By being mindful of the potential consequences and understanding the importance of a restful sleep environment, we can make informed choices about mirror placement. Creating a harmonious and nurturing space in the bedroom promotes optimal sleep, emotional well-being, and a deeper connection with ourselves and our surroundings.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put a Mirror Facing the Bed - Melanie Jade Design (11)
5 Reasons Why You Should Never Put a Mirror Facing the Bed - Melanie Jade Design (2024)


Why shouldn't we place a mirror in front of the bed? ›

Avoid placing mirrors in the bedroom as they can disrupt sleep and harmony. If you must have one, ensure that it is not facing the bed. Cover it at night to prevent disturbances and restless sleeping experiences. Also, place a Bagua mirror at the entrance of your bedroom to safeguard it from negative energies.

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DON'T hang directly above or opposite bed.

According to feng shui experts, mirrors directly above your bed (or sofa) can disrupt calm, peaceful feelings because of the weight hanging over your head.

Why shouldn't we look in the mirror after waking up? ›

According to Vastu, looking in the mirror after waking up is bad luck. It can invite negativity in your house or bad thoughts. Checking your phone immediately upon waking can disrupt your morning routine and increase stress. Vastu suggests giving yourself some time before diving into technology.

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Gazing into a mirror for an extended period, especially late at night, is thought to attract negative energies and disturb one's peace of mind. 3. Avoid sleeping in front of a mirror as it is believed to reflect and multiply negative energies.

What does the Bible say about mirrors? ›

The Bible does not show any instance of someone using, as opposed to contributing, a mirror. Yet it does offer a potent use of mirror imagery.

Why should mirrors be covered at night? ›

It's good practice to cover mirrors before sleep. Mirrors facing you or open in the room while sleeping can be harmful. Covering mirrors can prevent negative energy from entering the room. Cleanse your mirror with cleansing water or Florida water.

Why shouldn't your bed face the door? ›

“Where you position your bed has a big impact on your stress levels, how well you sleep and how easily you could be disturbed in the night. If your bed is positioned directly in line with the door, you'll feel on edge all night and won't benefit from deep, restorative sleep. Over time, that could cause health issues.”

What happens if you put a mirror in front of a mirror? ›

You often see it in movies or photos, when two mirrors are placed directly opposite each other, an infinite virtual image is created (an image you can't touch). Basically, the same image is flipped -as it would in a flat/plane mirror- an infinite number of times, getting smaller each time.

What is the superstition about mirrors in front of beds? ›

If you sleep with a mirror facing your bed, you may want to reconsider. Legend has it that spirits from the other side will suck your soul out through the mirror. There's no better time to suck someones soul out than when they're laying unprotected and unaware in bed.

Where not to place mirror in bedroom? ›

Generally speaking, Feng Shui experts do not recommend placing a mirror directly across from the door leading into your room, but rather on a wall perpendicular to it. If you have placed your bed in the correct commanding position, it means the mirror won't be placed behind the bed but along the side.

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It's thought that it can result in insomnia and even lead to nightmares. The belief is the mirror bounces energy and doubles it, virtually interrupting the peacefulness within the bedroom. And as for nightmares that may occur, many believe that when we sleep our spirit leaves our body.

What happens when you stare in the mirror for too long? ›

In normal observers, gazing at one's own face in the mirror for a few minutes, at a low illumination level, produces the apparition of strange faces. Observers see distortions of their own faces, but they often see hallucinations like monsters, archetypical faces, faces of relatives and deceased, and animals.

Why is the mirror not good in the bedroom? ›

If there is negative energy in the bedroom, such as unresolved conflicts, stress, or emotional turmoil, a mirror facing the bed can potentially reflect and amplify this negative energy. This reflection can create a sense of unease, and restlessness, or even manifest as nightmares during sleep.

What's wrong with having a mirror facing your ...Lifestyle.INQhttps://lifestyle.inquirer.net ›

She said she just bought a dresser with a mirror which faces the bed. She said she didn't want the mirror installed because she would have nightmares, but h...
This is why mirrors are placed in bedrooms and in small spaces inside the house that you like to appear spacious. However, placing a mirror in the bedroom that ...
The idea that you shouldn't sleep facing a mirror is rooted in feng shui, but what does the science say? We asked a sleep coach to find out.

Why should you not look in the mirror at night in Islam? ›

Look at the mirror any time of the day or night if you so choose to. There's nothing in Islam, Quran or Ahadeeths that forbids it. Enjoy the beautiful life God gave us, Alhamdolillah!

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Is literally directly next to your bed, or a chair that is facing your bed while you sleep. There is a myth there that really. you are inviting spirits to watch you sleep.

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