where and how to grow it ? (2024)

where and how to grow it ? (1)

Where and how to produce black truffles ?

Sometimes called winter truffle or "Black Diamond" (because of its inimitable flavor and price), the black truffle (Tuber Melanosporum) is an excellent edible. Known since ancient times, it is still today the indispensable jewel of holiday menus and gastronomic meals. But what are its main characteristics? Where does it grow naturally? How to grow it and in what type of soil? Which plants should be chosen to optimize its development? When to harvest it? So many questions that we will try to answer through this advice sheet dedicated to the cultivation of the black truffle.

Characteristics of the black truffle

where and how to grow it ? (2)The black truffle, also called Perigord truffle, belongs to the Tuberaceae family. This edible mushroom is called "hypogeous" because it grows underground. It is also a "mycorrhizal" mushroom, which means that the truffle lives in symbiosis with a host tree, most often a holm oak or a white oak.

Tuber melanosporumis characterized by its rounded shape, sometimes bumpy, and by its black flesh marbled with white. This truffle gives off an intense perfume and reveals fine aromas that make it an exceptional mushroom. Emblematic of French gastronomy, the black truffle can be eaten cooked or raw, as a seasoning or as an accompaniment to a dish. Black truffles mature in winter and are harvested from November to early March..

Find the black truffle plant you need !

Soils and climates suitable for the black truffle farming (Tuber Melanosporum)

The black truffle is the most famous in France. Its heat requirements naturally make it prefer southern regions, but it can be found further north, as far as Lorraine where it seems to reach the limit of its production area.

The black truffle grows mainly on calcareous soil, rich in calcium with an optimal pH between 7.8 and 8.3. It grows preferably on well-drained plateaus and gentle slopes, located at an altitude of between 100 and 1000 m. The ideal orientation is south, south-east, south-west, because the sunshine must be maximum for Tuber melanosporum. It adapts particularly to dry and hot conditions, with an alternation of very distinct seasons. The presence of Tuber Melanosporum mycelium in the soil is generally manifested by the appearance of "burns", sometimes very marked and spectacular.

Soils favorable to the development of Tuber melanosporum

The black truffle requires a calcareous soil, rich in calcium and alkaline reaction. The optimal pH is between 7.5 and 8.5 with at least 8% of total limestone. Favorable soils are generally shallow, 15 to 40 cm, on cracked rock, with a lumpy or sandy structure. They must be well balanced in mineral elements and organic matter: the carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio must be close to 10. Avoid compact soils with too much clay texture: 30 to 35% is the limit. The soil must be draining.

We remind you that each truffle species has specific requirements. This is why we advise youto have a soil analysis done to check if your land is suitable for truffle growing and to define the most suitable truffle species. We can arrange for this analysis to be carried out by our partner, the Teyssier laboratory, which specializes in soil analysis for truffle growing.

Preferred climate for the black truffle

Generally speaking, truffle cultivation requires a temperate climate. It will develop all the more easily if it benefits from the following conditions: a not too dry spring without late frost, a hot summer with dry periods limited to 3 weeks, a mild autumn without early frost and a winter without intense cold. It is important to keep in mind that the black truffle is harvested in winter, at a shallow depth, and that it can therefore freeze... It also needs a soil that warms up well in spring, when the mycelial activity starts.

Irrigation and water needs of the black truffle

Like any other mushroom, the black truffle needs water especially during its development. Indeed, the small truffles are very sensitive to a strong drying of their close environment. It is therefore necessary to limit the drying out of the soil without overwatering, which is also to be avoided. One should therefore be satisfied with moderate but regular watering (every three weeks in the absence of significant rainfall): 15 to 25 liters of water per tree to be distributed over 1.5 m² at the foot of the tree. Be careful, drip irrigation is to be avoided, it is better to use "rain" watering or sprinkling or micro-sprinkling, localized at the foot of the young plants, only to compensate for the lack of natural rainfall.

Mycorrhization of forest trees by the black truffle

Naturally, many forest species can live in symbiosis with the black truffle. The best known are the oaks and hazelnut trees, but it is quite possible to produce black truffles from many other species of trees such as hornbeam, pine or even lime. Indeed, each of these species responds favorably to controlled mycorrhization, so that you now have the possibility to grow black truffles from mycorrhized plants.

If the two most used host species for the cultivation of black truffles remain the truffle oaks and the truffle hazelnut trees, Robin Nurseries offers a much wider range of host species. This wide choice of ROBIN TRUFFLE PLANTS allows us to adapt to the different constraints and conditions encountered in the field (climate, exposure, altitude, hygrometry...).

Below, you will find all the host species proposed by ROBIN Nurseries after mycorrhization with the black truffle :

  • Turkey oak mycorrhized with black truffle
  • Kermes oak mycorrhized with black truffle
  • Pedunculate oak mycorrhized with black truffle
  • Pubescent oak mycorrhized with black truffle
  • Evergreen oak mycorrhized with black truffle
  • Common hazelnut mycorrhized with black truffle
  • Turkish hazelnut tree mycorrhized with black truffle
  • Atlas cedar mycorrhized with black truffle
  • Common hornbeam mycorrhized with black truffle
  • East hornbeam mycorrhized with black truffle
  • Rockrose mycorrhized with black truffle
  • Aleppo pine mycorrhized with black truffle
  • Austrian black pine mycorrhized with black truffle
  • Basswood mycorrhized with black truffle

Discover our range of truffle plants mycorhized with Tuber Melanosporum

Thanks to their high level of performance, these plants allow you to produce your own black truffles. Please note that depending on the age of the plant and the soil chosen to plant it, you will have to wait between 5 and 8 years to harvest your first black truffles.

ROBIN TRUFFLE PLANTS mycorrhized with black truffles are available in ROBIN ANTI-CHIGNON® buckets in 4 different sizes: from 0.43 to 3 liters. These are high quality plants produced in our nursery by techniques developed within the framework of our quality system and under license from INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment).

You hesitate between several plants? You are not sure to choose the most suitable host species for your truffle plantation project? For the realization of your black truffle orchard, do not hesitate to contact the sales manager of your sector, he will be able to advise you and accompany you step by step.

10 questions/answers about black trufflegrowing

The black truffle is usually found under an oak tree, but also under hazelnut and lime trees. The hornbeam, the Austrian black pine or the Atlas cedar can also hide these rare mushrooms.

If the South-East (Vaucluse, Drôme, Alpes de Haute Provence) remains the main territory of truffle production in France, they are also cultivated in Languedoc-Roussillon and Midi-Pyrénées (in the Lot, Dordogne and Lozère). The black truffle is also cultivated in Charente, Poitou, Pays de la Loire and more modestly in Burgundy, Lorraine as well as in Champagne-Ardenne and Hauts de France.

The biological cycle of the tuber melanosporum is as follows: birth of the truffles in May and June, acceleration of the growth in August, maturity reached between December and February. Harvest in winter, until the beginning of March.

Oaks and hazelnut trees are excellent candidates for the production of black truffles. It is also possible to grow them from plants of hornbeam, rockrose, lime or pine; provided that these plants are previously mycorhized and controlled with tuber melanosporum.

Depending on the host species of the chosen plant (oak, hazelnut, cedar, pine...) and its age, the price of a truffle plant mycorhized with black truffle varies from 18 € to about 35 € per unit. Note that these prices are decreasing according to the number of plants ordered.

A truffle tree starts to produce around 5 to 8 years depending on the species, the planting density and the maintenance given to the truffle field. At the 12th year, the indicative production per hectare can vary from 20kg to 90kg, in the case of Tuber melanosporum. Note that the volume of production will be directly linked to the quality of the soil and to the maintenance given to the plantation (tillage, pruning, watering).

For the tuber melanosporum, it is at the end of the 3rd or 4th year, that the famous burnt spots appear: large circles around the truffle plants in which no grass grows. These are the proof of the presence of the mycelium. But you will have to wait a little longer before you can harvest your first black diamonds. Indeed, the first black truffles rarely appear before the 5th or 6th year.

At each stage of development of the black truffle, there is a climatic factor that can "ruin" your efforts. We particularly fear strong spring frosts or too much water accumulation which can suffocate the truffle. We will also be careful with long periods of summer drought (more than 4 weeks).

The price of Tuber Melanosporum varies according to the volume of production and the degree of maturity of the truffles offered for sale. On average, the price of a kilo of black truffles varies between 400 and 800 € per kilo, but it can rise to 1000 €/kg.

Truffle plants can be found and purchased in specialized nurseries such as ROBIN Nurseries. If you live near our sales points (department of 04 and 05), do not hesitate to visit us, you will benefit from precious advices before starting. Otherwise, you can buy your Tuber melanosporum truffle plants directly online, via this website. They will be delivered at home !

where and how to grow it ? (2024)


How do you answer where do you want to grow? ›

In addition to thinking about your career goals, you should also think about your personal goals and how they might fit into your answer. For example, if you are looking to start a family in the next five years, you might say that you see yourself continuing to grow in your career while also starting a family.

How to answer opportunities for growth? ›

How to answer the question
  1. Identify an area for continued growth that is relevant to your career goals and interests. ...
  2. Explain how this area for growth is important to you and how it will help you achieve your career goals. ...
  3. Share any steps you have already taken or plan to take to pursue this area for growth.

How to answer when your boss asks how do you want to grow examples? ›

Talk about how you'd love to be someone who can train others or help others be better at what they do, how you want to help shape strategy because you love exploring the big picture and figuring out the best moves, or how you want to help the company be more creative in the way it approaches challenges.

How to answer how have you grown professionally? ›

Discuss your professional journey

Detail what opportunities you've already taken advantage of to advance your skill set and establish a foundation of experience. This can help frame your answer and show an interviewer that you've already taken the initiative to grow in your career.

How to answer "How will you grow?"? ›

Consider your strengths, areas for improvement, and the skills and experiences that you want to gain in order to achieve your goals. Provide specific examples of your goals and how you plan to achieve them.

What are some areas you would like to grow in? ›

9 Key Development Areas for Employees
  • Professional skills enhancement. ...
  • Collaboration and communication. ...
  • Goal setting and organization skills. ...
  • Conflict resolution. ...
  • Adaptability skills. ...
  • Productivity and time management. ...
  • Cross-functional knowledge. ...
  • Leadership skills.
Oct 31, 2023

What are my top 3 areas of improvement? ›

Area of improvement examples can be divided into three broad areas: planning and organization, leadership and management, and communication and interpersonal skills. Goal-setting, engagement, professional development, and work-life balance are key for employees looking to improve their performance.

Where are opportunities for growth for you? ›

You can learn a lot from a mentor, especially if they have a lot of experience in your industry. This person can give you the advice and support you need to reach the next level of your career. Make an effort to develop your relationship, as you never know what additional opportunities this connection could lead to.

How to grow and develop at work? ›

Best strategies for professional growth
  1. Decide on your long-term goals. ...
  2. Take on new and challenging opportunities. ...
  3. Seek out a mentor or be someone's mentor. ...
  4. Use what you are learning. ...
  5. Decide your specific and reasonable goals first. ...
  6. Decide your main long-term goals. ...
  7. Join professional groups and associations.

How will I grow professionally? ›

By mastering your craft's processes, regulations and advancements, you'll be able to demonstrate your expertise and capabilities. Take steps for professional development by researching your industry, staying current on publications, joining professional groups and attending seminars to learn even more about your field.

How can I grow in this position? ›

By seeking out opportunities for development, expanding skill set, becoming Subject Matter Expert getting involved in your professional community, and taking continuing educational courses, you can position yourself for success within your company and eventually achieve the goals you have for your career."

How do you grow your career? ›

Table of Contents
  1. Find Your Purpose.
  2. Surround Yourself With a Community That Helps You Thrive.
  3. Understand Your Position Requirements.
  4. Don't Waste Time Or Resources.
  5. Challenge Yourself.
  6. Schedule Informational Interviews.
  7. Find a Mentor.
  8. Work Outside Your Job Title.

How do you answer career growth? ›

Example: "My career aspirations are centered around constant growth and skill enhancement. I am committed to staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in the industry. In the coming year, I plan to pursue specialized certifications and attend industry conferences to learn from experts.

How do I want to grow? ›

Tips for personal development to achieve your goals
  1. Learn visualisation techniques.
  2. Avoid negative thoughts.
  3. Meditate.
  4. Be resilient.
  5. Only compete against yourself.
  6. Set small challenges.
  7. Be persistent.
  8. Celebrate victories.

How do you answer growth mindset questions? ›

Tips for Answering Growth Mindset Based Interview Questions
  1. Highlight Your Learning Experiences. ...
  2. Showcase Your Adaptability. ...
  3. Emphasize Effort and Persistence. ...
  4. Discuss Constructive Feedback. ...
  5. Provide Examples of Supporting Others' Growth.
May 18, 2024

What does growth mean to you interview question? ›

Career Growth means. The ability to learn new skills and put them to work. To work for an industry leader who can provide insight and intelligence on ways to have impact and excel in our industry. The opportunity to take on new challenges and responsibilities. Potential to improve my credentials and management skills.

How do you want to grow? ›

9 tips to grow as a person
  1. Identify your personal values. Consider exploring what matters to you — what gives you meaning and purpose. ...
  2. Practice daily gratitude. ...
  3. Adopt a healthier lifestyle. ...
  4. Meditate. ...
  5. Get quality rest. ...
  6. Set short- and long-term goals. ...
  7. Be kind to yourself. ...
  8. Embrace setbacks.

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