Alternatives to candy for fat loss (2024)

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Sweet candy is a very popular food all over the world, however it is made mainly with sugar, artificial flavors and food dyes, providing many calories but very few nutrients. In fact, eating sweets regularly can increase the risk of tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Therefore, eat candy that is not fat? is the question of many "followers" of sweets.

1. Fresh fruit

If you are worried that eating sweets can lead to weight gain, fresh fruit is considered a healthy alternative. In fact, fresh fruits have a naturally sweet taste and are packed with nutrients important for health, including fiber, essential minerals and vitamins. In addition, they also provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties to your body.
Unlike sweets, fruit is usually low in calories but rich in fiber. For example, 1 cup (144 grams) of strawberries provides only about 46 calories but has up to 3 grams of fiber and 94% of the daily value (DV) of vitamin C.

2. What candies are not fat? These are dried fruits

Due to being dehydrated, dried fruits are more concentrated in nutrients and sugars, making it sweeter and higher in calories than fresh fruit. Therefore, when choosing dried fruit instead of eating sweets, you need to pay attention to your portion size.
Many studies have shown that people who regularly eat dried fruit have better quality of nutrition and diet (2 factors that contribute to effective weight loss and good weight control). body). So, instead of eating sweets with a lot of sugar, you can choose dried fruits but make sure they do not have added sugar.

Alternatives to candy for fat loss (1)

3. Homemade popsicles

If you are wondering if eating fat-free candy or eating a lot of sweets will make you gain weight quickly, you can refer to how to make popsicles at home. This is a delicious, nutritious and very attractive dish that is not inferior to sweet candies. It can give you all the benefits of fruits without the added sugar or any of the artificial ingredients of packaged products.
Making ice cream at home is also very simple, you just need to mix fruit with water, milk or juice. Then, pour this mixture into an ice cream mold or plastic cup and freeze overnight.
If you prefer a more creamy texture, mix fruit with yogurt or simply stick an ice cream stick straight into a yogurt cup and freeze for a quick dessert.

4. Frozen fruit

Contrary to popular belief, most frozen fruit retains the nutrients of fresh fruit, as it is fully ripe before being frozen.
At home, you can freeze fruit with yogurt for a quick and simple snack that replaces eating sweets. For example, you can make your own frozen yogurt-covered blueberries using the recipe for 1⁄2 cups (148 grams) of blueberries and 1⁄2 cups (200 grams) of low-fat Greek yogurt.

5. Energy balls

What candies are not fat? Instead of eating sweets, you can switch to energy tablets, they are often made with healthy ingredients, helping to provide your body with fiber, protein and good fats, giving you a feeling of satiety for longer. Common ingredients used to make an energy pill include flaxseeds, oats, nut butters, and dried fruit. However, energy pills often contain a lot of calories, so you should try to limit your intake to only 1-2 capsules at a time.
Here's how to make simple coconut coated energy pellets at home, including:
Half cup (72 grams) of raw almonds. Half a cup (58 grams) of raw walnuts. One cup (73 grams) of raisins. 3 dried dates. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon. Half a teaspoon of vanilla extract. One cup (93 grams) of shredded coconut. You need to puree the almonds and walnuts, then add the remaining ingredients (except the shredded coconut), continue to grind until you get a sticky mixture. You can shape the mixture you just created into balls about 2.5cm long, then roll them on the pre-grated coconut fibers until they are completely covered.

Alternatives to candy for fat loss (2)

6. Honey roasted nuts

You can make your own honey roasted nuts to replace eating sweets. Most nuts are high in unsaturated fatty acids, which promote cardiovascular health by reducing risk factors for heart disease. In fact, some studies show that eating nuts can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels by 3 to 19%. What's more, they're also rich in fiber, plant compounds, and high-quality protein.

7. Shredded coconut covered with dark chocolate

Eating sweets in large quantities can make you load a lot of sugar and unnecessary fats into the body, leading to a high risk of rapid weight gain. To solve this problem, you can opt for shredded coconut covered with dark chocolate, another nutritious food that will still help satisfy your sweet tooth.
Dark chocolate is known for its high antioxidant content, which improves heart health, insulin sensitivity and brain functions. Meanwhile, coconut is an excellent source of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), a type of fat that promotes weight loss, gut health, and fat metabolism. body.
The sweetness of coconut flakes can soften the mild bitterness of chocolate, making a dish full of flavor and a perfect alternative to eating sweets, helping you to solve the problem. weight gain when eating candy.

8. Strawberries covered in dark chocolate

One of the other foods that you can substitute for sweets is dark chocolate covered strawberries. Here's another way to get the amazing health benefits of dark chocolate. Moreover, strawberries also contain a lot of vitamins and antioxidants, which effectively prevent cardiovascular disease.
To make this dish, you can dip strawberries in dark chocolate

Alternatives to candy for fat loss (3)

9. Mixture of nuts and dried fruit

Nut and dried fruit mixes are often a combination of nuts, grains, chocolate and dried fruit, which help provide you with fiber, protein and many other healthful plant compounds.
You should limit the intake of sweets and choose to enjoy this interesting dish more often to achieve optimal health benefits that it brings. However, store-bought nut and fruit mixes may contain added sugar, so it's best to make your own at home.

10. Homemade chewing gum

What candies should be eaten to lose weight? Homemade gum can be another healthy alternative to your sweet candy habit.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, which helps to prevent stretching of tissues. It also offers many health benefits, especially for the skin and joints.
Collagen is commonly found in some parts of animals, such as chicken skin, pig skin, chicken bones or beef bones. In addition, it is also found in gelatin, a common food additive used primarily to make chewing gum.
You can make chewing gum at home to control the amount of sugar in the candy, but the ingredients to make this candy only include fruit juice and honey.

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Reference source:


  • How healthy is dried fruit and dried meat?
  • Is it good to eat star fruit?
  • What are the benefits of eating cashews?

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

Tags:Hạt rang mật ongKẹo ngọtTrái cây khôTrái cây đông lạnhKẹo không béoViên năng lượngDinh dưỡng

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Alternatives to candy for fat loss (2024)


Alternatives to candy for fat loss? ›

Fresh fruit is the top choice for many seeking an alternative to candy. Fruits and berries are naturally sweet but low in calories, and they're packed with vitamins and nutrients that can help reduce the risk of developing health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

What can I replace sweets with to lose weight? ›

17 Healthy and Delicious Alternatives to Candy
  • Fresh fruit. Fresh fruit is naturally sweet and packed with nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. ...
  • Dried fruit. ...
  • Homemade popsicles. ...
  • 'Nice cream' ...
  • Frozen fruit. ...
  • Fruit and veggie chips. ...
  • Homemade fruit leather. ...
  • Energy balls.
Sep 18, 2019

What is a healthy substitute for sweets? ›

Fresh fruit is the top choice for many seeking an alternative to candy. Fruits and berries are naturally sweet but low in calories, and they're packed with vitamins and nutrients that can help reduce the risk of developing health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

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There are a number of low calorie candy options that can satisfy your sweet tooth and help you achieve your weight loss goals.
  • Sugar-Free Jelly Beans. ...
  • Peppermint Patties. ...
  • Licorice. ...
  • Sugar-Free Hard Candy. ...
  • Sugar-Free Mints. ...
  • 100 Calorie Packs. ...
  • Fruit Roll-ups. ...
  • Dried Cranberries.

How can I lose weight without giving up sweets? ›

Here are 8 tips and suggestions for you to sugar detox your body without giving up sugar altogether:
  1. Don't Quit Sugar, Replace It. ...
  2. Avoid Sugary Drinks. ...
  3. Cut Down on Sugary Desserts. ...
  4. Include Full-fat Foods in Your Diet. ...
  5. Stay Away from Processed Food. ...
  6. Include More Protein and Fiber in Your Diet. ...
  7. Stay Hydrated.
Jul 31, 2023

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Healthy snacks for adults
  • Apple and peanut butter packet. ...
  • Almonds and popcorn. ...
  • Energy bar and mandarin orange. ...
  • Blueberries and breakfast biscuits. ...
  • Roasted edamame and banana. ...
  • Beef or turkey jerky and apple slices. ...
  • Cheese crisps and cashews. ...
  • Olives and prunes.

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Eating the same foods but without the added sugars normally in them means your total caloric intake decreases which could make it easier to lose weight and keep it off. A review of the evidence in a 2021 Clinical Diabetes study found that the overconsumption of added sugars contributes to overweight and obesity.

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To help make your search a little easier, here are 5 alternatives to candy your child may love.
  • Fresh Fruit. ...
  • Leafy Greens. ...
  • Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Nuts and Seeds.
Mar 22, 2022

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What to eat when you're craving sugar
  • Apricots and almonds. Dried fruits and nuts can help you have a healthy snack on hand when you're on the go. ...
  • Greek yogurt and cinnamon. ...
  • Peanut butter and an apple. ...
  • Cottage cheese and blueberries. ...
  • Hummus and raw veggies.
Aug 11, 2022

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Let's Take A Look
  • Kale chips.
  • Apple slices with nut butter.
  • Baked zucchini chips.
  • Roasted chickpeas.
  • Baked banana chips.
  • Baked green bean chips.
  • Baked apple chips.
  • Roasted brussels sprouts.

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Here are some of the best sweets for weight loss | What are the best sweets for weight loss:
  • Jaffa cakes – 46Kcal per cake.
  • Ginger Nut Biscuits (Mcvities) – 47Kcal per biscuit.
  • Dairy milk 30% less sugar – 35g bar is 176Kcal Low Calorie Chocolate.
  • Tunnocks Tea Cake – 106Kcal.
  • Fun size Milky Way – 69Kcal.
Feb 9, 2023

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In conclusion, quitting sugar for two weeks can lead to a wide range of transformative changes in the body and mind. From weight loss and improved cardiovascular health to clearer skin and enhanced mental well-being, the benefits are evident.

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10 Healthy Alternatives To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
  1. Fruit. Fruit is nature's candy, after all! ...
  2. Greek Yogurt. Start with plain yogurt (no added flavors or sugars) and then build up from there. ...
  3. Peanut Butter and Banana Ice Cream. ...
  4. Chia Pudding. ...
  5. Low-sugar Popsicles. ...
  6. Nut Butter. ...
  7. Baked Pears or Apples. ...
  8. Chocolate Dipped Banana Bites.
Jan 9, 2023

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All the flavour, none of the harmful calories!
  • Raw Honey/Forest Honey. It is one of the oldest known natural sweeteners, sourced directly from the honeycomb. ...
  • Date Sugar. Dates have long been used as a natural sweetener in a variety of dishes, including traditional sweets. ...
  • Coconut Sugar. ...
  • Jaggery. ...
  • Organic Brown Sugar. ...
  • Stevia.

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10 Healthy Alternatives To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
  1. Fruit. Fruit is nature's candy, after all! ...
  2. Greek Yogurt. Start with plain yogurt (no added flavors or sugars) and then build up from there. ...
  3. Peanut Butter and Banana Ice Cream. ...
  4. Chia Pudding. ...
  5. Low-sugar Popsicles. ...
  6. Nut Butter. ...
  7. Baked Pears or Apples. ...
  8. Chocolate Dipped Banana Bites.
Jan 9, 2023

What to eat when craving sweets on weight loss? ›

Keep fruit handy for when sugar cravings hit. You'll get fiber and nutrients along with some sweetness. And stock up on foods like nuts, seeds, and dried fruits, says certified addiction specialist Judy Chambers. "Have them handy so you reach for them instead of reaching for the old [sugary] something."

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Lack of calcium and magnesium causes cravings for sweets

In addition to carbonated soft drinks, if you crave a chocolate bar, your body may be deficient in magnesium. Or anxiety, stress, maybe even depression are manifestations of magnesium deficiency.

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