Flavours to take your roast pumpkin to the next level | The Neff Kitchen (2024)

Flavours to take your roast pumpkin to the next level | The Neff Kitchen (1)

As the mid-winter months roll on, there is little more comforting than a hearty pumpkin feast. Rich, bright and packed with flavour and nutrients, the classic rustic vegetable is a family favourite all around the world.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t change it up a bit. The humble roast pumpkin can be tweaked and spiced up to cater to all manner of different occasions and tastebuds. Pair your roast pumpkin with these four delicious partnering ingredients and reinvent the classic – sure to impress your guests and satisfy the winter cravings:

Flavours to take your roast pumpkin to the next level | The Neff Kitchen (2)

  1. Sweet Apple & Pumpkin

Who said vegetables can’t be sweet? The sharp, comforting flavours of cooked apple pair wonderfully with the warm depth of this orange ingredient. The combination of the sweet fruit and hearty roast pumpkin make for a surprising taste sensation. Why not try adding a sweet apple dressing to your roast pumpkin salad?

  1. Moroccan Spice & Pumpkin

Pumpkin is notorious for pairing well with warm winter spices – as found in a variety of Moroccan-inspired cuisines. Try incorporating cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, cumin and chilli with your pumpkin dishes for flavour-packed feasts. Try spicing up your pumpkin with the smells and flavours of Morocco by rubbing your pumpkin in oil and coating in these delicious spices.

  1. Coconut & Pumpkin

From curries to salads, this pair is as diverse in flavour possibilities as it is in colour. The bright, contrasting partnership finds its perfect place in so many dishes around the world – from Thai curries to South Indian pumpkin and coconut stews to roasted pumpkin and coconut salads. Full of freshness and light, balanced flavours, this combination will certainly be the start of some family favourites. Try roasting chunks of pumpkin interspersed with coconut meat, or layer toasted coconut flakes into your roast pumpkin salad.

  1. Sage & Pumpkin

A classic partner in crime, sage can spruce up your pumpkin pastas and bakes with ease. Roasted sage can often be founded nestled amongst creamy pumpkin sauces in your favourite winter pasta. Even the simplest roast pumpkin pieces take on an entirely new dimension with the addition of sage and garlic – simply toss through the baking tray with a little bit of oil to wake up these great flavour partners.

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Flavours to take your roast pumpkin to the next level | The Neff Kitchen (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

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